I don’t think it says either way, which is why I have all these questions.
phase 2 missing…
Warsaw - Eastern Europe
Bucharest - Balkans
Toronto - Eastern Canada
oh yeah when you add missing VCs to phase 2
would nice if there are in the same place as phase 3
a small touch
so far I think the VCs are in the small place where possible
duno how you make the two maps though
template or shared resource between the two maps?
ok thats sorted now
by the way I can see the old compass from the OOB map sometimes
is that actually in there but behind the the other layers?
It may be what i used to trace but im not sure. In any case it wont print that junk.
By the way can you make a technology chart too :lol:
Also can you send me illustrator files of the player aids too.
You can send illustrator files instead of jpeg from now on.
OK coming up.
By the way a photo of my enlarged A0 (16 A4’s) map.
you got a close up view?
Size is nice, A0 for this map.
Btw, is the new MAP with all the victory cities already done and to be posted?? Thanks!!
The MAP without Italy on this site is still without the victory cities of Toronto and Warsaw etc… The Italy map is correct. But I guess… that one was complete already, because they are also on the map you emailed me… :wink: I will print the map with Italy, but I think you should post the complete basic map also.
email me and youll get the file where all that is fixed. Djenson can only reload a new file once a month so it will take another week or so.
Mail has just been send out :-) Thanks!
oh yeah the A0 map in my photo is missing 3 Victory Cities
I’ve since reprinted the appropriate A4 sections
Imperious, have you printed the map yet? one piece, rollable, stain and wrinkle proof material? :wink:
Oh no.
One more thing.
Western Canada (both standard and italy map) has a different colour to other UK territories.
Need to change Western Canada to the same colour as the rest of UK territories.
That was fixed a while ago.
The latest files I got off you are
2006-12-22 standard map
2006-12-06 italy map
both has Western Canada as a light cream colour, other UK territories being darker/browner
2006-12-22 standard map has shadows other visual improvements
Yes the latter versions are not ones i can email anymore as the file size went up to nearly 12 MB.
i have to fiqure out how people can access these files.