• '10


    So true, AA50 is a great game, but after we get Global 40, it will be like yesterday’s news.  Long and gone.  I already play AA50 with my students at school, cause I know the G40 game is coming soon.

    Not so sure about that. P40 is somewhat tedious in a pbf setting so G40 will be worse. I can’t imagine G40 ftf…I mean how can you get 6-7 players to sit for 12 hrs ?

  • Yeah, most people will play with 4, 6 if they can.
    We have to wait and see about the G40’s play.  If the first 3 rounds become too predictable, then there will be a call for a 41/42 setup for the game so that you can just bypass the first 3 rounds and get some action going on the board.

  • I doubt there will be 12 hours games after the first match. I guess 7-8 hours maybe, but it could be even less (I have played some AA50 games ftf in only 3-4 hours)

    About AAP40 tedious … well, I don’t find tedious playing allies. In this game at least I feel I have a chance, and that’s a good change from AA50. I love playing the minors BTW. Well, you could have a point about Japan being a bit tedious because is so big, but I guess that a more slow, calmed J3 attack can lead to a less stressing Japan

    Anyway I’ll shift to G40 when arrives. By now I have 2 AAP40 games and only 1 of AA50 (1942 scenario)

    1941 and 1942 scenarios for G40? Forget about a official scenario, but soon or later they’ll appear as non-official mods. G40 will be so big that will allow many mods. Myself I’m planning more alternate history mods than a possible 1941 or 1942 mod. Turtledove’s aliens and CSA mods could be released sooner or later  :-)

  • That sounds like the most logical, “Summer of 41”, just before Barbarossa & Pearl. You could even keep some of the French in Africa I guess, along with some of its fleet (or not). Liberating Paris and bringing in the blue would be a cool twist as well for a 41 game. Toss all the political rules out the window (saves time). It would be like an axis rd #3 all out attack. All the pro this or that neutrals would be assigned to a power by then. Would you still allow the true neutrals to be invaded, in 41 there are still some choices to be made. Neutrals would be time consuming for a tourney, but for just your average FTF game it would be cool.

  • I agree- others wanted a 42 setup which I think to too closed.  I like the 41 setup idea for Global- similar to the 41 in AA50.  Guess we’ll bug the old man soon on his site. :wink:

  • @questioneer:

    I agree- others wanted a 42 setup which I think to too closed.  I like the 41 setup idea for Global- similar to the 41 in AA50.  Guess we’ll bug the old man soon on his site. :wink:

    While you’re at it, ask the old geezer for a '39 set-up as well.

  • @Brain:


    I agree- others wanted a 42 setup which I think to too closed.  I like the 41 setup idea for Global- similar to the 41 in AA50.  Guess we’ll bug the old man soon on his site. :wink:

    While you’re at it, ask the old geezer for a '39 set-up as well.

    Sorry, won’t do, 41 makes the most sense and I’m pretty confident that he would agree.  He’s said before that he is definitely closed to the idea of a 39, 43 or 44 version.

  • Thank heaven 43, and 44 set up would be terribly boring. And All that happened in 39 was the invasion of Poland.
    He picked the best time to do it (Post Dunkirk) It would be waaaay to crazy to have it pre Dunkrirk

  • @Brain:

    While you’re at it, ask the old geezer for a '39 set-up as well.


  • @idk_iam_swiss:

    Thank heaven 43, and 44 set up would be terribly boring. And All that happened in 39 was the invasion of Poland.
    He picked the best time to do it (Post Dunkirk) It would be waaaay to crazy to have it pre Dunkrirk

    I want waaaay to crazy so I can conduct the war the way I think it should be fought.

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