• '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Feel free to comment on this topic and probably mostly by guys that play with victory city conditions in there game or other games.

    I don’t understand why Rangoon is not considered a VC. With the huge fighting going on in Burma during WW2 I believe this city should be included.
    Most games I’ve played or seen is India gets stacked and with some good Jap pressure from Thailand and or from sea invasion too just basically defends India. With adding Rangoon as a VC this would force India to have to move troops out of India to take back Burma.
    Because most games both stacks just look at each other and nothing happens. Keep in mind I do have Monsoon season in game every 3 turns.
    Also the Japs would need to send more ground south and If you have the right setup with China they can come from the North like they did in the war. My game does.

    Plus India would need to watch the bottom back door invasion of Japan ground troops from the sea to attack India or just get more ground to Burma by sea to protect Rangoon. SO they would need to balance it out.

    This also would force US to come down by Dutch Islands more with joining the navies from India and Anzac. I can see Cairo sending troops to India more. But mostly India sends stuff to Cairo. This would also help open up the middle east oil campaign due to oil bonus victory points there for axis since now you have to balance out the 3 V cities ( Cairo, Calcutta & Rangoon plus protect middle east oil.

    Still keep Singapore a VC based on the rubber supplies.

    I think this is a good idea. Feel free to comment.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    “Operation Alpha” coming this Saturday at the Generals Fortress !

    We finally gonna play a game. Looking hopefully of trying a better way to get more fighting in Burma like real war.

    SO we added 2 Light tanks to China setup based on war lords had supplies of them.
    If Burma Road is open China gets a 6 icp bonus money plus can build artillery and L tanks only. SO this would make Japan hold Burma more hopefully.
    Also a free artillery piece can go over the Hump if Burma Road is closed to Yunnan even if Japan controls it. In war they basically only controlled the east portion of Yunnan. But the FEC will have to roll a d12 dice and a roll of 8 or less the LL piece makes it to Yunnan and can place in Szechwan. If Burma Road is open the LL piece stil has to go through the Hump.

    Also adding an air Base to Assam based on the 4 air fields built there around Ledo for use of Hump and Japan can bomb that air base to stop the hump LL piece supply.

    Will see what the group thinks. Game will be posted in my you tube channel.
    And hopefully some turn pics of game if I remember. lol

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Burma Road


    Groups on board for trying out rule in above post for Burma Road.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Game report from last Saturday. Was not good. The Axis won at end of turn 3. If allies did a few other moves instead then they still would of lost on turn 4.
    US player on Pacific side had horrendous dice rolls. Heard it was around 10-20% kills for all battles. Plus it didn’t help on Europe side when German 9 subs attacked a big UK fleet and UK didn’t kill 1 sub. So now US on both sides needs most of money but wasn’t enough to recover with a few wrong buys and some other stuff I was told. It is what it was.

    We didn’t see how the new Burma road bonus rule worked out since Japan got lightning strike and was on China like Glue. UK moved out to soon in Assam and then Japan pounced on that and took Calcutta next turn.

    Japan did attack line island US fleet turn 1 which also delayed US a bit for a push . But they shouldn’t have sat in Hawaii for turn. Need to move on japs.
    Anyway just a report.

    Will post a few changes to map and adding the Vichy India rule with adding another axis 1 bonus point for total control of Burma road.

  • This site is dead for responsive now. Mostly just triple a. Seems you tube is it now.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Going to make the FEC country roundel now the combined Fec Indian icon. The Vice Joy.

    Bombay worth 2 now instead of 1, Madras worth 1 now instead of 2 and Calcutta from a 3 to a 4 value now since the 1 victory point for total Burma road control is in play.
    Will remove the Capital city and 1 point in Solomon Islands Honiara.

    Japan will receive 1 bonus point for Total control of Burma Road supply line.
    When japan controls Assam, Burma, Yunnan and Kwezchowz.

    And if Calcutta falls then u roll for Vichy India which the rule was posted in another thread.

  • Working on a new map. Do colors look good ?

    Map 7 .png

  • @general-6-stars The cartography as ghastly. Try and spend more time drawing the coastline with overlay of actual map that has opacity set at 50% of so, and really do the areas well. the trick is keeping Europe huge and not squeezing Africa too much. Connections to the middle east may prove tricky as well. Asia should be easier

  • @imperious-leader said in General 6 Stars 1941 Global War Game:

    @general-6-stars The cartography as ghastly. Try and spend more time drawing the coastline with overlay of actual map that has opacity set at 50% of so, and really do the areas well. the trick is keeping Europe huge and not squeezing Africa too much. Connections to the middle east may prove tricky as well. Asia should be easier

    All I did so far is change colors. Haven’t done any borders or terrain. Can’t really make less territories and such in Asia based on game play. It would affect to much stuff
    If I made Europe bigger it would throw everything off. I did make Africa a lot smaller before.

    What do you mean by cartography as ghastly?
    What’s opacity at 50% ?

  • @general-6-stars Cartography among other things is the accuracy of the coastline. Its not just blobs of land without any character. Even if you were to fake it if just shows a lack of care and goes into the Jr. High school project category. It must be accurate to a fault, but with due consideration to convenience to the playing situation ( larger Europa). It should take 1000 hrs+ to draw this, not 2 hours. If you care about what your doing, follow that guideline. Remember how well you altered my map 1942.2? do the same here!

  • The colors are not really good. Check google they have a accurate template of colors representing the nations. Its not Axis and Allies related, but i think they want to convey colors used for wargame colors, or maps of the period. The search might take a while, its kinda obscure.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    It seems to me, that the colors are clear enough to distinguish between the Nations.

    Also, with those colors it is easy to see the playing pieces on the map.

    The more colors, text, details etc. the more difficult it is to see the playing pieces.

    Most importantly - the Territories and Sea Zones will determine how Game Play works and set the standard for the time players need to complete a game.

  • Ya Captain. I’m just making a newer map for my game that won’t be as dark as the last one.
    Removing some territories from 2 to 1.
    So game play doesn’t change based on 4 years now.
    Colors probably going to be lighter one way or the other and may put back the old strict neutral color instead of each having own color.
    Wider territory and sea zone borders

  • @general-6-stars
    We experienced - playing your game - that Germany easily gets crowded - and so do also a few other Key Terrirories on the Eastern Front.

    Also a few Atlantic Sea Zones can easily get crowded.

    What are your own experiences?

  • @the-captain said in General 6 Stars 1941 Global War Game:

    We experienced - playing your game - that Germany easily gets crowded - and so do also a few other Key Terrirories on the Eastern Front.

    Also a few Atlantic Sea Zones can easily get crowded.

    What are your own experiences?

    Pretty much crowed in Europe for Germany and Russia some.
    Did try to make the territories around Moscow bigger based volume of pieces in my game gonna be mostly avoidable. Moscow even have to chip up…

    I tried making Europe bigger but then it throws everything off in Med and Middle East.

    Best option take away a territory to make 2 to 1 would change the game to much.

    What sea zones you referring too ?

  • @general-6-stars

    The Sea Zones in Baltic Sea and Atlantic Sea Zones adjacent to Denmark & Norway.

  • OK. I’ll see what I can do. Thanks

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Here’s an idea. Since Ger wolf packs get a bonus or some have less cost and I’m thinking of not adding another ship to game is for every 3 destroyers they get to roll an extra dice. Be first round only against only subs.
    This would represent escorts in game.
    So in my game subs can dive on first round if they survive a Tac bomber first strike hit and just destroyers attacking and in my game destroyers each get a depth charge drop.
    So say 3 US destroyers attacking 2 German subs in a convoy box. Subs dive then the 3 destroyers would roll 4 dice instead of 3 and attack @3. This would represent a escort in the anti sub attack. Roll only first round.

    Keep in mind the destroyer also gets a ship shot if there’s other surface ships in a battle to
    but the 1 bonus dice is just against subs.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    It sounds interesting.

    I’ll add a few comments to the rules that we use:

    The German U-Boat rule, Wolf Pack rule and the Escort (Convoy) rule that we have adapted in the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion originate from the 1991 Gamers Paradise - Axis & Allies Expansion.

    Since that Expansion was designed for Axis & Allies Classic, we adjusted the rules to fit in for the newer Axis & Allies versions - including G40.

    • The German U-Boat production during World War II was by far the highest Submarine production by any Nation during the early years of the War.

    This Historic U-Boat Production is reflected in the game by a reduced German U-Boat Cost.

    • The German U-Boat Tactics were superior to any known tactics - and resulted in massive losses of Allied shipping.

    The Wolf Pack rule reflects this Historic Superior Tactic.

    • From Late 1941, the Allies started to protect their Trans-Atlantic Convoys with increased numbers of Destroyers and Destroyer-Escorts.

    This Convoy System is reflected in the game by the Escort Unit, that has the defense value increased when protecting Transports.

    These rules are easy to play with, since a German U-Boat unit always costs 4 IPC, (3 or more) German U-Boats always attack at “3” in the first round of Combat - and an Escort unit is an independant unit that can serve one primary purpose: to protect Transports.

    Based on our Play Testing Results back in the Early 90’s we have kept the rules as they were since then.

    We used those rules in your 1941 Global War Game - and it worked just fine.

  • Kind a an update on new map. Not set on land texture but maybe. Sea zones done with some minor high lights probably.

    Map 7 .png

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