• Can’t remember for sure - can you blitz through an empty enemy territory and then claim a friendly neutral all in one move?  (Italian tank from Egypt to TrJ to Iraq)  Or do I have to take TrJ in combat move with a different unit, then move mech or tank from Egypt to Iraq in noncom?

  • Since activation of friendly neutrals is in noncombat, you cannot blitz into one

  • Hi i don’t have the rulebook with me and can’t remember the ruling for the following situation:

    If a defending carrier is taken out. Say for instance by a submarine squad and there is no friendly destroyer present. Will the remaing airplanes, which couldnt participate in the battle but are still up in the air, be able to land on a island located in that very sea? Which will technically be a move of 1.

    I can remember defending planes having an additional move of one when their point of origin is being captured. But this is offcourse clarified in the scrambling rules so it would possibly not apply here.

    Please if you could elaborate :)

  • Yes, they can land on an island in that same sea zone.

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    Yes, they can land on an island in that same sea zone.

    Yes, they have a movement of 1, so they could land on an island in that zone, a coastal territory in that zone, or a carrier in an adjacent zone.  (The latter caused grief between Omega and myself - he didn’t know I could do that and would have attacked a lone transport instead had he known that -  :evil: I proceeded to take over America……  :-D)

    One more thing - the carrier doesn’t have to be “taken out”.  If it takes a single hit from the sub before sinking the sub, the planes can’t land back on that carrier…

    IIRC the planes are not stuck on the carrier because they’re defending in the air.  But that means they could be lost (worse than being stuck on a carrier) if they have no other landing place…

  • @gamerman01:

    You can’t walk across the English Channel or the Turkish straits, or from North Africa to Gibraltar.

    Panama and Turkey are one territory with a canal through 'em. So you could attack Turkey with land units from Greece. Also, you can cross the Suez canal with land units.

    However, Gibraltar straight, Danish Straights and the Channel are not crossable by land units without the aid of transports. Because they are not canals.

  • 2007 AAR League


    Can land units load to SZ11 from either Mexico or SE Mexico?  We believe no, but would like an official ruling.

  • @Krieghund:

    Sort of.  On all past maps the Caspian Sea has only touched two territories that also touch each other, so it has not needed to be a game space.  On this map, it touches more than two territories, so it does need to be a game space.  It was simply missed when the sea zone numbers were assigned because we’re not used to it needing a number.

    So is it a seazone in Global? It gets number sz 128 then?

    Also, on the turn the USA declares war on Japan, can it load a transport that is in the same seazone as a Jap ship and yet still use it to attack a territory (landing units)?

  • Official Q&A


    Can land units load to SZ11 from either Mexico or SE Mexico?  We believe no, but would like an official ruling.

    You are correct.


    So is it a seazone in Global? It gets number sz 128 then?

    It is a sea zone, but it will not have a number.


    Also, on the turn the USA declares war on Japan, can it load a transport that is in the same seazone as a Jap ship and yet still use it to attack a territory (landing units)?

    Yes, assuming it declares war in the Combat Move phase rather than in the Collect Income phase of its third turn.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Another question, if Axis attacks Greece, does crete become allied?

  • Official Q&A

    No.  Crete is a separate territory, so it remains pro-Allies.

  • @13thguardsriflediv:


    You can’t walk across the English Channel or the Turkish straits, or from North Africa to Gibraltar.

    Panama and Turkey are one territory with a canal through 'em. So you could attack Turkey with land units from Greece. Also, you can cross the Suez canal with land units.

    However, Gibraltar straight, Danish Straights and the Channel are not crossable by land units without the aid of transports. Because they are not canals.

    Jeez!  Didn’t the game come out in late September?
    OK, OK, you’re right, the Turkish straits are all inside Turkey, so function like the Suez or the Panama canal.
    I’m not going to click all the way back to September 1 to check, but I recall writing about straits and canals because I was incredulous that you can walk from Eire to Scotland (and vice versa).  But you can, according to Krieghund.

  • @Krieghund:

    No.  Crete is a separate territory, so it remains pro-Allies.

    For the remaining of the game, I must add. Because it has not bases, income or troops and because is redundant with Cyprus

    Battle for Crete: another chapter in WWII history not covered in A&A due less-than perfect rules. And it has almost so few sense as the ACME wall in China or in neutral countries :wink:

  • Hope it’s OK to ask an Alpha+1 question here.

    We’re not 100% sure if tactical bombers on SBR attack at 1, or don’t attack at all.  The rule says bombers attack at 1 (doesn’t specify for sure if this includes tacs).  Thanks.

  • Official Q&A

    Yes, they do.

  • Q1. If russia declares war on Japan on turn 1 can russia now attack neutral territories?

    Q2. If russia is only at war with japan, can UK move units into russian controlled territories?

    Q3. If the US is at war with Japan and UK is not, can US units move into UK territories. If Yes, must japan declare war on UK to attack US units that are on a UK territory?

  • Official Q&A

    Welcome, Bigspender83!

    Q1. Box rules - yes.  Box rules with (as yet unpublished) FAQ or Alpha - only on the Pacific map.

    Q2. Box rules - yes.  Box rules with (as yet unpublished) FAQ or Alpha - only on the Pacific map.

    Q3. Yes and yes.

  • '10

    Could someone explain the scrambling rule to me in regard to amphibious assaults?

    I’ll use this scenario as an example:

    **UK has 2 battleships and a cruiser and is landing 4 infantry via 2 transports. 
    Germany has 2 infantry and 3 fighters in the territory being attacked.

    UK intends to use his naval power to bombard the territory before the infantry go ashore, but Germany declares that he is going to scramble his three fighters. **

    Does UK now have to assign part of his fleet to battle the fighters and part of his fleet to conduct bombardment (for instance: 1 battleship and 1 cruiser will take on the fighters and 1 battleship will bombard the territory), or do all of the naval ships battle the fighters and any ships remaining after the battle get to bombard, or is it something totally different?

    I understand the other part of the scramble rule where it’s fleet on fleet, but I’m a bit confused by the amphibious side of it.

  • My understanding is that air units can only scramble to help out a naval battle already in progress.  I could be wrong, though.

  • Official Q&A

    As with any sea battle preceding an amphibious assault, all of the ships must battle the fighters.  None may bombard.

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