• NOs for Global '40.2

    5 IPCs for not being at war with USSR
    5 IPCs per territory if Germany controls Leningrad, Stalingrad, and/or Moscow
    5 IPCs if the Axis control Caucasus (if at Germany is at war with USSR)
    5 IPCs for any German land unit in Egypt
    5 IPCs for controlling Denmark and Norway with Sweden neutral, pro-Axis, or Axis-controlled
    2 IPCs per territory if Germany controls Iraq, Persia, and/or Northwest Persia

    5 IPCs if at war with Germany or Italy, SZ125 is clear of Axis warships, Archangel is USSR controlled, and no other Allies in the Soviet Union
    3 IPCs for each German, Italian, or pro-Axis neutral territory the USSR controls
    10 IPCs the first time USSR controls Berlin

    10 IPCs for not at war with USA and not invaded French Indo-China
    5 IPCs for Axis control of Guam, Midway, Wake, Gilberts, and Solomons
    5 IPCs per territory for Axis control of Calcutta, Sydney, Honolulu, and/or San Francisco
    5 IPCs for Axis control of Sumatra, Java, Borneo, and CeleBEEs

    10 IPCs if at war and control of East, Central, and West USA
    5 IPCs if at war and control of Alaska, Aleutians, Hawaii, Johnston, and Line
    5 IPCS if at war and control of Mexico, SE Mexico, Central America, and West Indies
    5 IPCs if at war and control of the Philippines
    5 IPCS if at war and has one land unit in Paris

    6 IPCs if Allies control India, Burma, Yunnan, and Szechwan

    UK (Europe)-
    5 IPCs if UK controls all original UK territories on the Europe map

    UK (Pacific)-
    5 IPCs if at war with Japan and UK controls Kwangtung and Malaya

    5 IPCs if Axis control 3 of Gibraltar, Southern France, Greece, and Egypt
    5 IPCS if no Allied surface warships in SZ 92-99
    5 IPCS if Axis control Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Tobruk, and Alexandria
    2 IPCs per territory if Italy controls Iraq, Persia, and/or Northwest Persia

    5 IPCs if at war with Japan, the Allies control Malaya, and ANZAC controls all its original territories
    5 IPCs if at war with Japan and if the Allies (not the Dutch) control Dutch New Guinea, New Britiain, New Guinea, and the Solomons

    France gets 12 IPCs to spend immediately upon liberation

  • NOs for Pacific '40.2

    10 IPCs for not at war with USA and not attacking French Indo-China
    5 IPCs if Japan controls Guam, Midway, Wake, Gilberts, and Solomons
    5 IPCs per territory if Japan controls Calcutta, Sydney, Honolulu, and/or San Francisco
    5 IPCs if Japan controls Sumatra, Java, Borneo, and CeleBEEs

    30 IPCs if at war and control of West USA
    5 IPCs if at war and control of Alaska and Mexico
    5 IPCs if at war and control of Aleutians, Hawaii, Johnston, and Line
    5 IPCs if at war and control of Philippines

    6 IPCs if the Allies control India, Burma, Yunnan, and Szechwan

    5 IPCs if at war and controls Kwangtung and Malaya

    5 IPCs if at war, Allies control Malaya, and ANZAC controls all its original territories
    5 IPCs if at war and the Allies (not the Dutch) control Dutch New Guinea, New Britain, New Guinea, and the Solomons

  • NOs for Europe '40.2

    5 IPCs if not at war with USSR
    5 IPCs per territory if Germany controls Leningrad, Stalingrad, and/or Moscow
    5 IPCs if at war with USSR and Axis controls Caucasus
    5 IPCs for having a German land unit in Egypt
    5 IPCs for control of Denmark and Norway with Sweden strict neutral, Pro-Axis, or Axis-controlled
    2 IPCs per territory if Germany controls Iraq, Persia, and/or Northwest Persia

    9 IPCs when at war and controls Novosibirsk
    5 IPCs if at war, SZ125 is free of Axis warships, control of Archangel, and no other Allied units in the Soviet Union
    3 IPCs for control of each German, Italian, or Pro-Axis neutral territory
    10 IPCs the first time USSR takes Berlin

    20 IPCs if at war and controls East and Central USA
    5 IPCs if at war and controls SE Mexico, Central America, and West Indies

    5 IPCs if the UK controls all its original territories

    5 IPCs if no Allied surface warships in SZ92-99
    5 IPCs if Axis control 3 of Gibraltar, Southern France, Greece, and Egypt
    5 IPCs if Axis control Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Tobruk, and Alexandria
    2 IPCs per territory if Italy controls Iraq, Persia, and/or Northwest Persia

    France gets 12 IPCs to spend immediately if Paris is liberated

  • Confirmed.  I also have the rulebook.

    No changes to any NO’s except E40:
    USA gets the 20 and 5, Russia gets the 9

    Rest are same as Alpha 3 Global

    I don’t have the new P40 rulebook though.  Interesting that it looks like USA gets more money.  Maybe that will actually make a J2 or J3 attack make more sense??  Seems like it at first blush

  • Thanks Gamerman and Robbie.
    Remind me;  what do you mean: Russia gets the 9?
    Glad Pacific War bonus has been clarified.

  • @wittmann:

    Thanks Gamerman and Robbie.
    Remind me;  what do you mean: Russia gets the 9?
    Glad Pacific War bonus has been clarified.

    Check the USSR NOs for Europe '40.2.  It’s there.

  • Russia gets 9 IPC’s per turn for controlling Novosibirsk (instead of bonus infantry)

    You can read it in robbie’s post

  • Thanks. Have played the 37 income so long had forgotten(and is the middle of the night here). Thought it was 2 Inf a turn not 9 IPCs in the original, but I get it now: is the Pacific board 9 as per Alpha 3. Good.
    I think I sound like I should stop sleep typing on my phone!

  • Anytime, wittman!

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    So russia still gets +3 for 0 ipc african axis territory.

  • @Gargantua:


    So russia still gets +3 for 0 ipc african axis territory.

    Allies are still on the ropes in this one.  I haven’t seen them win an Alpha +3 game, and looks like the same situation here.

  • Hm - I just won with the Allies, and no bid
    Game before that was a nail-biter
    Do you play online, robbie?

  • @Gargantua:


    So russia still gets +3 for 0 ipc african axis territory.

    Yeah……  :|

  • Sponsor

    The German NO for Swedish Ore should have included no allied warships in the Baltic Sea. To many games where the Germans ignore the Russian sub, and it has nothing to do.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    I’m with you Gamerman… the allies are easier to play IMO…

    But alot of people don’t get how to coordinate their efforts, or run large scale interference and spider-web campaigns.

    Oh well. :P

  • @Gargantua:

    I’m with you Gamerman… the allies are easier to play IMO…

    But alot of people don’t get how to coordinate their efforts, or run large scale interference and spider-web campaigns.

    Oh well. :P

    Yeah, that must be it.  You have to give me IPC’s to take the Axis…. At least 6 for an extra German sub

  • Sponsor

    Very little room for error as the Axis.

  • Really?  Wow, public opinion is against me here.

    No, I don’t play online.  Only in person with my nice new set.

    200th post!!!

  • Aw, it’s only like 3 of us Robbie

    Any chance you would start playing online here?  No fumbling with the pieces and chips in small spaces!

  • Nah, the game kinda loses a bit of its luster playing without the pieces.  Besides, I get enough in-person play from the guys around here anyways.

    My mission is to have the most baller A&A set in the known universe.  I’ll have to post pictures sometime.

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