You and the kids can soon sit on Satans lap and take pictures.

  • With out faith you have nothing, and as far as God not existing…just look around you.
    Oh yea what came first the chicken or the egg
    Look into Bible history and Jesus

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    It is my experience in general that the godless are the one with the hard-on bloodlust/bone to pick with the faithful.

    I mean, it’s not exactly like the good old days where people are “rounded” up in witch hunts and burned at the stake.

    Many godless folk just can’t leave well enough alone, Oh No! They have to make efforts to ban books, speeches, and the word “christmas”.  Or wearing religious symbols in the workplace (This is a constitutional crisis in Quebec at the moment).

    Anyways, if a bunch of Yankee Doodles want to erect a statue of Satan.  Great! I’m going to visit and take a dump on his lap, and paint LARRY HARRIS WAS HERE on his throne.

  • Customizer


    With out faith you have nothing, and as far as God not existing…just look around you.
    Oh yea what came first the chicken or the egg
    Look into Bible history and Jesus

    Looking around now…

    No, nobody there. Unless you count that handsome chap in the mirror.

    What came first were simple single celled organisms that reproduced by division. They evolved over million years into more complex forms such as, yes, chickens.

    It is precisely WHEN you look, really LOOK, into Bible history that you find out how it has been misrepresented and re-written by the church. For example it talks of the sons of the Gods coming down to earth and mating with human females to produce a race of giants. Where does that sit with your one-and-only God theory? Where did God come from? Why did he create sinful beings and then delight in punishing them for the sins he had them born with? Why do Christians believe in a Jewish God and concept of heaven, yet take their view of Hell from Norse mythology (there is no hell in Judaism)? Why do they persist in believing Jesus died on the cross against all the evidence?

  • @Gargantua:

    It is my experience in general that the godless are the one with the hard-on bloodlust/bone to pick with the faithful.

    I mean, it’s not exactly like the good old days where people are “rounded” up in witch hunts and burned at the stake.


    The Inquisition. What a show!

  • so the chicken came first…just kidding
    I meant to say archeology and Bible history.
    Yes Jesus does still put fear and hatred into people even after being dead for 2000 years.
    Good luck and good gaming

  • '12

    Radio show regular apologizes for saying Satanists should be shot

    Yes, tho shalt not kill….unless people/s beliefs offend you then by all means let the killing begin.  Then ask for forgiveness and its all good.  Great system!

  • @Gargantua:

    Anyways, if a bunch of Yankee Doodles want to erect a statue of Satan.  Great! I’m going to visit and take a dump on his lap, and paint LARRY HARRIS WAS HERE on his throne.

    Very funny!  :lol:

    Great topic by the way……

  • Sponsor

    Anti-religion does not equal Godless.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Oh, so… who do you worship?

    The Planet?

    Larry Harris?


  • I know that answer

    “Your Wife”

    Religion is the downfall of man kind, Religion is not faith.
    Good luck and good gaming keep praying to the dice gods

  • I’m just against organized religion. I believe in God because it’s definition is tied to the existence of the universe. So God is all the scientific laws and everything that made the cosmos.

    I can’t deny existence.

  • Sponsor


    I know that answer

    “Your Wife”

    Religion is the downfall of man kind, Religion is not faith.
    Good luck and good gaming keep praying to the dice gods

    LOL… Of course I worship my wife, why else would I ditch you to stay home on the second day of the FMGC, just to be her nurse? Hell… I avoided that herd of cadets that invaded the hall didn’t I… ahhh!!! who am I kidding… staying home sucked.

  • @Gargantua:

    Oh, so… who do you worship?

    The Planet?

    Larry Harris?


    This suggests worship is required. Why is some sort of worship required?

    Your responses to atheism suggest the argument that everyone has some sort of god. By characterizing atheists as “god-less” you resort to essentially ad hominem and simple ridicule for the idea. In order for me to be “god-less” I would need to believe that there were in fact gods. I can not be less something that does not exist. So your question above comes across as some sort of lame rhetorical trap stemming from a semantic game i.e.: You worship “The Planet”-> one worships gods -> “The Planet” is your god. -> Therefore you are not an atheist.

    “That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”


    I’m just against organized religion. I believe in God because it’s definition is tied to the existence of the universe. So God is all the scientific laws and everything that made the cosmos.

    I can’t deny existence.

    How is saying there is no God denying existence?

  • How is saying there is no God denying existence?

    Probably if the idea of God has no connection to anything in the universe.

  • Customizer

    Anyone can say there is a creative force that shaped the universe. Obviously.

    The question is does that force act consciously?

    Does it judge individuals and reward/punish them? Does it change it’s mind in response to prayer?  Has it already mapped out the future so we’re nothing more than puppets acting out a script? Does it have any relationship whatsoever with any man-made religion, if so which one?

    I find no worthwhile evidence for any of the above.

    The Gods will only appear in the future. They will be our descendants. If religion doesn’t render us extinct in the next century or so, which it probably will.

  • Sponsor

    I spent some time with the Raelians who believe all life on earth including humans was created by extra terrestrials using genetic manipulation.

    they claim…

    -the garden of eden was a laboratory
    -when they created man, they needed genetic DNA from that man to create a woman (Adams rib)
    -one of the ETs unlawfully explained to Eve the secrets of their scientific creation (the snake and the apple)
    -due to fear of their new knowledge, they banished Adam and Eve to be primitive in a hostile environment
    -some ETs were genetically engineering monsters (dinosaurs) so they destroyed the earth with fire
    -later they destroyed the earth with a flood, but not before they saved DNA samples of all spices on a space ship
    -they abducted men, took them to their planet, showed them their science secrets, and returned them as prophets
    -the burning bush that was not consumed by flames was a light from a space ship during the Jesus abduction
    -Jonah was swallowed by a submarine like space ship (not a whale) where he stayed for X days learning science
    -the resurrection of jesus was made possible by cloning, and eternal life can be rewarded in heaven (their planet)

    As outrageous as it seems, why not consider the possibility if we can talk about a bearded man on a cloud, a horned devil with hooves, talking snakes, evil apples, elephants, rhinos, and giraffes on a wooden boat, or a magical life after death even if you physically explode into a billion pieces?

  • '17

    Does anyone here view either faith or atheism as a choice? (this is a serious question and not merely rhetorical)

  • Sponsor


    Does anyone here view either faith or atheism as a choice? (this is a serious question and not merely rhetorical)

    Absolutely, thats why I’m against the baptism of infants as they are not developed enough to choose a religion or ideology which is and should be an extremely personal decision. The Pope is allowed an audience with world leaders due to their claim that they represent a significant share of the worlds population. However, more than half of their membership are new borns which are documented and repoted to the Vatican as a person becoming Catholic, a process that falsely inflates the perceived power of the church.

  • '17

    My wording might have been a little ambiguous. I meant, specifically, do people choose whether or not they believe in God?

    Someone might choose to affiliate with a particular religion/denomination (or quit one) because of their beliefs. But did they make a choice to believe in God?

  • Sponsor


    My wording might have been a little ambiguous. I meant, specifically, do people choose whether or not they believe in God?

    Someone might choose to affiliate with a particular religion/denomination (or quit one) because of their beliefs. But did they make a choice to believe in God?

    Interesting, kind of like the question does one choose to be gay, or are they born gay.

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