I have a situation where I can attack sz12 containing 4 transports with a fighter which requires the fighter to move 3 spaces from sz16. The only safe landing spot would be sz13. I have a carrier with another fighter in sz16. There is a fleet of 2 destroyers, a carrier, and 2 fighters in sz13.
In the Air Units section it states:
"In order to demonstrate that an air unit MAY have a safe landing zone, you may assume that all of your attacking rolls will be hits, and all defending rolls will be misses. You cannot, however, use a planned retreat of any carrier to demonstrate a possible safe landing zone for any fighter.
If you declare that a carrier will move during the Noncombat Move phase to provide a safe landing zone for a fighter moved in the Combat Move phase, you must follow through and move the carrier to its planned location in the Noncombat Move phase unless the fighter has landed safely elsewhere of has been destroyed before then."
My plan is to attack sz12 with 1 fighter to kill the transports and to attack the fleet in sz13 with the other fighter. I will declare the carrier will noncom to sz13. Using what is said in the air units section, I can assume my lone fighter will kill the fleet and I will be able to land the fighters.
If the fleet in sz13 kills my fighter and maintains control of sz13, then I cannot noncombat move the carrier to sz13 since it is hostile. Therefore the fighter is lost in sz12.
Is this a valid move per the rulebook?