National Advantages for A&A Europe Version 1.2

  • @Guerrilla:

    I also might allow for Malta the ability to participate in Defensive Naval Combat for Allied Fleets in Sicilian SZ… I like it better then Gibraltar… As far As Gibraltar it did serve as a base but making 2 Land based British Advantages in a game where Germany might avoid the Med is mindless suicide for the Brits… Give them another advantage type IMHO… How about:

    Naval Firepower
    The British Navy was the Largest and most Advanced Navy of the European Theatre of Operations
    British Battleships now get 2 dice when preforming Land Bombardment. Destroyers may now Land Bombard at 3 but only get 1 Dice.


    The Q was wether it should be Gibraltar Garrison or Fortress Malta, not both? By the way, the NA for Fortress Malta says “you may chose to use your air units on Malta to defend the entire sea zone”, the Sicilian Sea. That includes the ability to participate in Defensive Naval Combat for Allied Fleets in the Sicilian Sea! So, once again, which one do you think would be the most balanced NA?

  • The Malta idea is by far the best solution, while Gibrater should not recieve the same merits. However, i hope you have a rule not allowing axis surface vessels crossing thru it unless the british fail to garrison it or the axis take it. The same should go for allies into the baltic w/o control of norway and finland.

  • @Imperious:

    The Malta idea is by far the best solution, while Gibrater should not recieve the same merits. However, i hope you have a rule not allowing axis surface vessels crossing thru it unless the british fail to garrison it or the axis take it. The same should go for allies into the baltic w/o control of norway and finland.

    Would you like to be more precis here? I want you to finish my NA for Malta and write down the new rule (not a NA) for the straits of Gibraltar and Denmark!

  • Moderator

    good idea… Straits should be a playable rule… And yes I like Malta better… And I would implement my Naval Firepower instead of French Resistance since Resistance units only fought in there home country…


  • @Guerrilla:

    good idea… Straits should be a playable rule… And yes I like Malta better… And I would implement my Naval Firepower instead of French Resistance since Resistance units only fought in there home country…


    Ok, Fortress Malta it is! You French Resistance are only for French territories, you only get those free infantry units if a French territory is liberated! Or was it something else? A bout your increased naval fire power, I think the fact that the destroyers may make a shore bombardment on a 2 (box rules) is good enough!  :wink:

  • the malta rule is good as you have stated. if you have another rule about gibrater let me know then we can go from there

  • Moderator



    good idea… Straits should be a playable rule… And yes I like Malta better… And I would implement my Naval Firepower instead of French Resistance since Resistance units only fought in there home country…


    Ok, Fortress Malta it is! You French Resistance are only for French territories, you only get those free infantry units if a French territory is liberated! Or was it something else? A bout your increased naval fire power, I think the fact that the destroyers may make a shore bombardment on a 2 (box rules) is good enough!  :wink:

    sorry, I haven’t played AaAE in a while… I thought that was Box rules for AaAP… Yes you get the units if the Territory is liberated but then you could move them and attack Germany… correct me if I am wrong but French Resistance units didn’t do that… Naval Superiority was the British Advantage and I think that you could capitalize on that since you have no Naval advantages for Britain…


  • Hmm… did not get agood response on the Gibraltar rule or Malta Fortress rule, so I ended up in this one for UK:

    6.  The Royal Navy
    The Royal Navy was the largest and most advanced navy in the European Theatre of Operations. As the war progressesed the Royal Navy expanded rapidly with large construction programmes, particularly destroyers.
    Your destroyers now cost 10 IPC’s. More over you may once per game place one of your destroyers in a sea zone adjacent to United Kingdom for free during the mobilize new units phase of your turn.

  • @djensen:

    Did you want me to update what’s online currently?

    Yes, I would be greatful if you replaced the ones that are A& House Rules for Europe with these ones. So far there are only three votes, so I gues it is more or less now it has to be done. Thanks in advance of your respons!

    /B. Andersson

  • This new NA would be so nice, dont you think? Anyone?  :?

    The Germans put their early war experience into the development of tank destroyers. These armor roamed the battlefields to ambush enemy tanks - armed with more powerful guns than similar tanks.
    Your tanks have a first-strike ability (defense only) at an defense factor of 2 when attacked by enemy tanks. The enemy must pick tanks as casualties prior to any other units. Any cassualties destroyed are removed from play, with no chance to attack. This first-strike ability is for the first cycle of combat only.

  • Yes thats great! finally a NA about tank destroyers! need something for the Soviets. They both invested heavily in this type of unit.

    I would like to have your complete NA list in our project BTW.

  • @Imperious:

    Yes thats great! finally a NA about tank destroyers! need something for the Soviets. They both invested heavily in this type of unit.

    I would like to have your complete NA list in our project BTW.

    Well Impy, here you got my NAs for A&A:E. Some of these are not playable and balanced for A&A:R. So it´s not just about have all NAs into one big list. It’s about cherry picking. Many of my ideas have not been good enough by both historical reasons and playabillity. I think that the list for A&A:E is the most comprehensive and balanced so far, for A&A:E. You can read about the first one in house rules for A&A:E on the homepage for A&!

  • OK i assume that is the most current version? also do you have any for Italy?

  • @Imperious:

    OK i assume that is the most current version? also do you have any for Italy?

    Haste slowly my friend and be patious! I will think about it since I like your ideas more and more. Finaly it seams as you and I will come up with the same frequency! Lets have a revised edition for A&A:E and start with NA:s and as we both know the board is pretty messy as is, hence no more new units. Lets have different values for each nations units instead, that would do much better. More over one need to think about how to get better rules for air. To start with the cost for fighters, that should be reduced from 12 to 10 IPCs! I dont really know about the tanks combat capabillity yet (3/3 or 3/2)?!

  • I know you may not like this but the only way to truely get a accurate index of nation specific values is to install an optional D12 system… which by chance is what Larry harris will be doing when he ever releases his own Advanced Axis and Allies game. I can easily provide a good index of values that in fact is the very list that Larry has tentitively approved.

    The idea with the extra units (which i know you dont like) is under only the optional rules section of phase 2 of the project. So not to worry. BTW i send you some rulesets. Did you get them?

  • @Imperious:

    I know you may not like this but the only way to truely get a accurate index of nation specific values is to install an optional D12 system… which by chance is what Larry harris will be doing when he ever releases his own Advanced Axis and Allies game. I can easily provide a good index of values that in fact is the very list that Larry has tentitively approved.

    The idea with the extra units (which i know you dont like) is under only the optional rules section of phase 2 of the project. So not to worry. BTW i send you some rulesets. Did you get them?

    Will take a look on them next week! And why a D12?

  • Ok take your time… If you have a D12 system you can have nation specific unit values… how else can you accomplish this idea?
    If you had a Armor unit for germany it would be 4/3, for japan its 2/3, usa 3/3 USSR what? UK what then? remember you cant choose 2/2 because your into artillery values… and 4/4 you run into heavy tank territory or the SS Panzer values… you see only 6 numbers gives you crap for room to maneuver the unit values. Only a d12 solves this problem.

  • @Imperious:

    Ok take your time… If you have a D12 system you can have nation specific unit values… how else can you accomplish this idea?
    If you had a Armor unit for germany it would be 4/3, for japan its 2/3, usa 3/3 USSR what? UK what then? remember you cant choose 2/2 because your into artillery values… and 4/4 you run into heavy tank territory or the SS Panzer values… you see only 6 numbers gives you crap for room to maneuver the unit values. Only a d12 solves this problem.

    I disagree! A 4/3 would simply cost more than a 3/3 and not an option, just nation specific! I would say 3/4 for Germany and cost of 6 IPCs were as Russian (US and UK) tanks would be 3/3 and cost 5 IPCs!

  • By the way this kind of nation specific units is just a more less flexible system of NAs!

  • I have not even addressed the costs. Those values are just an idea to illustrate how the numbers run out with a d5 system so that more units arent really possible to the extent that we are discussing “nation specific unit values” If you want to have a few historical NA’s then thats another concept alltogether because thats only a few units here and there. I like your ideas as NA’s but just want to add like 3-4 new units:

    naval fighters ( planes that only are carrier based/ not mixed with land fighters)
    SS panzers
    Mech infantry

    The other NA’s you want will be added AS NA’s… where you get to choose what you want from a list. Each item on the list will have a point value ( like AA miniatures) so in the game you start off with a certain amount of points and you choose what NA’s you need  paying these points for the “cost” of having this benifit. This system will then remove the imbalances of one NA Vs. another… what do you think?

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