Title: take 10 paces, then draw (1942)
Date: 1/31/2009
Special Rules: techs and NO’s
Victor: none unfortunately
Game Length: 8 hours, 7 or 8 rounds maybe
Bias: we’re pretty close in skill level
Description: we may have set a record, the 1st 4 countries in rd 1 got tech with only 1 die!! japan got jet fighters, russia got rockets, germany got mech inf, uk got super subs (lol), no die for italy and US bought one but didn’t hit right away. tech was further pursued by ger, russia, uk and us with russia getting war bonds and US getting heavy bombers.
japan bought IC for manchuria, took out flying tiger J1, and built up pacific fleet. i threatened WUS and eventually took alaska, but lost the higher priced islands near the end of our game (philip taken back, and next turn would have got back other islands)
russia hung in there til the end, losing russia during our last round. it would have been retaken next turn. they went with a good mix of mostly inf and some tanks, and held the line quite well.they were making great money near the end (40ish with obj) but never were able to threaten germany.also took the man ic for a turn, i stupidly took off my fighters to land on carrier to threaten us.
germany took karelia right away and never lost it, kept their navy going a little bit and kept paying off damage to his IC’s. lost france on uk1 based on bad dice vs eastern canada fleet. they kept trading territories with russia and eventually took the capitol.
uk built IC in eastern canada uk1 and one in india uk2. they took france round 1 but lost it to italy right away. thay pumped out loaded transports from canada to africa and to keep gibralter, 3 tanks per turn in india and bombers for SBR.
italy had to take back france right away so they had to ignore africa 1st turn, also got attacked by uk in libya during uk1. italy could never get a good hold on africa and the multinational fleet just outside of mad was too much for her fleet to handle. during the last round she finally had a tank in africa and would have been able to take it unmolested (too little too late)
US split her monies between both theaters, and after getting heavy bmbrs spent alot of money on them. they kept sending troops to morocco and to gibralter whern necessary, eventually took some of japan’s southern islands near the end. they were primed to attack with their fleet and 4 Hbombrs from phillip but lost all of it during J’s last round.
Observations/Recommendations: obviously tech played a huge role, heavy bombers maybe are still too strong? it was a well fought game, we need to start earlier or try to start up where we left off. we talked about playing some time w/o techs to make it more “pure”. we’ll see, i’m looking forward to our next marathon. IMO the axis were 2-3 turns from victory, i’m sure the allied player would disagree with me, but who cares what he thinks?