TripleA Turn Summary: Finland round 6
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total World War: December 1941 3.0
Game History
Round: 6
Reconnaissance Missions - Finland
Finland collect 0 PUs; end with 9 PUs
Reinforcing - DanubeAxis
DanubeAxis collect 0 PUs; end with 13 PUs
Counter Intelligence Operations - VichyFrance
VichyFrance collect 0 PUs; end with 12 PUs
Research Technology - Germany
Trigger germanaTIL: Germany gains access to ImprovedLogistics
Trigger germanaTIDS: Germany gains access to ImprovedDefensiveStructures
Germany spend 0 on tech rolls
Germany rolls : 1/1 hits, 0.00 expected hits
Germany removing all Technology Tokens after successful research.
Germany discover ImprovedLogistics
Combat Move - Germany
Trigger germanAirtraninfra1: Setting isInfrastructure to false for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport
Trigger germanAirtraninfra1: Setting attack to 1 for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport
Trigger germanAirtraninfra1: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy cleared for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport
Trigger germanL4: Setting movement to 6 for unitAttachment attached to Train
Trigger germanL2: Setting movement to 3 for unitAttachment attached to Truck
Trigger germanHvyTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to germanHeavyTank
Trigger germanTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to germanTank
Trigger germanMecht3: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to germanMech.Infantry
Some non-combat units are destroyed:
Trigger germanMecht4: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to germanMech.Infantry
Trigger germanHvyTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to germanHeavyTank
Trigger germanTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to germanTank
1 germanInfantry moved from Murmansk to Kola Penninsula
Finland take Kola Penninsula from Russia
1 germanInfantry moved from Western Karelia to Eastern Karelia
Germany take Eastern Karelia from Russia
1 germanArtillery moved from Eastern Finland to Leningrad
1 germanInfantry moved from Eastern Finland to Leningrad
3 germanInfantrys moved from Belorussia to Pskov
4 germanFighters, 1 germanNavalFighter, 2 germanStrategicBombers and 1 germanTacticalBomber moved from Lativa Estonia to Pskov
2 germanTanks moved from Hungary Slovakia to Bulgaria
1 germanTransport moved from 48 Sea Zone to 51 Sea Zone
1 germanInfantry moved from Cyrenaica to 51 Sea Zone
1 germanInfantry moved from Western Egypt to 51 Sea Zone
2 germanInfantrys and 1 germanTransport moved from 51 Sea Zone to 53 Sea Zone
2 germanInfantrys moved from 53 Sea Zone to Sinai
2 germanMech.Infantrys and 2 germanTanks moved from Western Egypt to Sinai
1 germanDestroyer moved from 51 Sea Zone to 53 Sea Zone
1 germanAlpineInfantry, 1 germanAntiTankGun, 6 germanArtillerys, 1 germanCombatEngineer, 24 germanInfantrys, 2 germanMech.Infantrys, 1 germanParatrooper and 7 germanTanks moved from Lativa Estonia to Leningrad
2 germanInfantrys moved from Lithuania to 29 Sea Zone
2 germanInfantrys moved from 29 Sea Zone to Leningrad
6 germanTanks moved from Lithuania to Leningrad
Combat - Germany
Germany creates battle in territory 69 Sea Zone
Battle in Pskov
Germany attack with 4 germanFighters, 3 germanInfantrys, 1 germanNavalFighter, 2 germanStrategicBombers and 1 germanTacticalBomber
Russia defend with 1 Flagpole and 2 russianCombatEngineers
Germany roll dice for 4 germanFighters, 3 germanInfantrys, 1 germanNavalFighter, 2 germanStrategicBombers and 1 germanTacticalBomber in Pskov, round 2 : 3/1 hits, 2.75 expected hits
Russia roll dice for 2 russianCombatEngineers in Pskov, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits
1 germanInfantry owned by the Germany lost in Pskov
2 russianCombatEngineers owned by the Russia lost in Pskov
Germany win, taking Pskov from Russia with 4 germanFighters, 2 germanInfantrys, 1 germanNavalFighter, 2 germanStrategicBombers and 1 germanTacticalBomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 5
Casualties for Germany: 1 germanInfantry
Casualties for Russia: 2 russianCombatEngineers
Battle in Sinai
Germany attack with 2 germanInfantrys, 2 germanMech.Infantrys and 2 germanTanks
Egypt defend with 1 Flagpole and 1 Rail; Britain defend with 2 britishInfantrys
Germany roll dice for 2 germanInfantrys, 2 germanMech.Infantrys and 2 germanTanks in Sinai, round 2 : 2/0 hits, 2.00 expected hits
Egypt roll dice for 2 britishInfantrys in Sinai, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits
1 germanInfantry owned by the Germany lost in Sinai
2 britishInfantrys owned by the Britain lost in Sinai
Germany win, taking Sinai from Egypt with 1 germanInfantry, 2 germanMech.Infantrys and 2 germanTanks remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for Germany: 1 germanInfantry
Casualties for Britain: 2 britishInfantrys
Battle in Leningrad
Germany attack with 1 germanAlpineInfantry, 1 germanAntiTankGun, 7 germanArtillerys, 1 germanCombatEngineer, 27 germanInfantrys, 2 germanMech.Infantrys, 1 germanParatrooper and 13 germanTanks
Russia defend with 1 Flagpole, 2 Rails, 1 russianAirfield, 1 russianBarracks, 1 russianDocks, 1 russianEntrenchment, 1 russianFortification and 4 russianInfantrys
Germany roll dice for 1 germanAlpineInfantry, 1 germanAntiTankGun, 7 germanArtillerys, 1 germanCombatEngineer, 27 germanInfantrys, 2 germanMech.Infantrys, 1 germanParatrooper and 13 germanTanks in Leningrad, round 2 : 15/1 hits, 15.42 expected hits
Russia roll dice for 1 russianEntrenchment, 1 russianFortification and 4 russianInfantrys in Leningrad, round 2 : 3/1 hits, 3.50 expected hits
1 germanInfantry owned by the Germany, 1 germanAntiTankGun owned by the Germany and 1 germanAlpineInfantry owned by the Germany lost in Leningrad
4 russianInfantrys owned by the Russia, 1 russianEntrenchment owned by the Russia and 1 russianFortification owned by the Russia lost in Leningrad
Some non-combat units are destroyed:
Germany win, taking Leningrad from Russia with 7 germanArtillerys, 1 germanCombatEngineer, 26 germanInfantrys, 2 germanMech.Infantrys, 1 germanParatrooper and 13 germanTanks remaining. Battle score for attacker is 19
Casualties for Germany: 1 germanAlpineInfantry, 1 germanAntiTankGun and 1 germanInfantry
Casualties for Russia: 1 russianEntrenchment, 1 russianFortification and 4 russianInfantrys
Battle in 69 Sea Zone
Germany attack with 1 germanSubmarine
Usa defend with 2 americanDestroyers
1 germanSubmarine owned by the Germany submerged
Battle in Bulgaria
Germany attack with 2 germanTanks
Russia defend with 1 Flagpole and 1 russianInfantry
Germany roll dice for 2 germanTanks in Bulgaria, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits
Russia roll dice for 1 russianInfantry in Bulgaria, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
Germany roll dice for 2 germanTanks in Bulgaria, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits
Russia roll dice for 1 russianInfantry in Bulgaria, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 germanTank owned by the Germany lost in Bulgaria
1 russianInfantry owned by the Russia lost in Bulgaria
Some non-combat units are destroyed:
Germany winUsa winUsa win with 2 americanDestroyers remaining with 2 americanDestroyers remaining, taking Bulgaria from Russia with 1 germanTank remaining. Battle score for attacker is -3
Casualties for Germany: 1 germanTank
Casualties for Russia: 1 russianInfantry
Non Combat Move - Germany
Trigger germanMecht1: Setting isLandTransport to true for unitAttachment attached to germanMech.Infantry
Trigger IncomeRegulationVichy1: Setting switch to true for conditionAttachmentYesVichy attached to VichyFrance
Trigger germanAirtraninfra2: Setting isInfrastructure to true for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport
Trigger germanAirtraninfra2: Setting attack to 0 for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport
Trigger germanAirtraninfra2: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy to FROM:Germany for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport
Trigger germanL5: Setting movement to 5 for unitAttachment attached to Train
Trigger germanL3: Setting movement to 2 for unitAttachment attached to Truck
Trigger germanMecht2: Setting isLandTransport to false for unitAttachment attached to germanMech.Infantry
Trigger germanProd: Germany has 1 Material placed in Berlin
1 Material, 1 Truck, 1 germanAntiTankGun, 1 germanMech.Infantry and 1 germanParatrooper moved from Kharkov to Western Ukraine
1 germanArtillery moved from Southern Ukraine to Western Ukraine
1 germanTank moved from Belorussia to Western Ukraine
1 Truck moved from Belorussia to Western Ukraine
1 Material and 1 Truck moved from Eastern Germany to Belorussia
1 Truck moved from Lativa Estonia to Poland
1 Material and 1 Truck moved from Poland to Lithuania
1 Material, 1 Train and 1 germanInfantry moved from Poland to Western Ukraine
1 Material, 1 Train and 1 germanInfantry moved from Western Germany to Eastern Poland
1 germanArtillery moved from Eastern Germany to Poland
4 germanFighters, 1 germanNavalFighter, 2 germanStrategicBombers and 1 germanTacticalBomber moved from Pskov to Belorussia
2 germanInfantrys moved from Lithuania to Belorussia
8 germanTanks moved from Eastern Germany to Eastern Poland
1 Train moved from Eastern Poland to Western Ukraine
2 germanInfantrys moved from Poland to Eastern Poland
1 germanTank moved from Southern Germany to Poland
3 germanTanks moved from Western Germany to Bohemia Moravia
2 germanTanks moved from Vichy France to Austria
1 germanInfantry moved from Northern Italy to Austria
1 germanAntiAirGun moved from Northern Italy to Austria
1 germanFighter moved from Vichy France to Western Ukraine
3 germanInfantrys moved from Finland to Eastern Finland
1 germanInfantry moved from Murmansk to Western Karelia
1 Truck moved from Northern Finland to Eastern Finland
1 Truck and 1 germanParatrooper moved from Northern Finland to Leningrad
2 germanInfantrys moved from Northern Germany to Eastern Germany
1 germanStrategicBomber moved from Southern Germany to Western Ukraine
1 germanFighter moved from Southern Germany to Western Ukraine
1 germanTacticalBomber moved from Southern Germany to Western Ukraine
1 germanAirTransport moved from Southern Germany to Eastern France
1 germanAirTransport moved from Eastern France to Paris
1 germanAirTransport moved from Western Ukraine to Poland
1 Truck and 1 germanInfantry moved from Western Egypt to Sinai
2 germanArtillerys, 1 germanFighter and 4 germanInfantrys moved from Western Egypt to Cairo
1 germanCombatEngineer and 1 germanInfantry moved from Al Kufrah to Western Egypt
1 germanMech.Infantry moved from Cyrenaica to Western Egypt
Purchase Units - Germany
Germany buy 4 germanInfantrys, 3 germanStrategicBombers and 4 germanTanks; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 0 techTokens;
Place Units - Germany
4 germanInfantrys placed in Eastern Germany
4 germanTanks placed in Western Germany
3 germanStrategicBombers placed in Southern Germany
Units in Western Ukraine being upgraded or consumed: 2 Materials
1 germanBarracks placed in Western Ukraine
Activate Technology - Germany
Germany activating ImprovedLogistics
Trigger germanIL1: Setting maxScrambleCount to 3 for unitAttachment attached to germanAirfield
Turn Complete - Germany
Germany collect 70 PUs; end with 70 PUs
Objective VichyFrance2: Germany met a national objective for an additional 3 PUs; end with 73 PUs
Units generate 3 techTokens; Germany end with 3 techTokens
Units Change Ownership
Some Units in Northern Finland change ownership: 2 germanCombatEngineers
Some Units in Vichy France change ownership: 2 Materials
Purchase Units - VichyFrance
VichyFrance buy 1 Train; Remaining resources: 2 PUs;
Place Units - VichyFrance
1 Train, 1 germanArtillery and 1 germanInfantry placed in Vichy France
Turn Complete - VichyFrance
VichyFrance collect 10 PUs; end with 12 PUs
Some Units in Vichy France change ownership: 2 Materials, 1 Train, 1 germanArtillery and 1 germanInfantry
Purchase Units - DanubeAxis
DanubeAxis buy 2 germanTanks; Remaining resources: 1 PUs;
Place Units - DanubeAxis
2 germanTanks placed in Hungary Slovakia
Turn Complete - DanubeAxis
DanubeAxis collect 12 PUs; end with 13 PUs
Some Units in Hungary Slovakia change ownership: 2 germanTanks
Purchase Units - Finland
Finland buy 3 germanInfantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;
Place Units - Finland
3 germanInfantrys placed in Finland
Turn Complete - Finland
Finland collect 10 PUs; end with 10 PUs
Units Change Ownership
Some Units in Finland change ownership: 3 germanInfantrys
Some Units in Northern Finland change ownership: 2 germanCombatEngineers
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Germany regular : -0.50
Egypt regular : 0.50
Germany rolls : 1.00
Russia regular : 0.17
Territory Summary for DanubeAxis, Finland, Germany and VichyFrance :
13 Sea Zone : 1 flag
15 Sea Zone : 1 flag
27 Sea Zone : 1 germanHull
29 Sea Zone : 1 germanTransport
48 Sea Zone : 2 germanDestroyers and 1 germanSubmarine
53 Sea Zone : 1 germanDestroyer and 1 germanTransport
69 Sea Zone : 1 germanSubmarine
Al Kufrah : 1 germanAntiAirGun
Austria : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanAntiAirGun, 1 germanBarracks, 1 germanInfantry and 2 germanTanks
Belorussia : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole, 1 Material, 1 Rail, 1 Truck, 1 germanAntiTankGun, 1 germanArtillery, 1 germanCombatEngineer, 4 germanFighters, 2 germanInfantrys, 1 germanNavalFighter, 2 germanStrategicBombers and 1 germanTacticalBomber
Berlin : 1 Flagpole, 3 Materials, 2 Rails, 1 ResearchCenter, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanAntiAirGun and 1 germanBarracks
Bessarabia : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanAirfield and 1 germanAntiAirGun
Bohemia Moravia : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanAirfield and 3 germanTanks
Bulgaria : 1 Flagpole and 1 germanTank
Cairo : 2 germanArtillerys, 1 germanFighter and 4 germanInfantrys
Central Norway : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanAntiAirGun, 2 germanArtillerys, 2 germanInfantrys and 1 germanMech.Infantry
Copenhagen : 1 Flagpole and 1 germanAirfield
Corsica : 1 Flagpole
Crete : 1 Flagpole, 1 Material, 1 germanAirfield and 1 germanArtillery
Crimea : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole
Denmark : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanEntrenchment and 1 germanInfantry
Eastern Finland : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 Truck, 1 germanAirfield, 2 germanAntiAirGuns, 1 germanEntrenchment, 2 germanFortifications and 3 germanInfantrys
Eastern France : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanAntiTankGun and 5 germanInfantrys
Eastern French Africa : 1 Flagpole
Eastern Germany : 1 Flagpole, 2 Rails, 1 germanAircraftPlant, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanBarracks, 1 germanDocks, 1 germanFactory and 6 germanInfantrys
Eastern Karelia : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole and 1 germanInfantry
Eastern Poland : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole, 1 Material, 1 Rail, 1 germanAirfield, 3 germanInfantrys and 8 germanTanks
Finland : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanAircraftPlant, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanBarracks, 1 germanDocks, 1 germanFactory and 3 germanInfantrys
French Guyana : 1 Flagpole
French Indochina : 1 Flagpole
French West Africa : 1 Flagpole and 1 Rail
Hungary Slovakia : 1 Flagpole, 2 Rails, 1 germanAircraftPlant, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanAntiAirGun, 1 germanBarracks, 1 germanFactory and 2 germanTanks
Kharkov : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole and 1 germanAirfield
Kola Penninsula : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole and 1 germanInfantry
Lativa Estonia : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole and 1 germanAntiAirGun
Leningrad : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole, 1 Truck, 7 germanArtillerys, 1 germanCombatEngineer, 26 germanInfantrys, 2 germanMech.Infantrys, 2 germanParatroopers and 13 germanTanks
Lithuania : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole, 1 Material, 1 Rail and 1 Truck
Low Countries : 1 Flagpole, 1 UnitsForExiledAllies and 1 germanEntrenchment
Madagascar : 1 Flagpole, 1 germanAirfield and 1 germanInfantry
Murmansk : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole
Northern Finland : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 2 germanAlpineInfantrys, 2 germanCombatEngineers, 2 germanEntrenchments and 1 germanNavalFighter
Northern France : 1 Flagpole, 1 Material, 1 Rail, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanAntiAirGun and 1 germanEntrenchment
Northern Germany : 1 Flagpole, 2 Rails, 2 germanAirfields, 1 germanBarracks, 1 germanDocks and 1 germanFortification
Northern Norway : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail and 1 germanAirfield
Northern Yugoslavia : 1 Flagpole and 1 Rail
Norway : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 UnitsForExiledAllies, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanAntiAirGun and 1 germanEntrenchment
Paris : 1 Flagpole, 2 Rails, 1 UnitsForExiledAllies, 1 germanAirTransport, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanAntiAirGun, 1 germanArtillery, 1 germanCombatEngineer, 3 germanInfantrys, 2 germanMarines and 1 germanMech.Infantry
Pinsk Marshes : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole
Poland : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 UnitsForExiledAllies, 1 germanAirTransport, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanArtillery and 1 germanTank
Pskov : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole and 2 germanInfantrys
Romania : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanBarracks and 1 germanDocks
Sinai : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 Truck, 2 germanInfantrys, 2 germanMech.Infantrys and 2 germanTanks
Southern Germany : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanAircraftPlant, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanAntiAirGun, 1 germanEntrenchment and 3 germanStrategicBombers
Southern Ukraine : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole and 1 Rail
Tobruk : 1 Material
Tripolitania : 1 Material
Tunisia : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 Train, 1 UnitsForExiledAllies and 1 germanAntiAirGun
Vichy France : 1 Flagpole, 2 Materials, 1 Occupation, 1 Rail, 1 Train, 1 germanAircraftPlant, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanArtillery, 1 germanBarracks, 1 germanDocks, 1 germanFactory and 2 germanInfantrys
West Africa : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 UnitsForExiledAllies and 1 germanAirfield
Western Egypt : 1 germanCombatEngineer, 1 germanInfantry and 1 germanMech.Infantry
Western France : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 UnitsForExiledAllies, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanDocks and 1 germanEntrenchment
Western Germany : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 2 germanAirfields, 2 germanAntiAirGuns, 1 germanArtillery, 1 germanEntrenchment, 1 germanFactory, 5 germanInfantrys and 4 germanTanks
Western Karelia : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole and 1 germanInfantry
Western Ukraine : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole, 1 Material, 1 Rail, 2 Trains, 2 Trucks, 1 germanAntiTankGun, 1 germanArtillery, 1 germanBarracks, 1 germanCombatEngineer, 2 germanFighters, 1 germanInfantry, 1 germanMech.Infantry, 1 germanParatrooper, 1 germanStrategicBomber, 1 germanTacticalBomber and 1 germanTank
Production/PUs Summary :
Germany : 70 / 73
VichyFrance : 10 / 12
DanubeAxis : 12 / 13
Finland : 10 / 10
Russia : 59 / 66
Brazil : 7 / 0
Japan : 84 / 88
Manchuria : 10 / 10
Thailand : 9 / 9
China : 10 / 12
Spain : 8 / 0
Britain : 39 / 44
Canada : 15 / 17
ExiledAllies : 27 / 23
Egypt : 4 / 0
SouthAfrica : 7 / 7
India : 13 / 13
Australia : 17 / 17
Sweden : 7 / 0
Italy : 31 / 35
Usa : 68 / 68
Turkey : 7 / 0
Dice Statistics:
1 was rolled 40 times
2 was rolled 35 times
3 was rolled 31 times
4 was rolled 35 times
5 was rolled 33 times
6 was rolled 39 times
7 was rolled 38 times
8 was rolled 39 times
9 was rolled 43 times
10 was rolled 34 times
11 was rolled 45 times
12 was rolled 29 times
Average roll : 6.553
Median : 7.000
Variance : 0.569
Standard Deviation : 0.754
Total rolls : 441
Null / Other
1 was rolled 7 times
2 was rolled 6 times
3 was rolled 2 times
4 was rolled 5 times
5 was rolled 8 times
6 was rolled 5 times
7 was rolled 9 times
8 was rolled 6 times
9 was rolled 5 times
10 was rolled 2 times
11 was rolled 4 times
12 was rolled 6 times
Average roll : 6.262
Median : 6.000
Variance : 0.764
Standard Deviation : 0.874
Total rolls : 65
Manchuria Combat
1 was rolled 1 times
Average roll : 1.000
Median : 1.000
Variance : ∞
Standard Deviation : ∞
Total rolls : 1
Neutral Combat
3 was rolled 2 times
4 was rolled 1 times
7 was rolled 3 times
8 was rolled 1 times
9 was rolled 2 times
11 was rolled 1 times
Average roll : 6.800
Median : 7.000
Variance : 1.296
Standard Deviation : 1.139
Total rolls : 10
Usa Combat
1 was rolled 1 times
2 was rolled 7 times
3 was rolled 1 times
4 was rolled 1 times
5 was rolled 1 times
6 was rolled 2 times
8 was rolled 2 times
9 was rolled 2 times
10 was rolled 5 times
11 was rolled 4 times
Average roll : 6.423
Median : 7.000
Variance : 1.987
Standard Deviation : 1.409
Total rolls : 26
ExiledAllies Combat
2 was rolled 1 times
3 was rolled 1 times
4 was rolled 1 times
7 was rolled 1 times
10 was rolled 1 times
Average roll : 5.200
Median : 4.000
Variance : 0.729
Standard Deviation : 0.854
Total rolls : 5
VichyFrance Combat
1 was rolled 1 times
10 was rolled 2 times
11 was rolled 1 times
Average roll : 8.000
Median : 10.000
Variance : 1.556
Standard Deviation : 1.247
Total rolls : 4
Japan Combat
1 was rolled 5 times
2 was rolled 8 times
3 was rolled 8 times
4 was rolled 4 times
5 was rolled 6 times
6 was rolled 11 times
7 was rolled 6 times
8 was rolled 9 times
9 was rolled 8 times
10 was rolled 9 times
11 was rolled 8 times
12 was rolled 4 times
Average roll : 6.616
Median : 7.000
Variance : 0.608
Standard Deviation : 0.780
Total rolls : 86
Egypt Combat
2 was rolled 1 times
3 was rolled 1 times
6 was rolled 2 times
7 was rolled 1 times
8 was rolled 1 times
9 was rolled 1 times
Average roll : 5.857
Median : 6.000
Variance : 0.819
Standard Deviation : 0.905
Total rolls : 7
Britain Combat
1 was rolled 8 times
2 was rolled 3 times
3 was rolled 3 times
4 was rolled 6 times
5 was rolled 3 times
6 was rolled 4 times
8 was rolled 2 times
9 was rolled 9 times
10 was rolled 4 times
11 was rolled 9 times
12 was rolled 4 times
Average roll : 6.727
Median : 8.000
Variance : 1.647
Standard Deviation : 1.283
Total rolls : 55
Russia Combat
1 was rolled 5 times
2 was rolled 1 times
3 was rolled 8 times
4 was rolled 8 times
5 was rolled 4 times
6 was rolled 5 times
7 was rolled 4 times
8 was rolled 7 times
9 was rolled 5 times
10 was rolled 2 times
11 was rolled 7 times
12 was rolled 4 times
Average roll : 6.450
Median : 6.000
Variance : 0.915
Standard Deviation : 0.957
Total rolls : 60
China Combat
1 was rolled 4 times
2 was rolled 2 times
3 was rolled 2 times
4 was rolled 1 times
5 was rolled 3 times
6 was rolled 1 times
7 was rolled 4 times
8 was rolled 2 times
9 was rolled 4 times
10 was rolled 5 times
11 was rolled 5 times
12 was rolled 3 times
Average roll : 7.222
Median : 8.000
Variance : 0.629
Standard Deviation : 0.793
Total rolls : 36
Finland Combat
7 was rolled 1 times
11 was rolled 1 times
Average roll : 9.000
Median : 9.000
Variance : 1.667
Standard Deviation : 1.291
Total rolls : 2
Italy Combat
1 was rolled 1 times
3 was rolled 1 times
4 was rolled 3 times
6 was rolled 4 times
8 was rolled 3 times
9 was rolled 2 times
10 was rolled 2 times
11 was rolled 1 times
12 was rolled 2 times
Average roll : 7.211
Median : 8.000
Variance : 1.051
Standard Deviation : 1.025
Total rolls : 19
Germany Combat
1 was rolled 7 times
2 was rolled 6 times
3 was rolled 2 times
4 was rolled 5 times
5 was rolled 8 times
6 was rolled 5 times
7 was rolled 9 times
8 was rolled 6 times
9 was rolled 5 times
10 was rolled 2 times
11 was rolled 4 times
12 was rolled 6 times
Average roll : 6.262
Median : 6.000
Variance : 0.764
Standard Deviation : 0.874
Total rolls : 65