My map isn’t heavily distorted to fit too many kind of units. I am favour to add new units if only absolutely needed. But Italy and China have units with similar Mech stats to diversify their options.
Hey guys, I’m currently designing a new map and ruleset for an advanced Europe game. However, I want to implement some rules whereby a unit will have different att/def capabilities against different types of units. So - before I get too carried away with this, does anyody know if such a thread already exists here? Please point me in the right direction. :-)
If not, then I want to start with the sea units. Destroyers, Cruisers, Aircarft Carriers and Battleships will all keep their existing att/def values in naval combat (ship against ship). However, I want to give them a different set of values against aircraft. Now, it’s only the defence value I’m interested in as ships don’t attack aircraft.
I’d like your help/input/guidance with regard to finding a nice balance for these defence values. I admit I don’t know very much about the historical accuracy of WWII surface warships anti-air capabilities, so I would welcome any expert advice. All I have managed to come up with so far is:
Destroyer 2
Cruisers 2
Aircarft Carrier 2
Battleships 1
Is that in any way a good relection? Many thanks for all your help.
id say a carriers would be 3 vs air and a battle ship at 2
Look at AARHE 4.0. We have established all of that and given each ship AA capabilities on first round.
Thanks guys. IL, I took a look at what I thought was the file you were referring to. I’d like some input from other players as well please. Did I read somewhere before that Cruisers had more anti-aircraft guns on them then Destroyers or Battleships? I Rock, why do you say 3 for Aircraft Carrier air defence? Did those vessels have a lot of anti air guns on them or something? I’m thinking 3 is a little high for any sea unit but I’m open to ideas! Thanks.
So it’s looking like:
Destroyer 2
Cruiser 2
Aircarft Carrier 3
Battleship 2
I originally thought 1 for BBs to reflect their weakness against air attack. Any more suggestions? Once I get this matter squared away, I’ll then take on air unit capabilities. It’s all good.
aircraft carriers did have alot of ack they had “light michineguns” “heavy michineguns” and flak artillery