I thought about this a bit more, I find that the most natural way of dealing with the UK seems to be to starve it with subs and maintain a Sealion threat to force them to build out crap.
That involves building up Subs, air force and perhaps a carrier and a few transports to create a “Sealion in being”. For this threat to be credible, this means keeping the Soviets out of the war for as long as possible.
What I’m thinking right now is Germany building 3 subs on G1 to break loose in the Atlantic immediately, and perhaps buy a transport, save 5. The G1 moves focus on taking care of the UK navy with all planes / subs available.
On I1, Italy takes Gibraltar and attemps to clear out the med of ships. Take Alexandria
On G2, one need to consider what Japan will do on its turn. On J2, Japan will attack the UK, this means the US will enter the war soon after. Means that if the German sub in zone 106 is alive (50/50) and no new units were built in 101, the sub has a shot at sinking the US cruiser and transport. If the US built up in 101, then might as well go raid zone 89 to put US ships out of position. If that sub can go after the 109 destroyer, it probably should attack it to render the UK planes useless. If the zone 106 sub is dead, then none of that matters.
On G2, Germany tries to sink the 109 destroyer, if in reach, parks 3 subs in 109 if all destroyers have been cleared, otherwise, send 1 sub in 109 and 1 sub in 119. There should be 4 more subs left in total, so 2 others can go in 91. In mean time, 1 transports heads down to 91 for Egypt no. G2 purchases depend on situation on the board. Send planes in Alexandria. Additional transport reinforces Norway.
On J2, japan slams the hell out of Uk pacific and US in philippines.
On I2, try Egypt
On G3, Keep strangling UK and harrassing US (convoy 82), Keep reinforcing Norway / Keep building fleet and sending out subs. Can take one of French north american territories in transit to Egypt. Second German transport takes Morocco
G4, Germany Unit in Egypt, take Tunisia, Destroy Russian Navy, look for targets of opportunity, occupu 125.
On G5, either go for Leningrad or London or Baltic States or Finland, based on what US / Russia have been doing (probably Leningrad since UK will be irelevant).
Japan and Italy Should do well, and Germany will still be strong. Ruissia may turn overconfident and make a mistake (e.g, forgetting that transports bring considerable flexibility to Germany).
Im probably dreaming, but would be a fun game!