So, from my last post, I can provide a simple fix to the issue of SBR being too much OP.
Apply the OOB 1942.2 escort and intercept rules while keeping the damage value of Strat Bombers and Tac Bombers.
Gives to all Fighters / Strat Bombers / Tac Bombers
Attack @1 First Strike.
Keep damage as G40 OOB: 1D6+2 for StB and 1D6 for TcB.
Fighter Defend @2.
Here is a discussion on the variant I showed in the last post.
1942.2 Strategic Bombing Raid SBR, Bombers and escorts, Interceptors vs triple A
Each escorting Fighter have preemptive first strike A1 but also gives a combined arms effect to all escorted bombers, which get A1 preemptive roll.
It only needs 1 Fighter unit amongst the attacker SBR fleet to give all bombers their preemptive strike A1.
When all by themselves, bombers only get a regular attack @1.
That’s the small variants compared to OOB 1942.2 SBR rules, giving all StBs A1 First Strike.
1942.2 SBR HR #1 OOB + Higher damage for StB
1 StB doing SBR without interceptor damage: 1D6+2
Sum: 4.583 - 2 = +2.583 IPCs damage/StB run
1 StB A1 first strike vs 1 Fg D2
Sum: 4.977 - 4.778 = + 0.199 IPC damage/StB
1 StB A1 first strike doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D2
Sum: + 3.874 - 7.185 = - 3.311 IPCs damage/SBR
1 StB & 1 Fg A1 first strike doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D2
Sum: 7.554 - 7.555 = - 0.001 IPC damage/StB
2 StBs A1 first strike doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D2
Sum: +9.954 - 9.556 = - 0.002 IPC damage/StB
1 StB & 1 Fg A1 first strike doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fgs D2
Sum: + 7.639 - 5.159 = + 2.480 IPCs damage/SBR run
2 StBs A1 first strike doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fgs D2
Sum: + 11.162 - 6.315 = + 4.847 IPCs damage/SBR run
1942.2 SBR House Rules #2 : StB A1 Dmg 1D6+2, gets First Strike if escorted by at least 1 Fighter
1 StB doing SBR without interceptor, damage 1D6+2
Sum: + 4.583 - 2 = +2.583 IPCs damage/SBR run
1 StB A1 regular vs 1 Fg D2
Sum: + 4.723 - 5.333 = - 0.61 IPC damage/SBR run
1 StB A1 regular doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D2
Sum: +3.704 - 7.556 = - 3.852 IPCs damage/SBR run
1 StB & 1 Fg A1 first strike (due to combined arms with Fg escort) doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D2
Sum: + 7.557 - 7.556 = +0.001 IPC damage/SBR run
2 StBs A1 regular doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D2
Sum: +9.445 - 10.667 = - 1.222 IPCs damage/SBR run
1 StB & 1 Fg A1 first strike (due to combined arms with Fg escort) doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fg D2
Sum: + 7.639 - 5.159 = + 2.48 IPCs damage/SBR run
2 StBs A1 regular doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fg D2
Sum: +10.639 - 7.334 = + 3.304 IPCs damage/SBR run
G40 OOB SBR: / 1942.2 SBR HR #1, OOB+ Higher damage: 1D6+2 / 1942.2 SBR HR #2
1 StB doing SBR without interceptor
Sum: +4.583 - 2 = +2.583 IPCs damage/SBR run Same Same
1 StB A1 against 1 Fg D1 damage: 1D6+2 1 StB A1 first strike vs 1 Fg D2 / 1 StB A1 regular vs 1 Fg D2
Sum: + 5.486 - 3.667 = + 1.819 IPCs damage/SBR run +4.977 - 4.778 = + 0.199 IPC / +4.723 - 5.333 = - 0.61 IPC damage/SBR run
1 StB A1 doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D1
Sum: + 4.85 - 5.056 = - 0.206 IPC damage/SBR run +3.874 - 7.185 = - 3.311 IPCs damage/SBR run / +3.704 - 7.556 = - 3.852 IPCs damage/SBR run
1 StB & 1 Fg A1 doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D1
Sum: +7.775 - 5.33 = + 2.445 IPCs damage/SBR run +7.554 - 7.555 = - 0.001 IPC damage/SBR run / +7.554 - 7.564 = - 0.01 IPC damage/SBR run
2 StBs A1 doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D1
Sum: +10.973 - 7.334 = + 3.639 IPCs damage/SBR run +9.954 - 9.556 = - 0.002 IPC damage/SBR run / +9.445 - 10.667 = - 1.222 IPCs damage/SBR run
1 StB & 1 Fg A1 doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fg D1
Sum: + 7.639 - 3.667 = + 3.972 IPCs damage/SBR run +7.639 - 5.159 = + 2.480 IPCs damage/SBR run / +7.639 - 5.159 = + 2.48 IPCs damage/SBR run
2 StBs A1 doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fg D1
Sum: +11.459 - 5.666 = + 5.793 IPCs damage/SBR run +11.162 - 6.315 = + 4.847 IPCs damage/SBR run / +10.639 - 7.334 = +3.304 IPCs damage/SBR run
1942.2 OOB SBR with higher damage for StB : 1 StB doing SBR without interceptor damage: 1D6+2
5/6 StB survived * 5.5 IPCs = 4.583 IPCs
1/6 StB killed *12 IPCs = -2 IPCs
Sum: 4.583 - 2 = +2.583 IPCs damage/StB run
1 StB A1 first strike vs 1 Fg D2
StB roll /Fg roll / AAA roll = odds casualties
161= 6/216 1 StB killed by AAA vs 1 Fg killed: 3%
165= 30/216 no casualty vs 1 Fg killed: 14%
526= 60/216 StB killed by Fg: 28%
541= 20/216 StB killed by AAA: 9%
545= 100/216 both survived: 46%
Bombard on IC 130/216 = 60.185% * ((3+8 IPCs)/2= +5.5 IPCs) = + 3.310 IPCs
Killing Fg 36/216 = 16.667% *+10 IPC = + 1.667 IPC
StB killed 86/216 =39.815% *-12 IPCs = - 4.778 IPCs
Sum: 4.977 - 4.778 = + 0.199 IPC damage/StB
1 StB A1 first strike doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D2 / damage 1D6+2
StB roll /Fg roll / AAA roll = odds casualties
112/366= 72/1296 1 StB killed by Fg vs 1 Fg killed
124/361= 24/1296 1 StB killed by AAA vs 1 Fg killed
124/365= 120/1296 no casualty vs 1 Fg killed
520/366= 600/1296 StB killed by Fg vs no casualty
516/361= 80/1296 StB killed by AAA vs no casualty
516/365= 400/1296 no casualty at all
Bombard on IC 520/1296= 40.123% * ((3+8 IPCs)/2= +5.5 IPCs) = + 2.207 IPCs
killing 1 Fg 216/1296= 16.667% +10 IPC = + 1.667 IPC
StB killed 776/1296 = 59.877%-12 IPCs = - 7.185 IPCs
Sum: + 3.874 - 7.185 = - 3.311 IPCs damage/SBR
1 StB A1 first strike & 1 Fg A1 first strike doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D2
StB+Fg rolls/interceptors Fgs roll/ AAA roll = odds casualties
1/3636/361/6 = 36/7776 1 StB killed by AAA vs 2 Fgs : .5%
1/3636/365/6 = 180/7776 no casualty vs 2 Fgs : 2.3%
10/3612/361/6 = 120/7776 1 Fg and 1 StB killed by AAA vs 1 Fg : 1.5%
10/3612/365/6 = 600/7776 1 Fg vs 1 Fg : 7.7%
10/3624/361/6= 240/7776 1 StB killed by AAA vs 1 Fg : 3.1%
10/3624/365/6 = 1200/7776 no casualty vs 1 Fg : 15.4%
25/364/366/6 = 600/7776 1 Fg and 1 StB killed by Fg vs no casualty : 7.7%
25/3616/361/6 = 400/7776 1 Fg and 1 StB killed by AAA vs no casualty : 5.2%
25/3616/365/6 = 2000/7776 1 Fg vs no casualty : 25.7%
25/3616/361/6 = 400/7776 1 StB killed by AAA vs no casualty : 5.2%
25/3616/365/6 = 2000/7776 no casualty at all : 25.7%
Bombard on IC: 5980/7776= 76.903% * ((3+8) IPCs)/2= +5.5 IPCs) = +4.223 IPCs
Killing 2 Fgs: 216/7776= 2.778%+20 IPCs = + 0.556 IPC
Killing 1 Fg: 2160/7776= 27.778% +10 IPCs = + 2.778 IPCs
Fg killed: 2600/7776 = 33.436%-10 IPCs = - 3.344 IPCs
StB killed: 676/7776= 8.693%-12 IPCs = - 1.043 IPCs
StB & Fg killed: 1120/7776= 14.403%*-22 IPCs = - 3.169 IPCs
Sum: 7.557 - 7.556 = + 0.001 IPCs damage/StB
2 StBs A1 first strike doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D2
StBs rolls/interceptors Fgs roll/ AAA roll = odds casualties
1/3636/361/36 = 36/46656 2 StBs killed by AAA vs 2 Fgs : 0.077%
1/3636/3610/36 = 360/46656 1 StB killed by AAA vs 2 Fgs : 0.772%
1/3636/3625/36 = 900/46656 no casualty vs 2 Fgs : 1.929%
10/3612/366/36 = 720/46656 1 StB killed by Fg and 1 StB killed by AAA vs 1 Fg : 1.543%
10/3612/3630/36 = 3600/46656 1 StB killed by Fg vs 1 Fg : 7.716%
10/3624/361/36= 240/46656 2 StBs killed by AAA vs 1 Fg : 0.514%
10/3624/3610/36= 2400/46656 1 StB killed by AAA vs 1 Fg : 5.144%
10/3624/3625/36 = 6000/46656 no casualty vs 1 Fg : 12.86%
25/364/3636/36 = 3600/46656 2 StBs killed by Fg vs no casualty : 7.716%
25/3616/366/36 = 2400/46656 1 StB killed by Fg and 1 StB killed by AAA vs no casualty : 5.144%
25/3616/3630/36 = 12000/46656 1 StBs killed by Fg vs no casualty : 25.72%
25/3616/361/36 = 400/46656 2 StBs killed by AAA vs no casualty : 0.857%
25/3616/3610/36 = 4000/46656 1 StB killed by AAA vs no casualty : 8.573%
25/3616/3625/36 = 10000/46656 no casualty at all : 21.433%
2x Bombard on IC: 16900/46656= 36.222% * ((6+16) IPCs)/2= +11 IPCs) = + 3.984 IPCs
1x Bombard on IC: 22360/46656= 47.925% * ((3+8) IPCs)/2= +5.5 IPCs) = +2.636 IPCs
Killing 2 Fgs: 2.778%+20 IPCs = + 0.556 IPC
Killing 1 Fg: 27.778% +10 IPCs = + 2.778 IPCs
2 StBs killed: 7396/46656= 15.852%-24 IPCs = - 3.805 IPCs
1 StB killed: 22360/46656= 47.925%-12 IPCs = - 5.751 IPCs
Sum: +9.954 - 9.556 = - 0.002 IPCs damage/StB
1 StB & 1 Fg A1 first strike doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fgs D2
StB+Fg rolls/interceptors Fgs roll/ AAA roll = odds casualties
11/366/61/6= 66/1296 1 StB killed by AAA vs 1 Fg
11/366/65/6 = 330/1296 no casualty vs 1 Fg
25/362/61/6 = 50/1296 1 Fg and 1 StB killed by AAA vs no casualty
25/362/65/6 = 250/1296 1 Fg vs no casualty
25/364/61/6 = 100/1296 1 StB killed by AAA vs no casualty
25/364/65/6 = 500/1296 no casualty at all
Bombard on IC: 1080/1296 = 83.333% * ((3+8) IPCs)/2= +5.5 IPCs) = + 4.583 IPCs
Killing 1 Fg: 396/1296 = 30.556% +10 IPCs = + 3.056 IPCs
Fg killed: 300/1296 = 23.148%-10 IPCs = - 2.31 IPCs
StB killed: 216/1296 = 16.667%-12 IPCs = - 2 IPCs
StB & Fg killed: 50/1296 = 3.858%-22 IPCs = - 0.849 IPCs
Sum: + 7.639 - 5.159 = + 2.480 IPCs damage/SBR run
2 StBs A1 first strike doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fgs D2
StBs rolls/interceptors Fgs roll/ AAA roll = odds casualties
11/366/61/36 = 66/7776 2 StBs killed by AAA vs 1 Fg : 0.849%
11/366/610/36 = 660/7776 1 StB killed by AAA vs 1 Fg : 8.488%
11/366/625/36 = 1650/7776 no casualty vs 1 Fg : 21.219%
25/362/66/36 = 300/7776 1 StB killed by Fg and 1 StB killed by AAA vs no casualty : 3.858%
25/362/630/36 = 1500/7776 1 StBs killed by Fg vs no casualty : 19.29%
25/364/61/36 = 100/7776 2 StBs killed by AAA vs no casualty : 1.286%
25/364/610/36 = 1000/7776 1 StB killed by AAA vs no casualty : 12.86%
25/364/625/36 = 2500/7776 no casualty at all : 32.15%
2x Bombard on IC: 4150/7776= 53.369% * ((6+16) IPCs)/2= +11 IPCs) = + 5.871 IPCs
1x Bombard on IC: 3160/7776= 40.638% * ((3+8) IPCs)/2= +5.5 IPCs) = +2.235 IPCs
Killing 1 Fg: 2376/7776 = 30.556% +10 IPCs = + 3.056 IPCs
2 StBs killed: 466/7776= 5.993%-24 IPCs = - 1.438 IPCs
1 StB killed: 3160/7776= 40.638%*-12 IPCs = - 4.877 IPCs
Sum: + 11.162 - 6.315 = + 4.847 IPCs damage/SBR run