• Excuse my writing in haste before. Having reread the attacks as well as the buys, i see UK is left with the Channel fleet as the French one was eliminated instead. (We have never tried this, but I know the merits.) The 2nd point I missed is  the 2 or 3 Air units that have suddenly appeared in Tobruk. I do not have an answer yet and wonder if you do Axis Player.
    I do still want to see the UK fight back. It is possible the IC would be a mistake and too much of a risk now. Can we build 3 mobile units for SA and attack Tobruk instead, expecting the italian counter to take Cairo, I wonder. The loss of SZ91’s Cruiser tips the balance in favour of the Italians now. Thank you for pointing that out.
    And where do we send our 2 ships in the Channel with German Subs present?
    I cannot look in to it today, so please tell me if you have any ideas.

  • TripleA

    I always buy transports on J1. In the past I have bought minors with Japan J1, what ends up happening is I churn out 3 inf a turn there, it is not bad… They don’t go poof when they are taken so you can just take it back if some transports make a suicide run for it.

    Honestly when I was developing my Japan strategies it was under the assumption that minor ics on china spots go poof when they are taken… also there was debate over building in some of the spots. So yeah it is tough to say if I should always buy transports or not. Directly placing units on Asia has merit. Avoid tank buys, get mechanized infantry if anything.

  • @wittmann:

    If Germany builds his 10 APs on G2 can I not spend my 28(usually33) on Inf then?

    It won’t be enough, especially with G2 SBR and a few IPCs lost to the convoy raid of z106.  With the French ships gone and Southern France as a landing spot, z92 is not a safe spot for the UK fleet even with the British ships from z109 and z110.  Taranto raid may be the best option.  Anytime you do Taranto you are very vulnerable to sealion because of the lost air units, so building anything other than infantry is asking for it.

    Parts of this G1 are good, but I don’t like the idea of sending German planes to North Africa where they are out of position.  Land them in Rome and if UK does Taranto you have the option to scramble them instead of the Italians.  You can save the Italian fighters for a counterattack.  Germany might also consider building subs G1 to sink remnants of UK fleet with less air losses.

  • Thanks Vance. Would you not recommend an Egypt IC ever then? Seems a shame not to punish Germany for his cheeky G1 buy. Maybe 1 Tank and 1 Mech with 6 Inf if he omits those 2APs on G1 then and opens this way.

  • Sometimes an IC in Egypt is great, but a lot of the time you can do just as well with a transport shuck from South Africa, or if you don’t have enough naval units or an airbase to defend z81, just build tanks and mechs and drive them to Egypt.  I would only build an IC in Egypt (or persia?) after the sealion scare has passed (i.e. no transports built on G2).

  • Thanks Vance. Twice when I have played as the Axis my opponent has built an Egyptian IC on UK 1 instead of buying 9 Inf and I have been angered by his impudence and determined to take London. Unfortunately,  I was unlucky the 1st time, narrowly failing and  we never got to play the 3rd turn on the 2nd occasion, so I did not get to try a Sealion that time.
    I wonder if he will resist the temptation to try a 3rd time. (Will not play until December.)
    Anyway,  this explains my interest in G1 non Transport buys.

  • I guess the thing is, Germany doesn’t need all 13 transports to take London if UK doesn’t build all infantry.

  • Sorry for my ignorance but what do these words mean?

    AP (transports? AP is for ?)

    thanks :D

  • Hi . AP: Personnel transport ship.
    CV : Carrier.
    SBR : Strategic Bombing Raid .
    Not a problem. Ever.

  • Most people on the forums will be using military designations for ships. Sometimes you will see some posters use different ones for the same ship, but you can find a lot of ones listed here: http://www.navweaps.com/index_tech/index_ships_list.htm

    AP or TT is common for Transports
    CV for Carriers
    BB for Battleship
    CA for Cruiser
    SS for Submarine
    DD for Destroyer

    Did I miss any?

    Also you’ll see tanks called “armor”.

  • it�s me again :D
    What does OOL means?

    Then, I saw that many play TripleA via Forum… How does that work? Do they create 2 separated local games ? how can they imput the exact dice rolls the other person did?

    Oh something else… What about buying a harbour in Alaska to be able to reach Tokyo in 1 turn with transports?

  • OOL = Order of loss

  • I have not heard of that ghr. Is it an AAA term. Perhaps you could explain.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    I send a tank at your bomber and infantry.

    I roll 3 and score a hit.

    You have to select your casualties… do you take the bomber first? gamble that you’ll hit me back and select the infantry?

    That is OOL.

    That is Order of Loss.

  • Thanks Garg. Am happier I now know it is basic A@A!

  • You set up a PBEM (play by email/forum - it’s an option on TripleA, on the right hand side) game. You need your opponent’s email address. And the games get saved/posted to the forum. Your opponent gets dice rolls emailed to them. Garg has a great TripleA setup tutorial posted. Maybe he can link you to the thread; it got me started easy peasy.

  • @Fortress:

    You set up a PBEM (play by email/forum - it’s an option on TripleA, on the right hand side) game. You need your opponent’s email address. And the games get saved/posted to the forum. Your opponent gets dice rolls emailed to them. Garg has a great TripleA setup tutorial posted. Maybe he can link you to the thread; it got me started easy peasy.

    Thank you, that would be awsome

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