Here’s the placeholder iteration of the Tech Chart:
E1 - War Bonds - During your collect income phase, collect an additional number of IPCs equal to 10% of your National Production Chart level, rounded up.
E2 - Improved Shipyards - Naval units cost 1 IPC less.
E3 - Increased Production - Tank and Fighter costs are reduced by 1 IPC.
N1 - Smoke Screens - When breaking off a sea battle, attacking ships may retreat to a single adjacent sea zone from which at least 1 of the attacking ships entered battle.
N2 - Battle Cruisers - Cruisers attack at 4 or less, but still defend at 3 or less. Additionally, cruisers may perform offshore bombardment at 3.
N3 - Anti-Sub Warfare - Your Cruisers prevent enemy subs from submerging in combat or moving through them at a 1:1 ratio.
A1 - Anti-Aircraft Guns - Artillery may target fighters before combat begins, hitting at 1, limited to the number of artillery available or the number of fighters present, whichever is smaller.
A2 - Advanced Aviation - Fighters attack and defend at 3 or less.
A3 - Aerial Photography - If you have air supremacy, your artillery can support 2 units instead of one.
L1 - Wireless Communications - During combats where friendly forces are also in the contested zone, roll a die. Up to that many friendly artillery are used to boost your attacking forces on a 1:1 ratio, but may not participate in combat.
L2 - Chemical Warfare - In one attack this turn, roll a die: 1-4 that many infantry do not roll defensively; 5-6: No effect. If used against you, halve the number of immobilized infantry.
L3 - Stormtrooper Tactics - Attacking infantry with artillery support roll at 4 or less.
Changed radio to wireless given the era of the game, but didn’t change the tech.
Renamed proposed naval wireless communication tech to Smokescreens, but its under review.
Stormtrooper Tactics could be replaced with another land tech, but it was these tactics, combined with an increase in the available number of troops, that really broke open the stalemate on the Western Front, so I hate to leave them out.