• '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    HMAS Canberra ?   County Class

  • Looks right Hoffmann. I have a Jane’s from 1924 and i saw it mentioned Australia wanted a ship based on the County Class, just could not find a picture!
    Just received my copy, but was waiting for Maddy to go to bed before i opened it.
    Well spotted again Marc.

  • Official Q&A

    It’s the Australian version of the Kent subclass of the County class.

  • @wittmann:

    Well spotted again Marc.

    Thanks for the identification info, gentlemen.

    The ANZAC cruiser difference was actually first spotted by someone else (I can’t recall who) in another thread about a week ago, so the credit should go to this eagle-eyed individual.

    Glad to hear your copy has arrived, Wittmann!

  • Thanks Krieg.
    Although I am not a great Naval fan, I have been promising myself a more up to date Jane’s.
    Marc: My wife, is at this moment trying to get Maddy out of the house so
    I can have a good look at it. Maybe she wants a game!

  • I don’t know if this difference has already been pointed out elsewhere, but I noticed last evening that the Russian anti-aircraft gun from the 1940 game is a bit different from the sculpt in the 1942 game.  The 1942 gun (on the left in the picture below) has a barrel that ends in a flared muzzle brake.  The 1940 gun has a barrel of uniform diameter which simply has a few grooves at its tip.

    Russian AA Guns 1942 vs 1940.jpg

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Is the Anzac battleship a King George V?

    UK vs ANZAC Naval.jpg

  • @LHoffman:

    Is the Anzac battleship a King George V?

    The so-called ANZAC battleship is HMS Warspite, a Queen Elizabeth-class battleship of WWI vintage.  The closest she got to Australia was her tour of duty with the Royal Navy’s Eastern Fleet in the Indian Ocean in 1942.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer



    Is the Anzac battleship a King George V?

    The so-called ANZAC battleship is HMS Warspite, a Queen Elizabeth-class battleship of WWI vintage.  The closest she got to Australia was her tour of duty with the Royal Navy’s Eastern Fleet in the Indian Ocean in 1942.

    Ah, yes. Thanks Marc.

  • Customizer



    Well spotted again Marc.

    Thanks for the identification info, gentlemen.

    The ANZAC cruiser difference was actually first spotted by someone else (I can’t recall who) in another thread about a week ago, so the credit should go to this eagle-eyed individual.

    Glad to hear your copy has arrived, Wittmann!

    I think I was the one who first mentioned that the ANZAC cruiser looked different from the UK cruiser, even though the rulebook says they are the same.
    The rulebook also calls the UK cruiser “Kent”, but I thought the HMS Kent was in the County class of cruisers.
    So both the ANZAC and UK cruisers are Kent class or County class, but are still different? Now I’m really confused.

  • Customizer

    By the way, what does everyone think about the new Italian Anti Aircraft Artillery? I think it looks really cool, but kind of big with that base. It’s going to be hard to put 2 of them on Southern Italy along with a Minor IC, air base, naval base, 2 fighters and 6 infantry, even with chips.

  • @knp7765:

    I think I was the one who first mentioned that the ANZAC cruiser looked different from the UK cruiser, even though the rulebook says they are the same.
    The rulebook also calls the UK cruiser “Kent”, but I thought the HMS Kent was in the County class of cruisers.
    So both the ANZAC and UK cruisers are Kent class or County class, but are still different? Now I’m really confused.

    I checked my reference books last weekend and here’s what I found. The County class cruisers were produced in two groups, the first group being (a bit confusingly) sometimes known as the Kent class. Two ships within the first group (Australian and Melbourne) were built for Australia, and were completed with slight modifications compared to their Royal Navy sisters.  So in effect there were three variants of this class: the RN ships from the first group, the RAN ships from the first group, and the all-RN ships of the second group.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    The rulebook also calls the UK cruiser “Kent”, but I thought the HMS Kent was in the County class of cruisers.
    So both the ANZAC and UK cruisers are Kent class or County class, but are still different? Now I’m really confused.

    As Krieghund stated, it is the “Australian version” of the Kent sub-class of the County class. This is what HMAS Canberra is (see page 2 photo). I think the important part here is that we have identified the class, for those who are particular about that sort of thing, and even provided a real life picture of it.

    The point is that the UK and Anzac cruiser sculpts are clearly, visually different, and based on a historical example. I don’t think there can possibly be any more clarification.

  • @CWO:

    Two ships within the first group (Australian and Melbourne)

    Just to correct myself here, I meant to type Australia and Canberra, not Australian and Melbourne.

  • Well done.
    By the way knp: thanks for rubbing it my face about Italy’s sculpts!
    Joking, of course, but still cannot find a Europe 40 for sale in England, so have not got my filthy wop mits on them. A little annoying.
    Wonder if it is a European problem!
    Thought most of the AA units were a little too big.

  • @wittmann:

    Wonder if it is a European problem!

    It’s ironic that the Europe game is so hard to find in Europe.  Unless perhaps the problem is confined to Britain for some reason (maybe something along the lines of that proverbial British newspeper headline “Heavy fog in Channel; Continent cut off”).

  • Unfortunately we have a tunnel connecting us to Europe, so we can no longer hold off the hoardes.
    Off to Florence on the 7th, so am less bothered now. Will look again when I am back on the 14th.

  • Gentlemen,

    Did any other scuplts change in the Pacific 1940 Second Edition besides the ones mentioned already?  My copy is scheduled to arrive on Tuesday this week.


  • @WARRIOR888:

    Did any other scuplts change in the Pacific 1940 Second Edition besides the ones mentioned already?  My copy is scheduled to arrive on Tuesday this week.

    The Russian AAA gun change is the only one I’ve caught so far, but I’m still in the process of reorganizing my sculpt inventory and I’m not yet at the stage where I’ve looked at each old-versus-new pairing closely to see if they can go in the same tackle box storage compartments.  I just happened to notice the Russian AAA gun because it’s a new sculpt category, introduced only a couple of months ago in the 1942 game.  Last evening I also had a quick look at the US and UK AAA guns from 1942 and 1940, but those ones seemed identical.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Did the British Lancasters change?

    If I recall correctly, the ones in A&A '41 (2012) are a different mold than any previous. I didn’t know if these were used in G40 (2nd Ed.) too.

    A&A '42 (2012) supposely uses a Handley-Page Halifax, but I thought that all previous UK strategic bombers were Lancasters.

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