• Who would you appoint to this position?

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Forrest Gump would have got it Dun!

  • Hi Worsham. I know what I would have done, but Jeff Davis was West Point aristocracy, so would not have done any thing as radical.
    I think after failing to take Knoxville, Longstreet was no longer flavour of the month, so he who helped win Chickamauga would have to be discounted. He was needed with his Eadtern Corps to save the day in the Wilderness. He was much missed and needed back there.
    Cleburne would have been an excellent anti establishment choice. He had the necessary respect within his own corps, but he would have had to jump two ranks. I would have given the job to him. He would have allieviated the manpower problem by arming the slaves too. (Not sure Forrest would have stoic for that.)
    Forrest too would have done a great job, but again he was far too junior in rank. He would have required a staff that he respected and who could explain logistics to him.(He would have understood, given his civilian background, I think.) He would probably have had to duel half the generals though! I think I would leave him as a Cavalry commander, but promote him to its head, above Wheeler.

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