Ok then, I have created an example document I could use. Tell me if this is about the same as what you were suggesting.
Phase 5: Collection phase
In this phase, you earn production, railroad capacity, increase research, check national moral/unity, and add manpower.
IPCs: look up your power�s national production level (indicated by your control marker) on the National Production Chart. This is the amount of IPC income you have generated. Collect that number of IPCs from the bank by having the banker add it to the total number of IPCs in your powers treasury.
If your capital is under an enemy power�s control, you can�t collect income.
Convoys: any convoy that resides in the port of an original regional territory you control, you may remove it and collect 2 additional IPCs for every convoy removed in this manner.
Railroad capacity: check how much railroad capacity you currently have and your maximum railroad capacity. Now collect railroad capacity until you reach your maximum.
Increase research: add research to each field of research equal to the amount of research you currently have in that sector. Also check if you have completed any piece of research.
Check national moral/unity: check how many IPCs you have collected in this phase. Now check the amount of IPCs you started the game with. Now use a calculator and put in:
(Starting amount of IPCs) � (current national unity by percentage) =
If the final outcome is lower than the amount of IPCs you just collected, then your nation has officially surrendered and you must now follow standard surrendering rules. (P.?)
Adding man power: increase the man power of territories you own (not contested) and increase the man power their by the amount referenced in the man power chart.