So 1 fighter is all you need you defend against 10 armor!
Fortunately 1 fighter + 1 infantry is not enough to attack and take a territory with 10 armor. (Due to improved modelling, the small invading land force will die very quickly).
++++where are you getting this? if one fighter decided to attack 10 armor, and the defender had no planes… then the plane would get one shot hitting a tank and the balance of tanks would run away and retreat. Whats not realistic about that?
I know you can retreat. But we’ll have someone attack 10 armor with 1 fighter. The defender would retreat their armor. And then you think about what this is modelling in the real world…
+++++ that is modeling an accurate scenario… look at the 2nd panzer division when it got within 5 kilometers of the Meuse. It got a wooping by lots of air power and retreated.
UK has air superiority and attack German with some fighters and German retreats all the way to Berlin!
In reality German was a tough nut to crack even with their Luffwaffe down.
explain this further… no clear how do they attack? SBR? with land units or without?
Bombing campaigns were great in WWII by you still need time to perform the bombing campaigns. Soften the enemy over time.
+++++++++ yes right and many of those SBR’s can occur because now we have modified aerial combat values so your airforce wont get chewed up after 1-2 such attacks. Remember all SBR’s are one round of air combat followed by bombers dropping bombs and everything returning home. the system is very much like axis and allies europe except i dont use their values for escorts or interceptors.
Automatic retreat
Oooh I think this was added without discussion?
++++++++++ sorry i forgot to delete that stuff. i fixed it.