@hengst This house rules forum is full of ideas. To avoid scripted games you need a varaiety ways to win or lose a game in a reasonable amount of time ,eg 8 to 12 rounds.BBR and 3G40 are rulesets that encourage you to win by achieving various victory objectives.(not just victory cities)
3G40 changes turn order,merges Anzac into UKPacific,and sticks pretty close to oob rules.BBR is more complex than oob and is real popular.Both are designed to play in 1 day and to be able to declare a winner.
Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion
Sounds good - let’s do it:+1:
Mines can use Rail capacity:+1:
Great work - I’ve just informed our Veteran Play Group (Table Top) - they look forward to play TripleA with the AAG40HRE:relaxed:
@barnee I realize that this is a work in progress but do you have any idea or guess when it might be available for download from the maps section of Triple A? Thanks.
@roybot Hopefully Version 1 will be up today. Just waiting for the pull request to get merged. You can use the DL in the first post and try it now if you want.
oops I was thinking of other thread
@The-Captain can recaptured original majors that are now minors be upgraded to Heavy Industry ?
@barnee yes:+1:
If a Major IC is captured by enemy forces (and then replaced by a Minor IC according to the original G40 rulebook) - the enemy cannot upgrade to Heavy Industry. Only the original owner of the IC can upgrade.If the original owner liberates this IC, this player can upgrade the IC to Heavy Industry.
@the-captain Do you guys see much strat bombing in your games ? Or does everybody just buy Underground Factories ?
Strategic Bombing is rarely used - especially when an IC is defended by a superior number of friendly fighter units.
Most players upgrade to Underground Factory when an IC is close to the frontline - as well as conquered IC. This brings the opportunity to destroy the IC if an enemy is anticipated to conquer/liberate that territory.
The Underground Factory rule as well as the Air-To-Air Combat Over Target Area rule both contributes to a game that is more based on Strategic Planning in terms of building up unit formations used for regular combat.
@the-captain said in Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion:
We’re discussing land mines for use in TripleA in our Play Test Group.…
Here’s where were at. You can play with the Expansion rules using edit. You can also play with a “Triplea Landmines” option that doesn’t need edit. The way it works is the “armed” mines are D2 now. EXP they’re D0 and you use the dice roller for hits.
They only die after getting a hit or taken as a casualty. They roll separately from the rest of the defending units so you can see if they hit or not. You can place as many as there are “unarmed” mines, so you’ll have to player enforce TTy limits.
Triplea can limit by TTy value but not with the plus 1, so left it up to the player.
Not as cool as EXP, but an option none the less. Also the dice roller doesn’t show up in game history, so if playing by forum, you should use the one here.
So it says Escorts enter game late 1941 and give 1 defense to Transports. It then says starting in late 1941 trprts can defend at 1 whether they’re in a convoy or not. The escort isn’t really doing anything for the trprt, it’s the other way around. From game mechanics anyway.
So, basically, 1 or 2 trprts give a +2 on defense to escorts and you need 3 trprts before a 2nd escort gets the bonus. Is this correct ?
Also I don’t think triplea can have 2 units give support to 1 unit. 1 unit can give support to 2 but not the other way around.
Options could be:
1 trprt gives +1 D to 1 escort or
Use edit to remove escort, replace with an “Escort Convoy”, which would defend at 3 and would be up to the player to enforce the correct ratios and then remove when necessary.
Could make a map option so both are possible. Or any other ideas :)
I guess the escort negates the subs First Strike but it doesn’t boost their defense ( trprts ) by plus 1Edit
oops have the support numbers wrong. Escorts already defend at 2. Hmm… well … idk what a good compromise would be for triplea then. I guess you’ll just have to edit in the D3 Escort -
Do Escorts do convoy damage ?
Hi barnee,
ESC eliminates enemy submarines First Strike - and also blocks enemy submarines movement.
ESC operates under destroyer rules with the exceptions mentioned on pg.29-30. So, yes - ESC can also inflict Convoy Damage on same terms as destroyers.:+1:
Does 1 of the Armies belonging to an Army Group get it’s bonus rolls ? -
@barnee said in Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion:
@the-captain which do you like better for Russian Tank General ?
Here’s the standard one
The red dot one. If you can see it. Blue dot tank looks like it got a wts.
@gen-manstein lol that’s what I was thinking too.
So steak and eggs before battle tomorrow ? :)
@barnee said in Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion:
@gen-manstein lol that’s what I was thinking too.
So steak and eggs before battle tomorrow ? :)
That’s only after fishing. Lol. Lost a camera. Maybe no live stream or just one side. Looks like toast for breakfast !
@gen-manstein I love the smell of sugar and cinammon in the morning :)
I agree on the red dot one:+1:
Since you love that smell in the morning - I believe that it smells like…VICTORY:relaxed:
Ha. Got pacific camera to work for now.
Still had toast. Good call Captain on pick.