• @Guerrilla:

    Please explain the Damn Apes I don’t get the Charlton Heston connection…

    Charlton Heston was in the original (and better) Planet of the Apes movie.

  • '19 Moderator


    Please explain the Damn Apes I don’t get the Charlton Heston connection…

    LOL… before your time I guess

    Charlton Heston was the star of the original Planet of the apes movies. There is a quote from the first movie I believe that goes:
    “Take your hands off me you danm dirty apes”

    It’s a big deal because humans on the planet of the apes can’t talk, but this strange human can…

    Anyway you should see the movie it’s a clasic.

  • I hated the new one… :roll:

  • Moderator


    GG could you give us some of your rules that you use for guerrillas? That would be great :D :D :D :D .
    Too bad StarTrekAxisAndAllies doesn’t get on much. I’d like to hear what he thinks on my game. It looks like MR beat us to 250. Good job Commisar :D :D :D.

    Actually UKCom I have never used them… I think of a rule idea, sketch out a portion of map and have a go with my 12 6d (there all beauties…)

    Basic Idea: Propoganda can be used to broadcast into a country in attempt to gain support… 1 IPC is given to bombard them with across the border radio, Leaflets, and what-not… each Propoganda “attack” adds to a stack activated during invasion… For Every Chip a d6 is rolled(Therefore the more payed the more chance)… After The Territory is taken over the chip’s d6 is rolled… if a 1-2 is rolled, 1 Pop (IPC amount of Invaded Terr.) is out of Guerrilla activity and Passified… for the failed ones, God rest your Officer’s Souls… The Failed one’s a the Guerrilla Population… For Every round(at the beginning of the target players turn) The Guerrillas launch a raid… 1-2 is a sucessful one in which the opposing players decide the outcome:

    RAILWAYS DESTROYED: All Troop and Armor movement out or into to Territory is stopped but defense is allowed in case of attack

    KEY AIRFIELDS SABOTAGED: For Every Plane in the Territory pay 3 IPC’s to repair

    TOP OFFICIAL HIT: Loss of 8 IPC’s to bank due to recovery

    CAPTURE OF DOCUMENTS:All Territories that are adjacent to or is the Target terr. have a plus one advantage for attacking Aircraft(i.e. Fighters hit at 4 Bombers at 5)

    so far this is what I have in mind…

    Dezrtfish: Yes I was too young but you don’t look that old yourself for a 1968 movie (if your photo is remotely you)


    Additional Rules:
    if it is a failure(the Geurrilla Ops) the Invading country rolls a d6 if it is 2-6 the Guerrilla sucessfuly go back into hiding… if a 1 the leaders are killed and that pop. is Passified…

  • its only lile 15 years old i think…

  • Moderator


    its only lile 15 years old i think…

    bingo! good guess

  • That’s not too old, right?

  • Moderator


    That’s not too old, right?

    what do you mean by that? :wink: 8)

  • I’m saying that wasn’t too long ago! 8)

  • Moderator

    when I first posted tis article?

  • bump GG- just looking the rules over for inclusion AAE-1939

  • Moderator


    bump GG- just looking the rules over for inclusion AAE-1939

    like 'em? and those took me about 10 min to come up with from first idea….

  • Yes I think they are way cool money!

  • Moderator

    cool man cool….

  • Partisians are already part of the A&A rules. Under World at War any unoccupied enemy controlled territory original color coded to russia will produce 1 inf every three turns. This inf cannot be used in an attack, only in defense and i believe he defends ona three but i’m not sure. this is the partisian rule already on the books.

    i would like to know more about SOE rules however if some body could help out.

  • Moderator


    Partisians are already part of the A&A rules. Under World at War any unoccupied enemy controlled territory original color coded to russia will produce 1 inf every three turns. This inf cannot be used in an attack, only in defense and i believe he defends ona three but i’m not sure. this is the partisian rule already on the books.

    i would like to know more about SOE rules however if some body could help out.

    What do you mean by SOE?

  • SOE Special Operations Executive, basically the american version of the british SAS. Are there rules for special operations or shadow ops in A&A. it is fairly well known that with the SOE or SOG, and the SAS then the war would have definitely gone to the germans. But throught the valiant efforts of a few men freedom won the day.

  • Moderator


    SOE Special Operations Executive, basically the american version of the british SAS. Are there rules for special operations or shadow ops in A&A. it is fairly well known that with the SOE or SOG, and the SAS then the war would have definitely gone to the germans. But throught the valiant efforts of a few men freedom won the day.

    nope… For Guerrilla’s mainly independent Civilian operators… But if you have some rules for SAS or SOE PLEASE POST 'EM HERE!

  • The closest rules i could find for the use of Guerrillas is in a Max’s guide. It says something about sabotage and interception of leand lease that differs from the WaW expansion. I can’t quite remember what right now but will post the rules tomorrow

  • To my mind partisans are a bad idea. The Axis has it tough enough already. I realize that it may add a certain dimension of realism, but so what? I mean, if we really want to get technical, then the German player should have to give up a part of his income every turn to spend on Hitler’s crazy, evil, and diabolical Holocaust.

    But if one insists on adding partisans, it should cut both ways. The Japanese should get extra men on enemy occupied islands to represent those die-hard soldiers, some of whom didn’t surrender until years after the war was over. And the Germans should get partisans to represent to SS Werewolves who harassed the Allies after the occupation of former Nazi lands. Or at least, if the Allies get partisans for free every turn, then the Germans should get free Gestapo every turn to combat them.

    And what about all of the unhappy folks in India and the Middle East who were actively supporting the Axis cause and couldn’t wait for England to get run out of those areas?

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