I’ve based my comments on those I have read in the memoirs of Lt. Colonel Hans Van Luck in “Panzer Commander” and from Maj Gen. F.W. Von Mellenthins’ “Panzer Battles”. Both made comments to the effect of Patton being one of the best allied generals with regard to his application of armored formations in combat. Von Mellenthin having fought against Patton in Alsace-Lorraine region of France remarked that He, his immediate superior, General Balck, and the army group Commander von Rundstedt were very wary of the movements of Patton and his 3rd army as they knew he had true understanding of armoured warfare. Though von Mellenthin goes on to say that Patton’s 3rd army’s habit of including “leg” infantry was a poor choice and hampered him from greater operational success, and the GI’s were rather poor soliders, but Patton still managed to make the most out of it.
In the other instance Von Luck faced off against Montgomery in operation “Goodwood” during the break out from Normandy and made mention of a number of rather obvious and simple mistakes Monty made during the operation. For instance he commented that British tanks would move with out any infantry support, or infantry moving without armoured support, would make it very easy for the Germans to deploy effective counter-measures and inflict great casualties on Monty’s forces.
They are, I feel, the best contemporary (of that time) sources for the feeling of German officers about two of the key allied commanders. If you want I can go back into both books and cite specifics passages.
Good post! :) Elsewhere, I’ve read that Montgomery would attack only when he had overwhelming numeric superiority. Superior generalship can be used to compensate for numerical parity, or even numerical inferiority. To my knowledge, Montgomery never displayed superior generalship in that way.
Admittedly, the Allies typically had overwhelming numerical superiority, especially after 1941. This meant Allied generals had relatively few opportunities to show what they could do in an even fight. But my sense is that Montgomery’s advances tended to be slow, plodding, unimaginative, and therefore more expensive in terms of Allied soldiers’ lives lost. Fast advances, such as Germany’s blitzkrieg or Patton’s attacks, tend to allow any given military objective to be achieved for a much smaller cost to one’s own soldiers.
You’ve pointed out that Montgomery made basic mistakes during Operation Goodwood. This reinforces my impression that Montgomery was a less capable, less imaginative, and less insightful general than Patton. A lack of deep insight and caution can often go together. Someone who does not deeply understand a situation cannot understand its risks or how to avoid them; and therefore seeks to minimize all risk. On the other hand, someone with deep insight may realize that something which on the surface had seemed risky is actually relatively safe–if done correctly. It’s a difference between an 80 year old woman driving 10 MPH below the speed limit, and a race car driver traveling at a very high speed. Something which would be sheer suicide for a below-average quality driver is within the acceptable risk tolerance of the race car driver. His skill greatly reduces the risk associated with his high speed. By the same token, Guderian, von Mannstein, or Patton could undertake rapid advances more safely than could Montgomery.