French Set…need help to finalize set.

  • I like a purple color for Vichy

  • @CWO:


    Personally, I am not a fan of the infantry piece wearing a beret.�  I think French infantry should be wearing the Adriene helmet.�  Or perhaps that round billed cap, like you might see on some French troops from the past.�  I think French police wear them today.

    I agree on the Adrien helmet choice.  The cylindrical kepi – – might be a problem because it could give the impression that the troops wearing it are all officers: it was worn by all ranks, but it invariably makes me think of De Gaulle.

    The beret might be appropriate for special French commando units.  If I remember correctly, Capitaine Kieffer and his men wore berets in the movie The Longest Day when they stormed the town of Ouistreham.

    If HBG decide to go for two french infantry, I would like one with adrien helmet and one with the Kepi.
    The one with Kepi would be great for the French Territories in Africa, I don’t think it will look like officer, just give them a rifle, they would be great for a French Foreign Legion infantry.

  • the idea for a french foreign legionnaire would be great for people you use Jeremy free french rule. and like the rest of the major powers, the french need a commando type unit that can para drop and the beret you infantry sounds like it would fit perfectly

  • The discussion about the beret made me think of French Resistance member Janine Boitard – played in The Longest Day by producer Darryl F. Zanuck’s girfriend Irina Demick – even though she doesn’t wear a beret in The Longest Day (though she does carry a rifle).  I think there’s a young female French Resistance member in the film Is Paris Burning who does wear one.  Anyway, here’s an idea to consider: should HBG at some point produce a specialty set of resistance / partisan-type figures, possibly even one that would contain a few female figures?  I think for example there were quite a few women among the Russian partisans – and indeed in the Red Army too, sometimes serving in roles fairly close to the front.  These figures could be applied to things like behind-the-lines operations in occupied countries, if players use house rules for that sort of activity.

    I suppose the main problem would be that, in order for the colours to match those of the main national sets, the resistance / partisan infantry units for the different countries (distinguished by their uniforms and headgear) would each have to have their own sculpt molds, rather than all being in a single multi-national mold.  Then again, perhaps this kind of specialty unit would only really apply to France and Russia, which would mean only two sculpt molds (one blue and one maroon/purple).

  • The Adrian helmet is probably more appropiate of a choice for the infantry in my opinion, as it was the standard French helmet. But Coach if you are looking for a different look from OOB, a beret or kepi would be a suitable and unique choice. It would add some nice diversity. But with keeping historical and game accuracy, Adrian all the way.

  • looks like the french foreign legion was using those caps

  • Customizer

    If HBG decides to produce two French Infantry sculps,…

    I also would be in favor of the: 1. Adrian Helmet, and 2. Kepi.

    It would be great to have some French Foreign Legionaires included in our games!

    “Tall Paul”

  • the french still needs a commando unit

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10

    First set will double as Spanish Republic and will include only one infantry piece.

  • so the beret stays?

  • Customizer

    Something just occurred to me.  Since HBG sets are meant to be supplementary sets to FMG and OOB pieces, basically units that aren’t included in either FMG or OOB, I thought your plan was to wait until each FMG set came out and then do your supplement set, so you don’t get too many duplicate sculpts. So why are you planning a French set now when FMG’s isn’t going to be for a while yet. They still have to put out USA and England/Canada/ANZAC for sure and perhaps Russia or Japan after that.
    If you make a French set now, aren’t you worried that some of the same units will be in the FMG French set? I don’t remember all that you listed, but the Char B1 definitely comes to mind. I am sure they would include that tank in their set.

  • Hey Ken I wouldn’t worry to much about the units being redone by either or. These 2 guys are in business together and I am sure they have it already worked out. I am excited about the French set. I personally hope they do USA,Britain,Russia,France,Germany and Italy infantry in some sort of winter garb. FMG’s German infantry in winter garb was the coolest piece I have seen so far. I wish he would produce it soon. I gotta have it.

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10

    I am not worried about a few duplicates.
    There will always be units that so iconic that the unit needs to be made.

  • '12

    Plus the way that FMGs old afctory was going we wont have any French units until 2020. By then I can welcome a new set of French lol. Seriously I hope  the new factory is better than the first one.

  • Customizer

    To expand on GoSanchez6’s idea with something I’ve been hoping for in the future, a Supplement Set for All Nations. A series of “Winter, Jungle, Desert, and Special Forces Infantry Sets” might be made. For Example:

    A Winter Infantry Set might contain all nations except Anzac.
    A Jungle Infantry Set might contain all nations except Germany.
    A Desert Infantry Set might contain all nations except China.
    A Special Forces Set might contain multiples from every country.

    There are so many Special Forces from every country that I believe that this would be a very popular set. Such as the French Foreign Legion w/Kepis, U.S. Army Rangers w/soft caps, Anzac Commandos, etc.

    This is something that HBG should consider.

    I stand ready to immediately Pre-Pay my reservation for these sets if that might help get them produced.

    I have not pre-set my choices and realize that there would be much discussion on particular units to go in the sets. That’s fine with me and I’m certain that I’d be happy with whatever units were decided on as long as we’re able to get the sets made. I know HBG is very busy with their ongoing announced sets, but I was hoping that these sets might be done over and above the supplement sets,…or after the supplement sets are completed. I appologize for putting this in the French Set thread but was following up GoSanchez6’s ideas.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer

    Okay, that’s cool.  Yeah, it might even be a good thing to have certain units in more than one set. I know you are making the Tiger I in your next German set and your are right, that is a VERY iconic tank for Germany. For that matter, the Char B1 is for France as well. Just thought I would bring it up in case you hadn’t considered it.

    Go Sanchez,
    I agree with you on that German infantry in the long coat.  That was a very cool looking sculpt and I sure hope we get to see that one in some future set.

  • @Tall:

    To expand on GoSanchez6’s idea with something I’ve been hoping for in the future, a Supplement Set for All Nations. A series of “Winter, Jungle, Desert, and Special Forces Infantry Sets” might be made. For Example:

    A Winter Infantry Set might contain all nations except Anzac.
    A Jungle Infantry Set might contain all nations except Germany.
    A Desert Infantry Set might contain all nations except China.
    A Special Forces Set might contain multiples from every country.

    There are so many Special Forces from every country that I believe that this would be a very popular set. Such as the French Foreign Legion w/Kepis, U.S. Army Rangers w/soft caps, Anzac Commandos, etc.

    This is something that HBG should consider.

    I stand ready to immediately Pre-Pay my reservation for these sets if that might help get them produced.

    I have not pre-set my choices and realize that there would be much discussion on particular units to go in the sets. That’s fine with me and I’m certain that I’d be happy with whatever units were decided on as long as we’re able to get the sets made. I know HBG is very busy with their ongoing announced sets, but I was hoping that these sets might be done over and above the supplement sets,…or after the supplement sets are completed. I appologize for putting this in the French Set thread but was following up GoSanchez6’s ideas.

    “Tall Paul”

    No need to make units like that when all you need to do is invest in 1/72nd size units from Revell or Cesear.  They are perfect for Axis.  Thats why I don’t understand why we are supplementing more INF units when 1/72nd units have been out there for years.

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10

    Johnson makes a good point here. I’ve used both of these brands as well as Pegasus and am quite happy. The tricky part is the color of the plastic. You have to paint to match unless you get really lucky.

  • im going to have to disagree. i tried using 1/72 pieces on my board and it just doesn’t look right, it does not have an A&A feel to it.the scale and color don’t match with the rest of the A&A pieces either, plus i like how infantry pieces have a round base to it. I mean if your going to use your painted 1/72 toy soldiers than thats cool, but please don’t take away the infantry from future sets that we need from the rest of us who want an infantry pieces with an actual A&A feel to it.

  • @Lunarwolf:

    im going to have to disagree. i tried using 1/72 pieces on my board and it just doesn’t look right, it does not have an A&A feel to it.the scale and color don’t match with the rest of the A&A pieces either, plus i like how infantry pieces have a round base to it. I mean if your going to use your painted 1/72 toy soldiers than thats cool, but please don’t take away the infantry from future sets that we need from the rest of us who want an infantry pieces with an actual A&A feel to it.

    To each his own.  My self I only use them, painted, for my Specialized units.  Such as Paratroopers, SS, Commandos, Marines, Rangers, Russian Guards, Volkstrum and so on.

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