My review copy of Axis & Allies Europe 1940 has arrived

  • @Imperious:

    And India will look like a female cows bottom…

    Actually if you look at DJensen’s pics of Pacific and Europe they look like they line up. I’ll have to go home and take a look for sure though.

    And I also counted up the IPCs for each nation (according to the values on the box) and it looks like the economies are:


    Quite an advantage for the Allies for sure.

  • But the tip is already passed in AAE, but in AAP its in the middle… I have 6 copies of AAP40 and India on that in in the middle, but in AAE40 its passed the middle…creating 2 points?

  • US:
    Central: 1 inf 1 mech 3 bombers 1 major IC
    Eastern:1 inf 1 art 1 tank 1 fighter 1 major IC
    Zone 108?:1 destroyer 1 trns

    Algeria: 1 inf
    Normandy/Bordraux? :1inf 1 major IC 1 naval base
    French west africa:1 inf
    France?:1 inf 1 art 1 tank 1 fighter 1 major IC 1 air base
    United Kingdom: 1 inf
    Morocco: 1 inf
    Southern France:1inf 1art naval base
    Tunisia:1 inf
    SZ 73? :destroyer
    SZ 91:Destroyer Cruiser
    SZ 112: cruiser

  • Soviets then Germans

  • @Imperious:

    But the tip is already passed in AAE, but in AAP its in the middle… I have 6 copies of AAP40 and India on that in in the middle, but in AAE40 its passed the middle…creating 2 points?

    I hope not, DJensen……PLEASE take a pic with all boards together. Lets end this debate once and for all, please… :-D

  • I think its this:

    Albania: 2inf 1 tank
    Ethiopia: 2 inf
    Italian Somaliland: 1 inf
    Libya:2 inf
    Northern Italy: 2 inf 2 art, 1 tank, 1 AA, 1 fighter, 1 Major IC, 1 air base
    Southern Italy: 3 inf, 1AA 1 fighter 1 Major IC, 1 naval base
    Tobruk:4 inf 1 art, 3 mech 1 tank
    Sea Zone 95: 1 CA, 1 BB, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 92 (or 97): 1 Destroyer 1 Cruiser 1 Transport

  • working on Soviets, then German…

    work on others and together we can post a complete list.

  • Soviets:
    Archangel:1 inf
    Baltic States:3 inf?
    Belarus:1 inf
    Bessarabia:2 inf
    Caucasus: 1 inf
    Eastern Poland: 3 inf
    Karilia: 2 inf
    Novogrod:6inf 1 art 1 AA 1 fighter 1 minor IC 1 air base 1 naval base
    Russia:2 inf  3 art 1 fighter 1 mech 1 tank 1 AA 1 tac bomber 1 major IC 1 air base
    Vulgugrad:1 mech 1 tank 1 minor IC
    Vyborg: 2 inf
    Western Ukraine:1inf 1 art
    SZ 115:1 Battleship 1 transport
    SZ 137: 1 submarine

  • Thanks guys for putting the lists together, much appreciated!

  • I think France has 6 infantry in the Paris territory actually.

  • Lord Bless my eyes so I may see these setup charts……

    Denmark: 1 inf
    Greater Southern Germany:6 inf 1 art 3 tanks
    Germany: 6inf 4art 1AA 1 bmber 1 minor IC
    Holland/Belgium: 4inf 1art 3tanks 1 fighter
    Norway: 2inf 1fighter
    Poland:3inf 1tank
    Romania: 2inf 1 tank
    Slovakia/Hungary:2inf 1 tank
    western Germany:2inf 1art 4 mech 1AA 2fighters 3tac bombers 1 major IC 1air base 1 naval base
    SZ 101:1 Sub
    SZ 108:1 Sub
    Sz 113:1 Cruiser 1 Battleship 1 transport
    SZ 117: 1 Sub
    SZ 118: 1 sub
    SZ 124: I sub

    Uk then done

  • @UN:

    I think France has 6 infantry in the Paris territory actually.

    These are as my eyes will permit. 20/20 but very blurry

  • United Kingdom

    Alexandira:2inf 1 art 1 tank 1 fighter
    Anglo egypt Sudan: 1 inf
    egypt: 1inf 1 art 1 naval base
    France: 1inf 1art 1tank
    Gibralter:1 air base 1 naval base
    Iceland: 1 air base
    New Brunswick: 1 naval base
    Ontario:1 inf
    Quebec:1inf 1tank 1 minor IC
    United Kingdom: 1 inf 1 AA 1 fighter 1 Major IC 1 air base 1 naval base
    Union of South Africa:2inf 1 minor IC 1 naval base
    West India: 1 inf
    SZ 71:1 destroyer
    SZ 85: 1 cruiser
    SZ 91: 1 destroyer 1 AC (1 tac on it)
    SZ 98:1 cruiser 1 transport
    SZ 106:1 destroyer 1 transport
    SZ 109:1 destroyer 1 transport
    SZ 110: 1 destroyer 1 battleship
    SZ 111: 1 cruiser 1 battleship
    SZ 112L 1 Cruiser


  • I think I saw 6 in France too. Man I can’t wait for more pics, this does feel like Christmas has come early for me!

  • Go ahead and correct. lets try to get a perfect list.

  • Italy 10 IPCs
    Albania: 2 INF 1 TNK
    Etheopia: 2 INF
    Italian Somaliland: 1 INF
    Libya: 2 INF
    Northern Italy: 2 INF 2 ART 1 TNK 1 AA 1 FGT 1 Major IC 1 AB
    Southern Italy: 2 INF 1 AA 1 FGT1 Minor IC 1 NB
    Tobruk :4 INF 1 ART 2 MEC 1 TNK
    SZ 95: 1 CA 1 BB 1 TR
    SZ 92: 1 DD 1 CA 1 TR

    United States 35 IPCs
    Central United States: 1 INF 1 MEC 1 BMR 1 Major IC
    Eastern United States: 1 INF 1 ART 1 TNK 1 FGT 1 AA 1 Major IC 1 AB 1 NB
    SZ 101: 1 DD 1 TR

    France 17 IPCs
    Algeria: 1 INF
    Normandy/Bordeux: 3 INF 1 Major IC 1 NB
    French West Africa: 1 INF
    France: 6 INF 1 ART 1 TNK 1 FGT 1 Major IC 1 AB
    United Kingdom: 1 INF
    Morocco: 1 INF
    Southern France: 1 INF 1 ART 1 NB
    Syria: 1 INF
    Tunisia: 1 INF
    SZ 74: 1 DD
    SZ 92: 1 DD 1 CA
    SZ 112: 1 CA

    Soviet Union 28 IPCs
    Archangel: 1 INF
    Baltic States: 3 INF
    Belarus: 1 INF
    Bessarabia: 2 INF
    Caucuss: 1 INF
    Eastern Poland: 2 INF
    Karellia: 2 INF
    Novgorod: 6 INF 1 ART 1 AA 1 FGT 1 Minor IC 1 AB 1 NB
    Russia: 2 INF 1 ART 1 FGT 1 TAC 1 MEC 1 TNK 1 AA 1 Major IC 1 AB
    Volgagrad: 1 MEC 1 TNK 1 Minor IC
    Vyborg: 2 INF
    Western Urkrane: 1 INF 1 ART
    SZ 115: 1 BB 1 TR
    SZ 122: 1 SS

    Germany 30 IPCs
    Denmark: 1 INF
    Greater Southern Germany: 6 INF 1 ART 3 TNK
    Germany: 6 INF 4 ART 1 BMR 1 AA 1 Minor IC
    Holland/Belgum: 4 INF 1 ART 3 TNK 1 FGT
    Norway: 2 INF 1 FGT
    Poland: 3 INF 1 TNK
    Romania: 2 INF 1 TNK
    Western Germany: 2 INF 1 ART 4 MEC 1 AA 2 FGT 3 TAC 1 Major IC 1 AB 1 NB
    SZ 103: 1 SS
    SZ 108: 1 SS
    SZ 113: 1 CA 1 BB 1 TR
    SZ 117: 1 SS
    SZ 118: 1 SS
    SZ 124: 1 SS

    United Kingdom 29 IPCs
    Alexandria: 2 INF 1 ART 1 TNK 1 FGT
    Anglo Egypt Sudan: 1 INF
    Egypt: 1 INF 1 ART 1 NB
    France: 1 INF 1 ART 1 TNK
    Gibraltar: 1 AB 1 NB
    Iceland: 1 AB
    New Brunswick: 1 NB
    Ontario: 1 INF
    Quebec: 1 INF 1 TNK 1 Minor IC
    United Kingdom: 3 INF 1 AA 3 FGT 1 Major IC 1 AB 1 NB
    Union of South Africa: 2 INF 1 Minor IC 1 NB
    West India: 1 INF
    SZ 72: 1 DD
    SZ 85: 1 CA
    SZ 91: 1 DD 1 AC w/ 1 TAC
    SZ 98: 1 CA 1 TR
    SZ 106: 1 DD 1 TR
    SZ 109: 1 DD 1 TR
    SZ 110: 1 DD 1 BB
    SZ 111: 1 CA 1 BB
    SZ 112: 1 CA

  • What are the two roundels next to all the other UK roundels?

  • oztea

    Use my model because i wrote it in long form which is more readable. Just check it and edit in subsequent post. INF, TNK, SS is just shorthand. We are making official list here.

  • I presume the UK roundels are for the different economies you might have to track (global game only)

    Union Jack for European Forces on the IPC chart
    RAF Roundel for Pacifc Forces on the IPC chart

  • @maverick_76:

    Is it possible that you could shoot some more closeups of the board? Please…… :-)

    or you could just post some higher resolution photos.  I would expect the photos posted were compressed a bit, and are better quality in their original form.  Could you post the originals somewhere, like mediafire or BGG?

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