G1. Take all 3 French Territories in Europe. Place Major IC in Romania. Turn 2 should give you ~60 IPCs to build for a southern thrust….
How to take 3 french terretories in G1?
I’ve given that question some thought for a G1 Europe game attack on Russia. Here are the French moves along with the UK navy moves. They should apply in Global as well.
Normandy: 1 inf, 1 arm, 1 tac bomber= 3 pieces vs 1: Likely 1 round of combat
S. France: 1 Mech, 2 arm, 1 tac bomber= 4 pieces vs 2: Somewhat-Likely 1 round of combat
France: 5 inf, 2 art, 2 mech, 2 arm, 4 fighters, 1 tac= 16 pieces vs 12
(also, you are likely to hit 6 times round 1, 5 round 2, and take on round 3 vs France hitting 5, then 3 then 1. So you take with 0-1 mech and 2 arm, plus air)
sz 109: 2 subs vs 1 dd (tran)
sz 110: 3 subs, 1 bomber vs 1 DD, 1 BB
sz 112: (Italy) 2 fighters vs French CA if UK pulls out of 112.
Leaves the UK with 1 BB, 2 CAs and deal with them later using air/subs
Note: UK navy left partially in tact as part of a G1 assault on Russia per a prototype Europe version strategy I am drafting.
(Build is 1 CA,TT,Sub save 1 dollar) (Grab Finland+Bulgaria)
(Collect 44 -4 convoy+capture 17+ 10 for 2 N/Os + 1 saved for a G2 (Europe) income of 72 or 70 IPCs depending on USSR sub location) (Global will be 67 or 65 IPCs)
(Assumes German capture of Baltic States(3 inf, 1 art, 1 arm-retreat land units let art/inf from transport take round 2)+E. Poland(2 arm,5 inf))(Use 1 inf Romania and S. German stack to hit Yugoslavia 1 round and retreat to Romania to protect with 6-8 units from Bessarabia’s 2 inf and Russian air force)
(Italy hits Yugoslavia since Germany has S. France then (hopefully)retreats to Albania to help Seize Greece on I2.)