Thats the most common way to gain the freebie… you attack France with 3 battleships and like 2-3 men and a plane or two, killing 5 germans because you planned to really send a few boys to gain France on the cheap. Thats the most common cheapo attack. Now you wont land less than 8-12 infantry to overcome 4-6 germans, because you wont get into those situations where you take France with one infantry… either France Falls with overwhelming odds or the Allies dont try it unless they are gonna be forced to to save the game from defeat.
Another method I mentioned earlier is that the defender only “sends down the beach” 1 land unit for every X attacking land units down the beach. Only these gets can be hit by bombardment.
Naturally you won’t send your whole army down the beach to be exposed to artillery fire just because 1 INF landed.
This system is probably more realistic because nothing physically prevents the battleship from shooting. They can saturate bombard and waste shells if they wanted to. :-D
Say defender engages the beach 1-to-1.
So now if UK send 5 BB and 1 INF to attack France with Germany defending with 5 INF…
99.6% chance the attacking BB kills the 1 defending INF sent “down the beach” in opening fire
80.2% chance the attacking INF gets killed by the remaing 4 or 5 defending INF