• Moderator

    don’t own any of the trilogy AaA… but have played AaA and AaAE…
    in purticular territories (AaAE: northern france, Belorussia, Ukraine SSR, Great Britian, USA) two Ideas:
    during each turn when occupied defender gets 1d6 for every ipc in territory…1-2 is a hit attacker chooses casulties(realistic)…
    During Invasion the same as above but the enemy Immediate loses those units…

    more Ideas…

  • 2007 AAR League

    You mean the game I want to play with (Axis and Allies, AAE, AAP). Sorry little confused :-? .

  • Moderator

    exactly I don’t know AaAP so couldn’t tell you rules…

  • In reality or Game?

    In the game. Besides, if you’re going to have those, what’s to stop also putting in Covert Ops men in the game? :)

  • Moderator

    any more comments?

  • I suppose partisans could work something like this:

    Cost: 4 IPCs

    A max. of 1 can be recruited each turn. When recruited, can be placed on any enemy-conquered non-homeland territory (in AAE, this would be the grey areas belonging to germany but being conquered rather than mainland, with Italy being an exception). However, they can be moved to enemy homelands once recruited from conquered lands.

    They work like ordinary infantry, with a few special rules:

    They have two modes: Surfaced and hidden (symbolise by tipping over like battleships and subs). They can switch mode either during the combat or non-combat movement (depending on whether they come into combat or not). They can both surface, hide and move in the same turn.

    When surfaced, they work like infantry in all respects, with the exception that when they defend they have the “disappear” ability, which works like subs submerging, with the exception that they can’t re-surface during the same battle. Each attacking infantry gets a sniffing out attempt (see later), and any surviving partisans become hidden in the region.

    When hidden, partisans don’t interact in any way with the enemy: They can’t conquer territories, they can’t attack or be attacked, they move freely, and they can be in the same area as enemies without anything happening. They’re effectively ghosts, with two exceptions:

    SNIFFING OUT: Enemy infantry units in the same region as a hidden partisan can attempt to sniff 'em out. This is done during the combat movement, and no other action can be taken by the sniffing infantry. The sniffing unit rolls one dice for each hidden partisan in the region. For each 1 scored, a partisan has been found, put against the wall and got his brains shot out while chanting his anthem.

    SABOTAGING: A hidden partisan can attempt a sabotage in the region. All enemy infantry units get a sniff-out attempt against all saboteurs (e.g. if there are two enemy infantry in a region and three partisans attempt a sabotage, a total of 6 dice will be rolled). Any surviving partisans immediately destroy 1 IPC from the enemy. Unless there is a homeland industrial complex in the region, the maximun IPCs destroyed is the IPC value of the region.

  • Moderator

    that’s for partisans…

  • '19 Moderator

    There will be no damn dirty apes in my games!! :x

    Oh wait, I thought you ment “Gorillas”, My bad. :oops:

  • gedunkin eh? I love gorillas, cept i dunno what they are.

  • @dezrtfish:

    There will be no damn dirty apes in my games!! :x

    Oh wait, I thought you ment “Gorillas”, My bad. :oops:

    I didn’t know Charlton Heston lived in Phoenix. :)

  • Moderator

    look Guerrilla’s up in a dictionary for a good description…

  • '19 Moderator


    I didn’t know Charlton Heston lived in Phoenix. :)

    We could only be so lucky :wink:

  • Where does he live? :-?

  • Moderator

    Please explain the Damn Apes I don’t get the Charlton Heston connection…

  • I think its how it was worded! :lol: :-?

  • 2007 AAR League

    GG could you give us some of your rules that you use for guerrillas? That would be great :D :D :D :D .
    Too bad StarTrekAxisAndAllies doesn’t get on much. I’d like to hear what he thinks on my game. It looks like MR beat us to 250. Good job Commisar :D :D :D.

  • @Guerrilla:

    Please explain the Damn Apes I don’t get the Charlton Heston connection…

    Charlton Heston was in the original (and better) Planet of the Apes movie.

  • '19 Moderator


    Please explain the Damn Apes I don’t get the Charlton Heston connection…

    LOL… before your time I guess

    Charlton Heston was the star of the original Planet of the apes movies. There is a quote from the first movie I believe that goes:
    “Take your hands off me you danm dirty apes”

    It’s a big deal because humans on the planet of the apes can’t talk, but this strange human can…

    Anyway you should see the movie it’s a clasic.

  • I hated the new one… :roll:

  • Moderator


    GG could you give us some of your rules that you use for guerrillas? That would be great :D :D :D :D .
    Too bad StarTrekAxisAndAllies doesn’t get on much. I’d like to hear what he thinks on my game. It looks like MR beat us to 250. Good job Commisar :D :D :D.

    Actually UKCom I have never used them… I think of a rule idea, sketch out a portion of map and have a go with my 12 6d (there all beauties…)

    Basic Idea: Propoganda can be used to broadcast into a country in attempt to gain support… 1 IPC is given to bombard them with across the border radio, Leaflets, and what-not… each Propoganda “attack” adds to a stack activated during invasion… For Every Chip a d6 is rolled(Therefore the more payed the more chance)… After The Territory is taken over the chip’s d6 is rolled… if a 1-2 is rolled, 1 Pop (IPC amount of Invaded Terr.) is out of Guerrilla activity and Passified… for the failed ones, God rest your Officer’s Souls… The Failed one’s a the Guerrilla Population… For Every round(at the beginning of the target players turn) The Guerrillas launch a raid… 1-2 is a sucessful one in which the opposing players decide the outcome:

    RAILWAYS DESTROYED: All Troop and Armor movement out or into to Territory is stopped but defense is allowed in case of attack

    KEY AIRFIELDS SABOTAGED: For Every Plane in the Territory pay 3 IPC’s to repair

    TOP OFFICIAL HIT: Loss of 8 IPC’s to bank due to recovery

    CAPTURE OF DOCUMENTS:All Territories that are adjacent to or is the Target terr. have a plus one advantage for attacking Aircraft(i.e. Fighters hit at 4 Bombers at 5)

    so far this is what I have in mind…

    Dezrtfish: Yes I was too young but you don’t look that old yourself for a 1968 movie (if your photo is remotely you)


    Additional Rules:
    if it is a failure(the Geurrilla Ops) the Invading country rolls a d6 if it is 2-6 the Guerrilla sucessfuly go back into hiding… if a 1 the leaders are killed and that pop. is Passified…

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