• Yea, 8 victory cities is too easy.

  • Overall, I like the new game. Haven’t tried national advantages yet - figured I’d wait until I’ve got a good handle on the rules. I never minded the blowup boxes, but don’t miss them. New map is good (would be better yet if they’d made it bigger like the previous edition) and opens up new tactical possibilities all over.
    A few minor gripes:

    • When I shell out 40 bucks for a game, is it too much to expect that they’ll throw in some means of keeping units separated? How much can it cost for a hunk of plastic, like Europe & Pacific came with?
    • Is it just my copy, or are everybody’s British units a washed-out, sickly, painful-to-look-at shade of green?
    • 8 victory cities allows a win when neither side has a decisive advantage (playing to 9, as many of you suggest, should solve this).
    • Most minor of all: several of the “changes” made to improve the game aren’t new (like AA guns firing at any plane passing over - always could) or don’t improve anything (like the territory names; sure, there’s no such place as Finland-Norway; but merging them into one country is no mare accurate).
      Pardon my nit-picking; again, I like the new version, and will probably like it more once I start using the optional rules.

  • Just played my first 2 games of A&A Revised and it has become my new favorite in front of A&AE. AC at 16 IPCs, Ftrs at 10 IPCs and Tanks defending at a 3 are awesome. However, the best part is that the Axis is stronger militarily (especially navy & airforce) that the original and they also start with more IPCs, which makes for a much more balanced game. Also being able to land planes on an AC when it’s 1st built is a major plus (we played it that the fighters either had to be purchased with the AC or had to be in the territory bordering that sea zone and had to be inactive in that round - the instructions are vague on this). Haven’t even used the national advantages yet, but they sound cool.

  • You have to use the national advantages. They are the best.

  • Hey I like the new NA’s(national advantages) as much as the next guy but playing with 3 per country??? holy crow!! Doesn’t that kinda take away from the strategy aspect and put too much randomness in? I mean with 3 NA’s the brits could get radar, joint strike, and colonial garrison and thats it, game over! I always play with 1 per side unless playing a newb and then i give them 2…but 3??? OUCH

  • If you want to be fair, but still have some fun, I suggest the Axis use 5 and the Allies use 3.

  • the axis should definantly have a much larger militery but come on, germany at 40 and russia at 24! there is no contest even with the tommys intervening. the japs have way to much income. one of their main problems was that the united states controlled their oil supply and cut it off early in the war. this severely hurt the jap economy, 30 ipcs is way to much! the new map is really cool, especially the territories in europe. these new teritories work to russias advantage because they split up the german force. overall though, it was worth the 50 bucks!!!

  • Tigertank. I know you in person so i can safely say that you are dumb.
    Japan’s income is fine. And their oil supplies were only cut off later in the war. They had plenty of oil around thier many islands.

  • Moderator


    Tigertank. I know you in person so i can safely say that you are dumb.
    Japan’s income is fine. And their oil supplies were only cut off later in the war. They had plenty of oil around thier many islands.

    They never really had much oil in the first place. What Tigertank should have said is that the US sunk the Japanese Shipping carrying the oil.

  • Actually the US could not even reach the sea zones around the Dutch East Indies for quite a while. Japan did not have much oil, though, because it lacked a large merchant marine fleet. It did not have the ships to carry the oil to Japan. Their income is too high (they were the weakest of all the major powers [Italy doesnt count]) but for game balance they needed a boost. It doesnt matter if its historically accurate if it is boring, so for the sake of game balance it is fine

  • The balance is good, the board is good, the game is good. If only there were more national advantages….

  • MORE ADVANTAGES!!! :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

  • You could have more variety and more to choose. I am not saying that you have to use all of them, but more or better ones would be better.

  • The advantages have already thrown all the old strategies out of wak, give the tommys colonial garison and the americans superfortrases and they can blow the heck out of the krauts and the japs without russian help.

  • I say new ones for the axis. It’s just unfair.

  • germanstorm, the axis have enough advantages!!!

  • Moderator

    I saay change exsisting ones….

  • Or change them it doesn’t matter.

  • things were nice and peacful here until germanstrom arrived. please, stop your blitzkrieg of the message board.

  • LOL you are the one who brought me to this site and you started the blitz.

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