• '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    You could build a minor on Korea, however.

    You can also build a major there.  Nice early in the game if you intend to surrender the Pacific.

  • TripleA

    yeah I been noticing the sino / russia japan give up the pacific thing… it usually fails hard, but germany takes russia on G5… thanks to japan’s bombing runs. The pacific looks like a mess after that, but whatever.

    I mean it is a dead giveaway when japan buys bombers J1 and J2. airbase mid china just to bomb russia and land in belarus… yeah… pretty obvious lol.

    I suppose a major industrial on j3 followed by an infantry spam would keep japan in the game after this point. I don’t really care, comes down to germany taking egypt or london after this. I guess axis could go for economic gains… but you won’t be on par with the allies as a whole… may as well rush.

    The idea is to bomb russia come J3 land belarus. J4 attack russia with all the air units then G5 attack and take it. Bam, G5 russia.

    Sure if you don’t want to lose all your japan air units just bomb russia another round and take it on G6.

    Tough call… comes down to rushing for egypt or london anyway… japan’s air loss advances you another round, but you pretty much give up on the attempt to resurrect the pacific… but whatever.

    I prefer G5 russia over G6, sure japan loses all his air on a suicide attack just to kill like 5-8 infantry so you can take russia… but you get 11 ipc in return to germany and russia does not collect and buy crap another turn… another turn ahead on the buy to get to egypt / london, which is important because you are outproduced… it is an all in strat to begin with.

  • Hello everybody.

    I’m translating the alpha3 rules in italian, and I’d like some clarifications about these points. Sorry if those have already been asked, but this forum is really huge… Thanks in advance for your time  :-) Some seems obvious but, well, just to make sure.

    The Allies win the game by controlling Berlin, Rome, and Tokyo for a complete round of play, as long as they control an Allied capital (Washington, London, Paris, or Moscow) at the end of that round.
    The Axis wins by controlling either any 8 victory cities on the Europe map or any 6 victory cities on the Pacific map for a complete round of play, as long as they control an Axis capital (Berlin, Rome, or Tokyo) at the end of that round.

    What exactly means a complete round of play? If, for example, i take the 8th VC with Italy, after the french turn it is over (unless they manage somehow to free a VC) or do I have to wait for the whole next round to be played?

    1. Is there other ways for UK\ANZAC to make an unprovoked declaration of war to Japan, apart from moving units into china? (of course, unless they actually declare war directly)

    Soviet/Japanese Non Aggression Pact: […] Mongolian territories will never become pro-Axis unless one or more of them is attacked by the Soviet Union.

    So, even if next to impossible to happen, if the USA\UK go for an airstrike on a still neutral mongolia (just for fun, let’s say so) nothing happens? Or does the others pure neutrals turns pro-axis? And why only a russian attacks turns them pro-axis anyway?

    1. In case an UK regional capital (London or Calcutta) falls in enemy hands, does the naval\air bases present in their part of the map still works? I mean, does they repairs ships? And what about the bonus movement? Plus, I guess they cannot be repaired by the other capital, right?

    2. Chinese air unit cannot fly over or land in sz or territories with no chinese mark, with the exceptions of Burma and Kwangtung. Question is: “even if the UK and Japan aren’t yet at war?” Why should they be allowed to land there but not viceversa? (see question 2)

    Submarines no longer fire a special “sneak attack” shot at unescorted transports that move through their sea zone (see page 30 of the Europe Rulebook). Instead, transports are not allowed to unload land units for an amphibious assault in a sea zone containing an enemy sub(s) belonging to a power with which they are at war unless at least one of his warships was also present in the sea zone at the end of the Combat Move phase.

    So, even if unlikely to happen, if the Home Fleet without a single DD is positioned in the same SZ with a german sub, an unescorted american transport in the same SZ is NOT ALLOWED to unload anything?

    1. Allied Air bases, partecipates in scrambles? I recognize this are rare cases but, still could happen. Let’s make an example: SZ115. Russians got an Air base at leningrad. English captures finland and places an airbase there. Both base are stocked with fighters. The germans attacks the russian fleet in SZ115. What would happen? Does the english fighters scramble? If no, would the scramble happen if those fighters were russians (but still in english territory and airbase?)

    That should be all, thanks for your time and efforts :wink:

  • @Lone:

    Hello everybody.

    I’m translating the alpha3 rules in italian, and I’d like some clarifications about these points. Sorry if those have already been asked, but this forum is really huge… Thanks in advance for your time  :-) Some seems obvious but, well, just to make sure.

    The Allies win the game by controlling Berlin, Rome, and Tokyo for a complete round of play, as long as they control an Allied capital (Washington, London, Paris, or Moscow) at the end of that round.
    The Axis wins by controlling either any 8 victory cities on the Europe map or any 6 victory cities on the Pacific map for a complete round of play, as long as they control an Axis capital (Berlin, Rome, or Tokyo) at the end of that round.

    What exactly means a complete round of play? If, for example, i take the 8th VC with Italy, after the french turn it is over (unless they manage somehow to free a VC) or do I have to wait for the whole next round to be played?

    1. Is there other ways for UK\ANZAC to make an unprovoked declaration of war to Japan, apart from moving units into china? (of course, unless they actually declare war directly)

    Soviet/Japanese Non Aggression Pact: […] Mongolian territories will never become pro-Axis unless one or more of them is attacked by the Soviet Union.

    So, even if next to impossible to happen, if the USA\UK go for an airstrike on a still neutral mongolia (just for fun, let’s say so) nothing happens? Or does the others pure neutrals turns pro-axis? And why only a russian attacks turns them pro-axis anyway?

    1. In case an UK regional capital (London or Calcutta) falls in enemy hands, does the naval\air bases present in their part of the map still works? I mean, does they repairs ships? And what about the bonus movement? Plus, I guess they cannot be repaired by the other capital, right?

    2. Chinese air unit cannot fly over or land in sz or territories with no chinese mark, with the exceptions of Burma and Kwangtung. Question is: “even if the UK and Japan aren’t yet at war?” Why should they be allowed to land there but not viceversa? (see question 2)

    Submarines no longer fire a special �sneak attack� shot at unescorted transports that move through their sea zone (see page 30 of the Europe Rulebook). Instead, transports are not allowed to unload land units for an amphibious assault in a sea zone containing an enemy sub(s) belonging to a power with which they are at war unless at least one of his warships was also present in the sea zone at the end of the Combat Move phase.

    So, even if unlikely to happen, if the Home Fleet without a single DD is positioned in the same SZ with a german sub, an unescorted american transport in the same SZ is NOT ALLOWED to unload anything?

    1. Allied Air bases, partecipates in scrambles? I recognize this are rare cases but, still could happen. Let’s make an example: SZ115. Russians got an Air base at leningrad. English captures finland and places an airbase there. Both base are stocked with fighters. The germans attacks the russian fleet in SZ115. What would happen? Does the english fighters scramble? If no, would the scramble happen if those fighters were russians (but still in english territory and airbase?)

    That should be all, thanks for your time and efforts :wink:

    Hello and welcome first off.  As for your questions…

    1. It is a complete round as in everyone gets to go one more time before the game ends if the Axis still held onto the needed victory cities and they controlled at least one of their capitals.

    2. Not that I am aware of. Because you can’t move units into Japan or anything controlled by them unless you are at war with them. Moving units into China does declare war though.

    3. Any land invasion of a true neutral will turn all other true neutrals into allied neutrals of the other faction. I don’t think an air strike would do it though. I am not sure myself if that has been asked here before. Its never come up in any of the games I have played.  The second part about why only Russia is because of the history of the nations. Japan and Russia always fought over that area and they would go try and hide behind the others nations army(this is putting it in really simple terms). So the game tries to reflect that. Pretty much its just guys and some space for one power or the other. Russia would have to be insane to attack that area though with all else that is going on.

    4. Yes the navel/air bases work in every area they are in even when it falls into enemy hands unless bombing damage disables them. Then they would have to be repaired by the controlling nation before they would work. And yes they would repair ships. U.K ships can be repaired at any U.K navel base reguardless of region.  Bonus movement also still applies.

    5. Because the UK and Japan wouldn’t be at war yet and thus China couldn’t move its units out of China unless it was attacking Japan.

    6.  No. A navel battle would be fought and then if the navel battle was won by the allies the unloading would be allowed to go through. Otherwise the transport would be sunk.

    7.  Yes they would scramble(in both cases) because they are all allies. In fact it would scramble units from both bases(up to 3 from each).

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    The thing is, the Allies CANNOT win the game unless the axis capitulates. (Sure, in theory they can get all the capitols, but seriously, there has never been a game for me in which the allies actually WIN - not classic, revised, lhtr, anniversary, global, or whatever.)  Germany CAN win the game even if Tokyo is owned by America.

    So the theory goes, so what if the Allies own the Pacific?  Slow them I suppose, but crush Russia as fast as possible, get those 3 VCs to Germany/Italy so they can get a VC win - as you said, on round 5?  So by round 8 they should have the VC win, presumably?  That only gives the United States 4 rounds to do anything of note.

    I’m not saying this is an “I win” strategy, I am not even saying this is a good strategy.  I am saying it is A strategy and one I have used more than once.

  • @RedHunter:

    Hello and welcome first off.  As for your questions…

    Thanks for your time and answer RedHunter, but I still have some doubts. :?

    4. Yes the navel/air bases work in every area they are in even when it falls into enemy hands unless bombing damage disables them. Then they would have to be repaired by the controlling nation before they would work. And yes they would repair ships. U.K ships can be repaired at any U.K navel base reguardless of region.  Bonus movement also still applies.

    Not sure about they repair ships… look here:

    Capture of one of the United Kingdom’s Regional Capitals
    If one of the regional capitals is captured, it will surrender any unspent IPCs that its economy has in its treasury to the capturing Axis power. An economy whose capital is held by the Axis can’t collect income, spend IPCs, or repair units. The free regional capital may never collect IPCs that would normally go to the captured regional capital, even if such territories are recaptured from the Axis. Other Allied powers can temporarily take control of any original United Kingdom territory that would otherwise be liberated when its regional capital (London or Calcutta) has been captured by the Axis.[this latest part is plain nonsense imho, but we aren’t discussing this right now  :-P]

    So ships repair isn’t allowed from what I see, of course limited to the part of the empire that falls to the enemy

    6.  No. A navel battle would be fought and then if the navel battle was won by the allies the unloading would be allowed to go through. Otherwise the transport would be sunk.

    That sounds strange to me, and I explain why. Simply because allied units never follows during an attack. You can attack exclusively with your own units. Even foreign aircraft carried on your own ships cannot partecipate in combat, so why should an entire fleet partecipate in an attack?

    Thanks :-)

  • TripleA

    when allies dominate the pacific it is easy to hold up london and egypt after that. taking an ipc command over the axis becomes easy as well. so yeah it is what it is.

    I played allies and took all capitals in anniversary, revised, and classic. Global is too big and allies are not in position to really rush a capital… japan and italy’s capitals are pretty easy. Problem is you have to turn around and save egypt/london once you have contained japan.

    The VC conditions really limit allied play strategies… if you do a rush as allies you have to turn around to stop the vc win on the other side of the map.
    Revised was the easiest to rush with the allies. buy armor with russia for the first 2-4 rounds, transports and men for uk and usa, boom boom done. so you lose russia to japan usually, usa goes pacific uk takes over europe boom boom done.

    anniversary same thing, but bigger board and you have to buy some carriers to protect your stuff… but same thing boom boom done, except russia buys inf/arty/armor instead of just armor.

    classic took forever because it was all about spamming infantry.
    I am surprised you have never once seen someone take japan.

  • @Lone:


    Hello and welcome first off.  As for your questions…

    Thanks for your time and answer RedHunter, but I still have some doubts. :?

    4. Yes the navel/air bases work in every area they are in even when it falls into enemy hands unless bombing damage disables them. Then they would have to be repaired by the controlling nation before they would work. And yes they would repair ships. U.K ships can be repaired at any U.K navel base reguardless of region.  Bonus movement also still applies.

    Not sure about they repair ships… look here:

    Capture of one of the United Kingdom�s Regional Capitals
    If one of the regional capitals is captured, it will surrender any unspent IPCs that its economy has in its treasury to the capturing Axis power. An economy whose capital is held by the Axis can’t collect income, spend IPCs, or repair units. The free regional capital may never collect IPCs that would normally go to the captured regional capital, even if such territories are recaptured from the Axis. Other Allied powers can temporarily take control of any original United Kingdom territory that would otherwise be liberated when its regional capital (London or Calcutta) has been captured by the Axis.[this latest part is plain nonsense imho, but we aren’t discussing this right now  :-P]

    So ships repair isn’t allowed from what I see, of course limited to the part of the empire that falls to the enemy

    6.  No. A navel battle would be fought and then if the navel battle was won by the allies the unloading would be allowed to go through. Otherwise the transport would be sunk.

    That sounds strange to me, and I explain why. Simply because allied units never follows during an attack. You can attack exclusively with your own units. Even foreign aircraft carried on your own ships cannot partecipate in combat, so why should an entire fleet partecipate in an attack?

    Thanks :-)

    Because the moment two powers that are at war end up with units in the same land space or ships in the same sea zone, combat is declared. So for example if Italy attacks a combined Uk/France fleet in the med both the UK and French units would fight and either could be taken as kills.

  • Yes, but in this case, a single unescorted american transport is the only attacking force, and it is moving in his combat moves, so he is “attacking”. Allied units will join in defending, not if you attack. :?

  • @Lone:

    Yes, but in this case, a single unescorted american transport is the only attacking force, and it is moving in his combat moves, so he is “attacking”. Allied units will join in defending, not if you attack. :?

    You’re right and Redhunter is mistaken (or didn’t understand you).  If the attacker doesn’t have a warship (or any kind, not just a DD), a transport or group of transports are prevented from performing an amphibious assault by the presence of an enemy sub.  A friendly ship that belongs to a different power can not cancel this out, even if it’s a DD

  • Ok, thanks. Probably it’s my fault, haven’t wrote in english for some time lately  :-D

    Thanks everyone for answering, so I can finally finish this translation correctly. :wink:

    Ehrm… forgot this:

    While not at war with Germany or Italy, the United States may end the movement of its sea units on the Europe map only in sea zones that are adjacent to US territories, with one exception - US warships (not transports) may also conduct long-range patrols into sea zone 102.

    Does that means that if I send for some reason my ships in SZ 121 (near Greenland) I cannot go back unless I place a naval base there?  :-o Is this correct? :?

  • I’ve got a sub question along the same lines as the last question.

    Assume both of the powers are at war. If a seazone has enemy subs in it. And a transport accompanied by an enemy warship(let’s assume it’s a battleship) wishes to amphib invade a territory from the same seazone where the enemy subs are. Can the transport and battleship completely ignore the subs, even if the subs want to fight and contest the invasion?

  • Yes. Doesn’t matter what the Sub owner wants. His Sub does not make the sea zone hostile, so he just gets to watch.

  • @wittman:

    Yes. Doesn’t matter what the Sub owner wants. His Sub does not make the sea zone hostile, so he just gets to watch.

    This seems really stupid to me. If it was a surface warship, then the SZ would have to be cleared before the seaborne invasion but if it’s subs the SZ is not hostile? It’s not like the subs wouldn’t know the invasion is coming and wouldn’t be able to attack the transports and accompanying warships.

    I’d like an official ruling on this please…

  • TripleA

    you just going to get the same answer you already got… don’t see what the big deal is. subs don’t make a sea zone hostile, they dont’ block anything, and your opponent can choose not to attack them. If you have something to scramble or a naval unit (other than transport) then yes your subs get to fight.

    you can always ask your opponent to let you buy a dd or something. if you are playing a casual game, most people will let you once the rules get clarified.

    If this was your UK defense or something critical, you just got to suck it up and lose. play a new game.

  • So if I can scramble then the subs can fight? Again, this seems silly to me.

    What about if I scramble and the escorting warship is a AC w/an attack value of zero? My understanding is there would at least one round of combat. If the AC survives the 1st round then it and the transports can retreat. If there was 2 or more hits by the subs, in the 1st round, then the AC and the transports die. Correct?

    And no this wasn’t my UK strategy. Who said anything about UK?

  • Just trying to understand the sub rules…

  • TripleA

    transports cannot retreat if they are unloading units. the carrier can.

    Lots of the rules seem silly by the way, but we explained it.
    I defended UK from sea lion with subs, that was glorious 5 defending subs shot down bship cruiser carrier. That is how I roll. All those transports dead, instant gg. I did lost a fighter which missed the 2 bombers have to scramble it.

  • @Lone Rebel
    I’m impressed you’re translating this game after all that was said in those Italian forums about it. Good luck with it.

  • 0 or 1 hit Carrier survives and the owner should retreat unless he wants to stay and eventually die.(umm!)
    2 hits Carrier dies, but the Transports can retreat.
    3 hits Carrier and 1 Transport dies, rest can retreat.
    4… � �Ca. � � � � � � 2 Transports die, rest … � etc.
    Attacking Transports only die when when they are hit.
    Defending transports are another matter:they  always die when attacked and their escorts(if any) have been sunk, only because they cannot retreat.

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