I’ve been running this site for 25 years and have been enjoying doing it. Even when I’m not very active, I see the metrics and know that people are still enjoying themselves.
I didn’t really think about how to celebrate until mid-January and I had this idea for a league-style, play all the versions of A&A type thing. I decided there are better ways to celebrate. Maybe we’ll do that one day but not this year.
The main way I’m going to celebrate is:
Have fun playing the game, in person Have fun updating the site and creating content Have fun talking with folks here, on the socials, and definitely in person about the game Maybe give some stuff away, if our sponsors are up for it Create a special badge for 25 yearsYou might see a patten. 😉
And I’ve already started. I went to OrcCon in LA with @rmorel and met up with @The_Good_Captain. Typically, I’ll only play 1 game of A&A at that conference. I play 2x D-Day, 1x Anniversary, and Fortress America (that counts, right?)
I’m probably going to attend a BBR event (the one in St. Louis might be too soon).
I’m considering the Spring Gathering.
I’ll definitely be at Gen Con and I’ll be running an Axis & Allies Campaign Tournament. Again, at Gen Con, I’ll usually play other games, but this year, my focus is A&A.
If there are some other must attend A&A events that you’d like to see me at, please let me know!
As for the website and content. I’m working on the blog part of the site and I’ve started creating YouTube shorts. Since they’re “short” it’s less time to put them together and it’s fun.