If you could choose any TWO new unit sculpts, what would they be?

  • @LHoffman:


    Goodness gracious, they even include the USMC emblem on the individual bases.  I can’t imagine how long it must have taken to paint the figures at that level of detail.

    Please note they did not come from HBG that way. Paul had them painted by Allworkandnoclay. Though, I can only hope you already knew that. Your comment was ambiguous enough to warrant clarification.

    Yes, what I was referring to was the amount of work needed to paint the USMC logo from scratch on a blank plastic base.  I own some HBG Marine units and I know that their base has no imprinted Marine emblem on them.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Yes, what I was referring to was the amount of work needed to paint the USMC logo from scratch on a blank plastic base.  I own some HBG Marine units and I know that their base has no imprinted Marine emblem on them.

    I thought as much. My apologies if I insulted your intelligence.

  • Customizer


    Thanks for explaining to CWO Marc. I was just trying to point out that the two units he wanted were ALREADY available.

    HBG and FMG have really made a LOT of impact on our A&A hobby with one word,…SELECTION!

    “Tall Paul”

  • “either that or Chinese P-40 and Chinese artillery.”

    I’m with Yavid on those two.  Also, I’d like marines, paratroops, and transport planes in all nations’ colors.  Currently, I use a bomber with a blue poker chip under it to represent a transport plane, and a regular infantry with a blue poker chip to represent a paratroop.  I use infantry with green poker chips for marines.

    Plastic major and minor factories.

    An anchor on a stand for naval bases, and maybe a windsock on a stand for air bases.  I just want something that doesn’t take up a lot of valuable real estate on small crowded territories, and doesn’t get buried under the other units, so you can still see it.

  • Customizer

    An anchor on a stand you say?


    Check out the blog entry there are links for getting the anchors and what not from ebay

  • Most Holy,

    Cool ideas.  Thanks.

  • @Tall:

    Thanks for explaining to CWO Marc. I was just trying to point out that the two units he wanted were ALREADY available.

    I think you’re actually referring to the two units dinosaur said he wanted in this post:

    Quote from: dinosaur on September 21, 2012, 12:53:36 pm
    Hands down the first two new units would have to be a US Carrier aircraft (I vote for the Corsair) and a US Marine sculpt. <<

  • Customizer

    Yep, I guess so. And thanks for your comments on Allworkandnoclay’s paint job. He is an amazing painter,…and LHoffman is excellent, too. I just hope they inspire Dinosaur and maybe others to buy and/or paint some units themselves. HBG and FMG make our gaming experience so much better with the units they’ve produced. Thank You very much Doug and Jeremy.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer


    NEW sculps, huh. Well, without a doubt I want:

    1.) An AIRBASE that’s 3-D but doesn’t have too big a “footprint”.
    2.) A NAVAL BASE "      "    "      "        "    "    "  "        "      .

    I think almost ALL of us have been dreaming of these for years! The new “markers” aren’t
    3-D. I want a 3-D unit like the Factories(I.C.) in the old original A&A games. The Risk game has some that work great for Minor I.C.'s.

    Please Santa(HBG), I’ve been a good soldier(grin).

    “Tall Paul”

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