Of course, I’m not saying that those armor HAVE to head down there, but it DOES give the Japanese a second thought, especially with an American fleet proceeding into their home waters.
Japan Basic Strategies, Concepts and Ideas
It depends on the number of subs but DDs alone do not deter an attack.
Consider this:
Attacker: 6 subs
Defense: 2 dd, 2 ac, 4 ftrs (def has no island to land on)Round 1 - 2 hits to 4 hits
Round 2 - 2 subs vs. 2 ac, 4 ftrs?
Now the ftrs can’t shoot back?
and it is essentally 2 subs vs. 2 ac. Not a bad battle there.Or did the Def lose an AC the previous turn? If that is the case you can retreat and not only sink an AC but down two ftrs for free.
Granted this is a bit simplistic but assuming you can get the subs in range you might be able to create some OOL problems for your opponent.
If you expect large scale naval battles (Jap vs. US). It is nice to buy some cheap fodder (4 subs for 24) assuming you already have your heavy hitters. Even though they defend at 1, sometimes you just need the numbers, esp when you have 1-2 dd and a couple loaded ACs. IMO they make sense for the US if you are going to be aggressive in the Pac, since they are a nice cheap attacking unit.
Why spend 8, when 6 will do?
If you are agressive, at some point you need to sink Japan’s 3 ACs, 1 BB plus whatever else they buy, and subs attack just as well as DDs so you’ll probably want to go with cheapness and numbers. -
This was my first turn as Japan in my latest game. I won all the battles, but lost the DD at Pearl and only a few inf overall. It went really well.
Buy 2 trns, 1 inf.
Bor - mt vs. 1 inf (car via trn)
Sum - mt vs. 2 inf (car via trn)
Sz 53 - bb vs. dd (sz 51), 2 ftrs (sz 57)
Sz 56 - trn, dd vs. 2 ftrs (sz 57)
Sz 35 - trn, dd vs. 2 ftrs (sz 61)
Yun - 1 inf, 1 ftr vs. 3 inf (fic), 2 ftrs (man, for)
Sui - 1 inf vs. 3 inf (man)
Hup - 1 inf vs. 3 inf (kia)
Kwa - 1 inf vs. 1 inf, 1 rt (sz 61), 1 ca (sz 61)
Sz 50 - trn, dd vs. 1 ftr (jap), 1 bb (sz 61) [1 trn with 2 inf from sz 61, 1 trn with 1 inf oki, 1 arm jap] - ftr will land on ac moving from sz 57 to 60 if needed
Phil - 2 inf vs. 3 inf, 1 arm (sz 61, oki, jap) -
But if my DD prevents your submarines from getting within 2 sea zones of my fleet for fear of being obliterated by my air power, what good are your submarines?
I believe a rather intelligent player wouldn’t get into that situation unless it was completely unavoidable. Odds are if you have 6 submarines, your opponent will probably have 3 destroyers, 2 Cruisers, Aircraft Carrier, 2 Fighters and 2 IPC left over. (Just taking the same cash money for a more realistically balanced navy.)
Notice how the submarines are pretty much useless attacking this fleet and how they can be easily crushed by the fleet if they have to go on the defense.
Thing is, guys, submarines are so easily pushed aside and negated they really serve no purpose anymore. Perhaps if we gave them the ability to block naval movement back they’d have at least the function of cheap fodder to slow the enemy.
I’ll point out:
10,000 Submarines vs 1 Destroyer and 4,999 Bombers (almost same cost) should result with:
3,333 hits from the attacker
1 hit from the defenderCost to the attacker: 8 IPC
Cost to the defender: 19,998 IPCHonestly that argument holds no water. Thats like saying AA guns are useless because if your opponent brings only tanks and infantry they cant do anything (and the AA guns are CAPTURED unlike the sub).
Subs create opportunities that DDs cannot. Its that simple. They dont replace DDs, they fulfill a different (and still highly useful) purpose. IMO, CVs and BBs are far better combatants than DDs. Given my druthers, I’d build mostly BBs and CVs with DDs only for screening. But the presence of subs forces DD builds…and they are cheaper. If Player A has a few CVs/BBs and DDs and player B attacks with equal value of CVs/BBs and Subs, player B should have a pretty significant advantage in the combat.
In the end, I guess time will tell if subs end up in the scrapyard, but at this point I’m seeing entirely too much success with them to dismiss them out of hand.
You can make some pretty neat houses from submarines using them like matchsticks! Outside of that, they serve little or no purpose. (they do work as toothpicks though!)
Honestly, an analogy to an AA Gun is not really realistic. You start with AA Guns. Japan is not starting with Submarines and Germany’s losing all of hers in the first round. America might have one for a while, but outside of that, you have to specifically start buying them en masse in order to do any of the combats I’ve seen proposed.
Meanwhile, do you honestly think your opponent is going to see you investing heavily into submarines and buy battleships? Of course not! She’s going to buy up a couple of destroyers and a load of fighters and bombers (which, btw, can actually do other things if your sub commanders are smart and stay WAY THE HELL AWAY FROM THE ENEMY AIR FORCE.)
At least if you invest the added couple of IPC into your fleet to make those submarines destroyers you have double the defense and cannot fall prey to enemy air force without the ability to defend yourself.
Maybe just use them for pacific island sailing. If the japanese are keeping multiple fighters
bombers out in their islands which are not under invasion threat, then they are not on the mainland helping. When the DD comes to stop you from harassing his transports, if it comes alone, it has to come towards you and thus you will be the one who gets to attack. If he sends more then 1 DD then you just diverted a lot for only 6 bucks and you can run away and then either he follows in which case you wasted more of its time or if he goes back you go back. Basically use them to make it more work to get all those infantry off the various pacific islands that usually get taken to the mainland. Every sub that makes a DD chase it just bought 2 IPCs right? Just dont let them attack first. Make the first move and they have to come to you -
is a good idea, Kendric.
But the one submarine you have with America at the start is enough for that. Maybe a second one.
I thought this was the '41 section. The US has no subs in 41 and the Japanese have to take all those islands in 41. This isn’t revised either and with the kind of money Japan makes I see no pressing need to go fetch all those infantry like revised.
Ok, lets try a different tack. You tout the 1 DD and 500 Bombers or whatever vs 1000 Subs. Obviously thats completely silly. But at the very least if a plane is attacking a sub (AND you’ve commited a DD), then thats one more place where that plane is NOT. And in many cases that is a completely fine investment of IPCs as America. If I can keep Japanese planes and CVs floating around the Pacific on ASW, then they arent bothering the Russians or the Chinese or the Brits. You are tieing up a DD and prolly 2 Fighters and likely the CV to base them on to kill a sub that is cheap and easily replaced. If you want to commit bombers, even better. Time can be as big of a resource in A&A than IPCs are IMO.
In any case, until you’ve seen subs well handled, I guess you’ll continue to dismiss them as useless. Thats fine, but I believe you are selling yourself really short on the Pacific tactics.
Trust me Jenn well knows the value of subs in OTHER versions of A&A. I use them myself sometimes in the PTO in Revised, however in THIS incarnation of A&A they are nearly worthless.
In Classic, Revised and Enhanced, the Submarine is an invaluable tool of any naval combat.
In Anniversary, they are a joke at best, a horrible waste of manufacturing time at the Hasbro plants at worse.
I used 10,000 submarines and 1 destroyer with 4,999 bombers (equivalent cost) for a reason. It demonstrates just how bad the submarine is. It’s akin to running a simulator over 10,000 identical battles to see if this one battle should go your way or not (like when you use Frood to find out the probably results.)
However, in this case, it is very simple to see that any major submarine investment is going to end up costing you a lot more than your opponent will lose going with a couple of destroyers and a large air investment.
You’ve mentioned that you can just keep your submarines out of range of your opponents destroyers. That’s great! But what, exactly, are your submarines doing then? They are not helping you win the war, they’re too busy running away! (Watch the movie Das Boot, that submarine did more for Germany in that movie than any submarine in Anniversary will likely do for you in the end.)
If you don’t run away, then your opponent can easily swoop in with a destroyer and a whole bunch of planes to sink a large number of your submarines for very minimal cost to himself. (Sure, if you have enough submarines he may only get one round, but in that one round he can still sink 1 submarine for every 2 aircraft attacking on average, maybe more once you factor in bombers and/or technologies. That group of submarines, no matter how many there are, can only sink the destroyer, you cannot sink more than that.)
All I am saying is, if you have a choice between submarines and anything else, including extra AA Guns, you may want to seriously consider the “anything else.” (Though, perhaps the submarine might be better than an extra AA Gun…they cost the same, but I can see a situation where the gun would be slightly worse than the submarine.)
I used 10,000 submarines and 1 destroyer with 4,999 bombers (equivalent cost) for a reason. It demonstrates just how bad the submarine is. It’s akin to running a simulator over 10,000 identical battles to see if this one battle should go your way or not (like when you use Frood to find out the probably results.)
And its still an inane argument and very much like the AA gun vs Tanks. If you insist on using something incorrectly, expect to get poor results. I bet you could send 5000 TRs against 1 sub and I bet you are gonna lose. Does that mean TRs are useless? Ditto for CVs…Buy all CVs and aircraft and I’ll put them against equal IPC of subs…hell, you can even attack and I’ll defend with ‘worthless subs’ and still win…CVs and planes are useless? Come on…
If you have valid analysis I’d love to hear it, but making ridiculous comparisons and examples does exactly zero to promote a case.
In the games I play,subs serve a valuable purpose tactically,at least for Japan and the US. I usually commit the US to attacking Japan and re-capturing the island chains. This forces Japan to fight for the economically vital islands in the SW Pac. The subs lurk around the in ones and twos,trying to stay outside the range of any destroyers and looking for a chance to slip through the islands and attack unprotected ships,mainly transports and carriers of course. They are also bait. The layout of the islands and the way they are connected offers a lot of possibilities to maneuver. To just say they are valueless is short-sighted.
I don’t think anyone is saying “just build all subs” I think people are saying “build a sub or two a turn, you never know when they can get in a good kill and if not, hey fodder and attack on a 2 isnt bad for 6 IPC”.
So i think everyone agrees that, just building subs=dumb, subs as part of a fleet=probably good idea. Or i could have misread everything as its 3 AM.
Actually, Bugoo, they are saying build primarily nothing but submarines and let your surviving surface vessels carry the rest of the load.
My argument is that I’ll kill any kind of fleet designed that way in this game. It doesn’t have a chance. Air Power trumps navies now and submarines are absolutely worthless both against air power and against naval forces when they are attacked.
One person had a valid way to keep their submarines alive, RUN AWAY! Which, coincidentally, also happens to completely negate them as a fighting force and they can be ignored.
Look, I’m not saying to have a fleet with NO SUBMARINES. I can see utility in having like 1, maybe 2 and on the extreme end, 3 (proportional to fleet size, of course.) I’m just saying there are way better uses for that money!
I feel the same way with Battleships. I’m not saying you should never buy one, but I also think there are better uses for that money.
My honest opinion, if you have more submarines than battleships, you probably screwed up your builds. A properly built fleet should look similar to this, IMHO (In my honest opinion):
2-Aircraft Carriers
3-Cruisers (for bombardments)
6 to 12- Destroyers (your main trading unit, these can be used like submarines were used before, hence why there are so many)
1 to 2-Submarines
1 to 3-BombersNotice, there are submarines, just not as the main unit. They’re only present to take advantage of sloppy play by your opponent, not as any main combat unit and definitely not as any kind of fodder piece!
Out of curiosity, how long do your games tend to run (in turns)?
It sounds like you are used to more of a ‘build up’ and ‘stand off’ than I’ve seen in my games (so far at least). If you have the resources and time to pile that much stuff into a fleet to protect a few TRs then we are playing in completely different realms. ;)
I believe a rather intelligent player wouldn’t get into that situation unless it was completely unavoidable. Odds are if you have 6 submarines, your opponent will probably have 3 destroyers, 2 Cruisers, Aircraft Carrier, 2 Fighters and 2 IPC left over. (Just taking the same cash money for a more realistically balanced navy.)
Notice how the submarines are pretty much useless attacking this fleet and how they can be easily crushed by the fleet if they have to go on the defense.
Thing is, guys, submarines are so easily pushed aside and negated they really serve no purpose anymore. Perhaps if we gave them the ability to block naval movement back they’d have at least the function of cheap fodder to slow the enemy.
I agree about the blocking function, but they are still a good buy in certain circumstances if you intend to sink navies (read US Pac strat).
I’m not advocating a “sub only” policy, but I will consider large amounts of subs as part of a fleet to sink an opposing fleet.
Simply put to attack you can pay 6 ipc (sub) to get a 2 or 8 (dd). Why spend more if your intent is only to attack?
ACs + ftrs provide the air defenses, throw in a DD or two sure, but after that if you can spend say 48 ipc over 2 turns, why not place 8 subs vs. 6 dd? Mix and match with some Capital ships thrown in and you have a nice versital navy.Sure, at some point you have to move your fleet in range, but your dd, ac+ftrs, and other captial ships provide air cover from plane only attacks and the subs can participate if it is navy vs. navy, and if that is the case you want cheap fodder. The last thing you want is for the opposing army to rip through your fodder in only one rd making strafes highly profitable or they continue on until they can start trading their lower units (at this point probably dds or ftrs) for your CAs, ACs, BBs.
I see the US as the main sub buyer.
Not sure how long some of Jenn’s games have run. The first few games I played in AA50 were over quickly, say round 6. I just surrendered a game in round 13 that was going to be decided in 2 more rounds. I also have another game that is currently over 10 rounds. At first '41 seems like a slam dunk for the Axis. As you play it more you find more Allied counters, and in turn Axis counters to those counters. I know it is easy to have a Revised game with out any major diceings go into the 20s. I suspect within a month or two AA50 '41 games will also be like that.
I’m not seeing a lot of utility for American submarines either.
You’ll be spending a lot of time building up surface fleets to protect your submarines before you buy the submarines. If you don’t the instant you move in range, all those submarines are dead and it only cost Japan 8 ipc.
Or, you can use far less time, build some warships and destroyers for fodder, and get that British National Objective for conquering an Orange territory by round 2 or 3.
The question, I guess, is do you want to win the game quickly and decisively, or do you want to pussyfoot around for 20 rounds building warships to protect your submarines while Japan grows into a monster?
As for myself, I’ve learned my lesson, you have to hit Japan, hit them hard, but especially HIT THEM FAST!
What I was saying about subs is best summed up with an MMORPG term, kiting. You bring the sub in, they either don’t respond and maybe you sink a transport, or not, and if they do respond you run away 2 squares or 1 depending on how close. If they persue with destroyer and land planes nearby, your sub just did its job and distracted 1 or more planes. Then retreat some more and repeat as needed, coming back to “pull” them again as needed. This is a job for 1-2 subs at most.