@djensen ahh yes that was the problem. It shows up now. TY :)
Sorry CC.
It is an accomplishment for only being here 9 months, (for a forum that has been running since '00)… And not to include a modding position!
You say accomplishment, I say pitiful.
Angel’s old movie collection must fill a room in their house. That, or she’s got Gone With the Wind on loop.
This - as far as accomplishments go - is a very sad one.
It’s like bragging about the size of the lint ball that you have accumulated in your home - the attic of your mother’s house. Or having the bridge of your glasses repaired for the 95th time after those damn 3rd graders taunted you again with snowballs. Or just how rapidly you can blow up your “girlfriend”.
Thank you - NC - for removing from me that definition of “dubious distinction” and “infamous recognition”.I think that if someone charted my post counts over time, it would have resembled the right half of the frowny-face. This is good - evidence of me getting my life . . . going. Sadly it also is evidence that i haven’t played any A&A games online lately . . . maybe because of the (real) women and events in my life . . . ?
Does that mean you can no longer say that you have no life?
Does that mean you can no longer say that you have no life?
fair enough . . . .
By the way - just back from Toronto - VERY fun time. This one bar i think you might like - “laide”. Very groovy music, very groovy/gorgeous owner, and the '50’s porn being played on the walls . . . wild. -
groovy??? Think you need to get out still more! :evil:
It shouldnt be called having no life, cause then you can say the samething about anyone. People who play their guitar too much , someone who plays basketball all day, or even someone who likes read books all the time, would also have no life, right? Those activities arent constructive in someones life, but however are fun to do. I rather call it being passionate of what you do, and Switch here is simply passionate of talking to people via forum about A&A. Nothing wrong with that. Besides, its not like posts take hours to type. I ususally make a thought out post in less than 5 minutes. Besides if you think 5,000 posts is a lot, then you oviously havent been to the teamxbox forums, where the normal ammount of members posts are 15,000, and theyve only been there for less than a year.
I cut my teeth via Witch Wars.
I still remember the month with a post once every 6 minutes (actually a bit under 6 minutes). Just over 7500 posts in a single month.
It was a very chaotic month… And I was in the thick of it :-)
It shouldnt be called having no life, cause then you can say the samething about anyone. People who play their guitar too much , someone who plays basketball all day, or even someone who likes read books all the time, would also have no life, right? Those activities arent constructive in someones life, but however are fun to do. I rather call it being passionate of what you do, and Switch here is simply passionate of talking to people via forum about A&A. Nothing wrong with that. Besides, its not like posts take hours to type. I ususally make a thought out post in less than 5 minutes. Besides if you think 5,000 posts is a lot, then you oviously havent been to the teamxbox forums, where the normal ammount of members posts are 15,000, and theyve only been there for less than a year.
Given that i’m number 2,
I’ll call it whatever i like - “having no life”, “having a great life” - whatever.
You can redefine it when you have as many posts - then you can whine that this is an appropriate passion.
In the meantime - i consider the time that i’ve spent here “wasted time” - just like my developed expertise at Pirates, Civ I-III, and completion of most of the Bioware Sagas.
so there. -
I consider it Recreation :-)
I consider it Recreation :-)
shouldn’t this be in the “evolution” thread?
:-D -
Though I did sail through 6000 posts sometime recently… I had not noticed, but got a PM congratulating me on it.
BTW: Where do we stand on “rankings” above Heavy Bomber?
We need SOMETHING for 10,000 (then for 20,000…) :-P
Yep, planning ahead…
shakes head
so very sad.
If he gets to 10K it should wrap around like a video game. Thus he goes to Infantry again.
If he gets to 10K it should wrap around like a video game. Thus he goes to Infantry again.
Kinda like transcendency in Ragnarok. :-D (meaning reborn)
Why the F*** does this matter?
Jennifer Is that ur picture in ur avatar? -
It doesn’t matter. That is why it is in this particular forum.