It’s annoying how the people continue having ilusions about ignoring Japan in Global
First, Japan is not forced to attack J1 and I guess that in Global is a really bad idea letting USA attack the West Axis so early. A wise Japan will prevent any early Italia-Crush just not attacking USA until, at least, J3, thus having free reign to attack China and Siberia without much distractions
Second, USA cannot afford lose the war in the Pacific or ignoring that theater for that matters. If so, not only Australia, Hawaii, China, Siberia and India will be easy prey for Japan: USA will lose 12 IPCs by raid convoys. This means that USA is going to collect about 67-70 IPCs, not 100 as someone want think. Do you still think that you can crush Italy with full 67-70 IPCs? Bad news for you are …
Third, and more important than 1 & 2: if ignored, Japan could annoy Siberia, Middle East, etc, that’s true. But their main target is not Moscow, it’s Los Angeles. Did you noticed that Tokyo is, at least in game terms, nearer to Los Angeles than to Moscow? Japan has enough power to invade America, and when I say America, I mean all America, from Chile to Alaska. The simplest way is the classic Polar Express to Alaska. This time is even more powerfull since that Japan can pop a scary total of 20 infs a turn at Alaska each turn (Manchuria and Japan ICs) and you cannot use the old trick of buying at WUSA, because the road to East Canada is not too long and because, man, it’s 20 japs vs 10 yankees … and surprise! Maybe you could use your new Springfield (CUSA) IC to stop the japs? That will need about 60 of your 70 ICPs :wink: See the pattern? If you are too busy defending mainland all America, you are going to have serious problems to ferry some type of aid to Europe
So, in resume, as it was both in AA50 and in Revised, USA cannot ignore Japan unless that Japan wants allow that. And since there are so many advantages for Japan to attack America, USA will be forced to fight them, so it’s better doing it in the Pacific (probably saving at least Hawaii and ANZAC) than in mainland America. And I’m pretty sure that Mr. Harris ensured that the things were this way