The Oscars, George Clooney, Crash, your etc….

  • Didn’t watch.

    Who won best Score?

  • Brokeback Mountain won best score o_O

    The best song was this hip-hop thing called “It’s Hard for a Pimp Out Here”


  • Why the hell did George Clooney win???!!!

  • So you dislike Clooney because he supports Democrats?
    His career seems to be strong from what I see, but I don’t watch many movies. Ripped off or otherwise. :)

  • Hes a democrat? I just though hes a terrible actor, but ifs hes a democrat then thats twice as bad!

  • Moderator

    actually he can be quite good… depends on what films you have seen him in… I think that Brokeback Mountain has been way overdone (nuff said)…


  • We have a joke here with the guys when they are acting wierd.

    “Go back to Brokeback mountain” :mrgreen:

  • Clooney won for Syrianna?

  • Im not sure, he won best actor for something and Syrianna is all I can think of that he was in.

  • Moderator

    He won Best Supporting Actor for Syriana…

  • I just saw Crash the other night. Very good movie, I recomend it.

  • M36,
    Yeah, people try to kill me every day on the highway for human contact.

    Gee! I don’t even have a W bumper sticker on my car.
    I wouldn’t mind if they just limited it to running into my bascart with their’s in Krogers!

  • he was also in Good Night and Good Luck

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