• Hmm wel I suppose one thing is ANZAC sometimes goes unseen as its small and Calcutta seems like a bigger threat. Also I must say you seem pretty patriotic.

  • @mantlefan:

    Yeah Gallipoli sure helped a lot. I understand it’s nice to feel like one’s country matters on a macro military  level but it’s best to approach things rationally than with hubris.

    Hey Boof Head,

    Gallipoli was nothing! Have alook at the Western Front and how theAustralians turned things around for the allies when they Arrived. If your a Yank You can thank an Australian for being the only foreign commander to be given command of USA forces in a theatre of War in the Battle of Amiens which was the first battles fought by the Americans in ww1 and was a planning triumph by field Marshall Monash. They probably dont tell you about this on the History channel. The Australians and the Canadians won world war 1 by being far superior agressive seasoned troops and smart revolutionary tacticians. Gudarian the farther of blitzkreig achnowleges Monash as the First Commander to use Blitzing tactics.

  • well, thats a very American way of looking at things.  Pattons doctrine was also, throw lead at them to keep their heads down and advance.

    With a nation with less production power and less soldiers, innovative tactics are /their/ bread and butter.

    Still I would like to note that Monash was not working in a vacuum, there were German, British and even french military theorists who were coming up with blitzkrieg tactics towards the end of WW1.  Who was first?  I believe JFC Fuller, but I’m sure we all have differing views on this.

  • Alright even though I’m quite patriotic myself I hsve to be neutral here. I’m from the good Ol Red Whire n Blue myself but I have to say that wars arn’t won by a sinlge country (that is unless only two or less are involved). Britain, France, and Russia held of the central powers until America, Italy, and other nations could push the Germans over the edge. However I am more learned in WWII and I must say the turning point was when America and Russia entered. Otherwise Britain would have been destroyed along with all her Dominions.

  • First a rule question:

    Can ANZAC unilaterally declare war on Japan, without involving Great Britain ?

    ( This would allow them to collect their national objectives, during the first turn, but still keep, England safe from Japanese aggression - given that the Japanese wanted to keep the United States out of the war)

    Secondly more blatant Aussie cheerleading: ( from a Yank here but married to an Aussie)

    I agree that ANZAC is a great addition to the game and performs well !
    ( My wife said she bought me the game when she noted that Ancef was an independent power)

    While believing that the Aussies, by no stretch of the imagination, when the war of neuroma or were instrumental in it.
    I do believe they were quite impressive.

    If I’m not mistaken, the first time the axis was successfully, altered in the war came at Tobruk – which was largely an Australian effort

    That same division, ( the seventh I believe) was instrumental in handing the Japanese their first land based failure along with Kakoda Trail.

    For a very entertaining / extremely readable synopsis of both contains I recommend:
    The  Peter Fitzsimmons books:
    Tobruk and Kokoda
    ( both of which incidentally contain quite a bit concerning Chety Wilmott)

    as far as the first war is concerned – I recommend Gallopili – by Les Carolyn; The writing is even better and Fitzsimmons which is saying a lot!!

    I’m reading in now and find it hard to put down!
    ( I Always tried to read some  Aussie based military book around ANZAC day)

  • @Pvt.Ryan:

    Alright even though I’m quite patriotic myself I hsve to be neutral here. I’m from the good Ol Red Whire n Blue myself but I have to say that wars arn’t won by a sinlge country (that is unless only two or less are involved). Britain, France, and Russia held of the central powers until America, Italy, and other nations could push the Germans over the edge. However I am more learned in WWII and I must say the turning point was when America and Russia entered. Otherwise Britain would have been destroyed along with all her Dominions.

    Of all the people to push the Central powers over the edge, Italy? All they did was stall Austria-Hungary, but with the state of Austria-Hungary, they weren’t helping the allies much. Italian military history has been mostly irrelevant since the Roman era, and Italians today aren’t really Romans anyways. In world war II they more or less accomplished nothing; their soldiers were not very motivated and the Germans were more relevant in the fighting in North Africa and Italy itself.

  • I’m not talking about just Italy. Do you think America could win a war today if all countries went against it even though our military is superior? The point is that the Central Powers lost because everyone got fed up with them and decided to join the fight. The main ally to aid Britain and France was the US however.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    I don’t know what the Aussies accomplished…. but

    Curie, leader of the Canadian Forces, at the DISGRACE of the British forces, was going to be made fully in-charge of Commonwealth forces if the war had continued another year.

    Canadians developed the concept of the Rolling Barrage, thus taking Vimy Ridge in a single day - a position held for YEARS against British and French attacks.  This tactic became a major stepping stone in turning the war into the Allies favour.

    Canada went into WWI - thanks to many individual donors, with more Machine Guns, and Vehicles than the United Kingdom.

    A Canadian shot down the Red Baron.

    I have to say though, that if we all didn’t stand together, we all would have lost, alone.

    It’s good to see ANZAC represented in the game finally…  I hope Canada is next.

  • Gar theres a pretty cool house rule that make a nation called “Commonwealth” that makes bothe Canada and ANZAC. You should check it out.

  • As a Canadian myself I have great pride in our WWI and WWII efforts however one single countries efforts in any of these wars pales in comparison to the total effort by all countries.  If it wasn’t for everyones combined efforts we would be living in a totally different world right now. Everyone made needed sacrifices to win.

  • Yes exactly. Every nation contributed. Otherwise we’d all have a swastika for a flag and would be saying “Hielf Hitler!”

  • Customizer


    Yes exactly. Every nation contributed. Otherwise we’d all have a swastika for a flag and would be saying “Hielf Hitler!”

    No, everyone would be saying “Heil Hitler”.  If you said “Heilf Hitler”, someone would report you to the Gestapo and you would be taken in for questioning about your “antisocial” remarks regarding the Fuhrer!

  • Hope evreyone had a good ANZAC day yesterday !

  • Haha wow I rreallyie haet typoiess!@!#

  • I know my brother didn’t after I took the solomans killed his navy and left some subs to convoy his ass.

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