• Customizer

    Can I purchase a factory for say Finland on the same turn that I activate them?

  • '22 '21 '16 '15

    No I think you have to wait till the next turn.

  • You would have to wait till the next turn. You can build in a territory that you just took that turn, either via combat or non-combat. That includes building IC’s.

  • @Commando:

    You would have to wait till the next turn. You can build in a territory that you just took that turn, either via combat or non-combat. That includes building IC’s.

    I think your “can” should have been a “can’t”.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    You can only build them in places that you controlled at the “start” of your turn.

    Airbases, Navalbases aswell.

    Of note though…  can AA Guns be built ANYWHERE?  I mean, they’re not a piece, they are just that stupid cardboard chit…  I don’t see why we’re building them at factories still?

  • Customizer

    Sorry Gargantua, you still have to build AA guns at factories.  They are still basically defensive combat units.  By the way, I don’t use the stupid cardboard counters.  I kept my AA gun pieces from Revised and use them.  Much nicer.  I also don’t use the major/minor IC cardboard counters.  I use the little grey ones from Revised for minors and Risk City pieces for majors.  They look pretty cool on the board.  I only use the air base and naval base counters because we don’t really have a plastic piece for them yet.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Hey KNP,

    Got you beat, I use all the same items, AND Victory City tokens from Fortress America - they really add a good element to the board!  My post above is an expression for the frustration of those who just have the OOB version.

    And I am still adamant that AA guns should still NOT be considered units, they can’t be taken as hits, and the game itself - by cardboard design, has specified them as installations/facilities.

  • Thats true, by making them cardboard they are saying the aa guns are the same as the facilities.  I agree with Garg that they should be able to be built anywheres.

    Really though imagine the high school drop outs who made these cardboard counters.  One has to imagine that they tried to pick them up.  Didn’t they notice that human hands have trouble with slick cardboard on slick cardboard?  I’m sure they noticed that if you flip them over, you can pick them right up, but none were smart enough to reverse the printer and print on that over side!  I mean jeez.

    Makes me feel bad for WoTC.  I mean you pay someone tons of money to develop and produce a game and they miss the most basic improvement that won’t cost an additional cent!

  • Customizer

    You know, you guys have a point.  AA guns are treated more as facilities than units, not only by making them cardboard counters either.  In the old rules, if you captured a territory with an AA gun, you could turn around and use it just like an IC, Air base or Naval base.  I still don’t understand why Larry added the rule in Alpha +2 that AA guns are automatically destroyed when you capture that territory.  I think he should have left the cost at 6 IPCs and made them able to be captured.
    That being said, maybe you should be able to put an AA gun where ever you want, as long as you owned that territory at the beginning of your turn, just like an air base or naval base.  I know when I capture an important piece of real estate, one that might be a long way from any of my ICs, quite often I think it would be nice to put an AA gun there but it’s such a pain to have to transport it there.  This way you can defend it a little better, or at least make your enemy pay to take it back and not just lose cheap infantry.

  • '22 '21 '16 '15

    I also take the airfields from Guadalcanal and buy some additional

  • @Gargantua:

    Hey KNP,

    Got you beat, I use all the same items, AND Victory City tokens from Fortress America - they really add a good element to the board!  My post above is an expression for the frustration of those who just have the OOB version.

    Agree, I also use all my stuf from my previous versions. I absolutely dislike the cardboard stuff.

    If you like to have some great Major IC’s next to your original (now) Minor IC’s. Send a request to Hasbro and buy their City-replacement set for the new Risk. It totally ties the board together!  :mrgreen: (and it’s cheap, you’ll find the form on their site)

    I certainly would like to have some 3D naval and airbases though, anyone ideas?


  • Customizer

    Using the airfields from Guadalcanal sounds pretty cool, although they might be a little big for certain places.

    That’s something that bugs me about air and naval bases.  On one hand, I don’t like the cardboard counters either.  On the other, at least they are small and don’t take up too much space.  Once all the national combat units are done, FMG is planning on a commons set to include new ICs, AA guns, Bunkers, etc.  There are plans to make some sort of plastic 3-D piece to represent air bases and naval bases.  Thing is, will they work on our maps?  (Basically, I am meaning the Global 1940 map because that is what I have.  I don’t have the huge 1939 map.)
    Some of those tiny islands in the Pacific, like Guam and Midway, can hardly fit anything on them as it is.  Also, some territories in Europe get pretty crowded already.  Take United Kingdom;  it has an air base, naval base, AA gun and Major IC.  Then you have to add whatever combat units you have there.  That’s a lot of stuff for such a little space.  If we get actual plastic pieces for the bases, plus the other facilities, will there be room for anything else?
    You know what I miss?  The blow-up boxes that we had with Classic.  Those were really handy and I wish we had them here.  I would put my facilities and Strategic bombers in the blow-up boxes and leave all the other regular combat units on the map.  I guess we could use the marshalling cards and tokens from Revised, but as I have somewhat limited table space, I don’t like to use them too often.

  • hmmm, in fact blow up boxes that say, Axis, Allied, Comintern.  This way you could stack whatever army you want there, have a special token, place that token on the board and then the army is where the token is.  Kinda like the old fleet markers in Pacific.

    I like the cardboard counters for AB/NB.  By having them be so small and thin they do not keep me from placing models on top of them.  AA guns move around, they should never have been cardboard, but the static units are fine.  I also do not place IC’s unless they are new or perhaps Nitaly was downgraded from Major to Minor.  Thats because my opponent and I know where all the starting IC’s are, its only the new ones that have to be placed.

  • Customizer

    Umm … off topic, guys.

    Krieghund, can the factory be built?  Also, can planes be landed on the new ally as well?

    And could the planes land on a neutral friendly space like they can in the Dutch East Indies without having activated them?

  • Official Q&A

    No to all.

  • Customizer

    And is Crete counted separately from Greece?

  • Official Q&A


  • i have a question, if i buy a minor IC as Italy, and the same turn I take Egypt, can I place it directly in Egypt, or do I have to hold it a whole turn.

  • Customizer


    i have a question, if i buy a minor IC as Italy, and the same turn I take Egypt, can I place it directly in Egypt, or do I have to hold it a whole turn.

    You can only place ICs in territories that you controlled at the beginning of your turn.  You would either have to place that Minor IC on another territory worth 2 IPCs or more, or sell it back to the “bank” and buy it next round.  Then you could place it on Egypt, assuming Britain didn’t take it back.

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