How popular is the Sea Lion feint nowadays?

  • Yes, that’s death, and that’s why you scramble sometimes

  • '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16


    Was playing Ike and he went for SZ 110 & 111.  Knowing I never scramble, he came light to 110 (I think it was something like 2 subs, 3 fighters, 3 tacs).  He had a terrible roll in 111 (had to back out and I actually kept a tipped BB), followed by a very rare scramble from me (which made sense based on the previous battle).  He only hit 3, I got lucky and hit 5.  All said and done, Germany had lost 6 planes, while the UK had lost none and had 2 BB’s remaining.  We decided to restart.  Allied victory!  8-)

    I am under the impression that all scrambles need to be decided before any combat is rolled. Am I misunderstanding this?

    I get that a friendly game doesn’t always stickle for rules, but in this case I’m asking about the rule


  • I don’t think he’s saying he made the scramble decision after 111.  I think he’s saying they rolled 111, and it didn’t go well, and then rolled 110 which killed Germany and they started over.

    Yes all scramble decisions are made before any dice

  • '15


    I don’t think he’s saying he made the scramble decision after 111.  I think he’s saying they rolled 111, and it didn’t go well, and then rolled 110 which killed Germany and they started over.

    Yes all scramble decisions are made before any dice

    This is correct.  As I read what I wrote I can see that I wasn’t clear on it.  The initial scramble decision was made because Ike came in light, figuring I wouldn’t scramble because I never do.

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