I need help defeating Britian plz reply

  • turn 1 goals for japan: china occupied
    peral harbor destroyed
    india occupied (usually only possible if britain didn’t move his transport into the french indo china sea) tons os infantry in manchuria and french indo china

  • hey strong bad- what are you trying to accomplish with japan? what do you do as japan if in T1 russia takes manchuria? not critisism only a question.

  • well i almost always play russia restricted, so russia can’t take manchuria on turn 1. and even if we do let russia attack on turn 1, than we have high bids and usually an extra infantry or two or three gets placed in manchuria, so it would be virtually impossible for russia to take manchuria on turn 1

  • what are bids?

  • when 2 people play the game, both players bid for the axis. this means they both select a number, and the player with the lower number gets the axis. the player with the lowest number gets that many IPC’s to spend on axis units before the game starts.

    e.g. player 1 bids 7, player 2 bids 6. player 2 plays as the axis, and he gets 6 IPC’s to spend (or save) as he sees fit on units for the axis before the game starts. the units he places can (obviously) only be placed in axis controlled territory. so player 2 decides to build 2 infantry in manchuria, so before the USSR even makes their first move there are 5 infantry in manchuria instead of 3

  • How do you bid in the case of 5 players?

  • In my opinion USSR taking Manchuria on T1 is practically a death warrant for Russia. Why?

    1.) You would almost certainly take heavy losses in INF before you prevail.

    2.) Japan will be forced to take back Manchuria on T1. This will indeed slow down Japan’s advance in East Asia for a turn, but the tradeoff is not worth it because…

    3.) USSR is forced to either leave the rest of their Eastern territories underdefended, or to commit signifigant forces from the West to shore them up. Either way you’ve weakened USSR far more than the measly 3 IPC gain for 1 turn or the setback of Japan are worth.

    CAVEAT:I suppose with careful follow-up planning by all the Allies, the situation could be exploited for a possible edge on Japan. A case in point would be if all the Allies gang up on Japan T1 with concerted attacks, or if the UK wish to place an IC on India. The USSR siezure of Manchuria could then prove valuable to the overall Allied picture. But in general I believe it would be far more useful for USSR, if he/she is feeling aggressive, to hit-and-run Manchuria by scoring 1 or 2 hits & retreating with whatever’s left, than to actually take the territory & set in motion a chain of events that would be detrimental to the Allied cause…

    Just my opinion…


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