• I really like this Vance - gets a good head start in the Middle East for the Axis.

  • I’m thinking if you had sufficient Italian troops to can open on I3 then g4 a blitz of mech and tanks could take out a big stack of the Russian army. I also think that a small naval build should happen as this still will allow Italy a chance in Africa. Infantry buys and artillery buys should happen as well. So they can attack the territory the italians did not can open. This is not exact buys however a naval buy by Germany and a can open by Italy seems a smart way to go.

  • @Stalingradski:

    I really like this Vance - gets a good head start in the Middle East for the Axis.

    Thanks!  Yeah you do get a strong head start by going this way.  The Soviets get to build their forces for the first 3 turns but they are neutral and can’t activate North Persia until round 4 if you don’t attack them.  Meanwhile you land in Syria with 3 inf/3 art on G3, and then on G4 you activate the 3 Iraqi infantry and also land another 3 inf/3 armor in Syria.

    On G5 you can hit anything the allies have put in North or Central Persia with 6 inf, 3 art, 3 armor.  Planes from Greece airbase can also reach North or Central Persia and land in Iraq!  That prevents the Soviets from getting the “Spread of communism” NO for Iraq and Ethiopia etc.  At the same time as you do this you are taking Novgorod.

    On G6 you can land in Caucasus off transports in z110 and meet up with the units from North Persia.  From there, if you can hold the middle east oil NOs and Novgorod/Archangel I don’t see how Russia can keep from starving to death while Germany is earning ~70IPCs per turn.

  • most of the time I play with Russia, so I think since Germany goes before Russia It should attack very soon since Russia has only so much men there on the front line.

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