• Is it friggin possible for the allies to win? German if they capture all the convoy zones the first turn can get a jump start on ipcs and pump out about 14 tanks a turn. Russia simply cant fight that much coming at it. What should America and Britain be focusing on to limit what germany can do to russia?

  • I had trouble with the convoy rules at first too. When Germany takes a convoy center you just move the appropriate allie down, Germany does not move up. If you look at it it makes sense, are you going to sent divers out to get the suppies from those suken ships?

  • just read the manual, but one thing is not clear. Why would germany want to capture the middle east? Germany gains the IPC’s and the Allies have to pay for them. But the allies can divide the cost over its teammates (so the US will usually pay for the other countries). Its weird to me, cause the middle east has been given an important position in the game but the rules make it less important then it appears at first sight.

  • the middle east is the game. If the allies lose it they not only lose money but it opens up another front for russia so russia will have to spend precious money and men away from the front lines.

  • I disagree. The middle east provinces are actually less worth taking than the others. Why? Because the allies never made anything from it in teh first place. Also, if you capture it the allies can conveniently spread out the cash they are recieving so it makes no real impact on the overall allied war effort. I usually attack the middle east, but don’t put any real amount of units in there.

    Instead, I buy lots of bombers and strat bomb russia every turn and slowly push into Russia before the other allies have their act together. With good fighter and sub useage Germany can hold teh allies off for 5 or 6 turns.

  • all germany has to do to win is capture all convoys first turn forget the allied navy. build about 14 tanks a turn and keep attacking russia. russia simply cant hold it and germany can win in like 4-5 turns

  • I played 2 or 3 games now and germany won both. If you use the subs to destroy the britisch fleet, capture the 3 convoys in the south atlantic in the first time then the english and american troops are gonna need like 3 or 4 turns to mount a succesful invasion in West-Europe. In that time the german armor has taken half of the russian territories (usually the south as russian defence is concentrated in the north). Its very tuff for the allies to beat germany.

  • 14 tanks a turn? Did I miss something? Max germany can build at full income is 8 tanks.

  • he made a mistake with the rules yanny, added the convoy ipc’s to germany as well.

  • theres a max on ipc production? i thought when u took a convoy its like a territory and u get those ipcs… did i miss something?

  • Page 17: Placement of control markers:
    ….The former owner of the Convoy center loses the indicated income and the NPC is adjusted accordingly (Germany, however, does not receive that income because the convoy is now considered sunk and unusable.)…

    [ This Message was edited by: greensleeves on 2001-12-08 15:35 ]

  • omg! thank u soo much

  • lol didnt read the first reply to this topic… LOL thanks alot guys you’ve been helpful.

  • your welcome :smile:
    discussion forums are a great way to improve your game :smile:

    (thats why i come here :smile:)

  • yeah no kidding. 14 tanks to 8 tanks is a big friggin difference.

  • On 2001-12-08 08:49, DantheMan15 wrote:
    all germany has to do to win is capture all convoys first turn forget the allied navy. build about 14 tanks a turn and keep attacking russia. russia simply cant hold it and germany can win in like 4-5 turns

    I have a question about this, if you forget the allied navy, do they not immediately retake the convoy zones, get their income, and defeat the entire purpose for taking the convoys in the first place?
    (I know this was said a while ago)

  • I have a question about this, if you forget the allied navy, do they not immediately retake the convoy zones, get their income, and defeat the entire purpose for taking the convoys in the first place?
    (I know this was said a while ago)

    Not necessarily; It forces the allies to choose between massing an invasion force or retaking the convoys(which usually requires a destroyer+plane/sub per German sub). If Germany doesn’t take the convoys or interpose the American fleet, the US and UK invade France or Belgium on turn 3.

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