The above is a fact, if you dont belive me look in any history book or WW2 website. The Credit of defeating the germans must go mainly to the soviets and the british. in 1940 the britsh fought the germans alone and withstood crippling city bombardments as well as staggaring losses in the atlantic dealt by german U-boats. The British were close to collapse on June 22 1941 when the bulk of the Luftwaffe transfered to Poland For Operation Barbarossa: the invasion of the Soviet union. The Soviets Halted the German offensive in front of moscow in december 1941 and began to push the Germans back. The Soviets fought the war Virtually on their own until june 6th 1944 when the allies landed in Normandy.
Now if you look at the numbers youll see what im getting at.
D-Day Was successfull only because the germans were on the verge of collapse and had lost any hope of winning the war in the east.
When the Allies hit the coast of France in 1944, the German defenders were understrength, outnumbered and totaly demoralised.
The Nazis had already lost the war when Tom Hanks got off of his landing craft in Saving private Ryan. :)
The total amount of geman divsions created throughout the war was 247
Roughly 15 Occupied Europe, 4 fought in north africa and 30-35 were stationed in france from 1944-45. That leaves the rest, about 190-195 divisions, Fighting on the Russian Front.
if The Western Allies had as much trouble as they did in 1944 with 30-35 divisions, what could they have done against all the other 200 from 1941 onward ?
i should also point out that while American war-supplies were much appretiated, the amount sent in the crucial first years of 1941-42 was tiny, for the first half of the war the American economic aid added up to about 0.05% of Soviet Industruial Capacity.
Could the allies win the war withought russia? not bloody likley.