You also realize that in order for Italy to actually get 19 IPCs round 2 all if the axis must hold off from taking any France tts until France falls!
This includes Normandy and south France (5IPCs)
Meaning now 5 less IPCS less Germany on top of the 23 for not taking France G1
IMO this strategy is so flawed it’s silly, and I’m beginning to wonder if we’re not just arguing with a couple noobs. (No offense but this has to he pointed out)
I’m sorry this guy is lost or dosnt understand how this game works basicaly my last post in this matter.
I’ve stated again I’ve played in tournaments and countless levels of expertise from novice to finalist and there’s no one clear way to win you use any advantage to win and sometimes play and use tactics that are unconvential
Yes Italy may loose up to 20ipcs worth of men to gain 19 from sacking France and 4 for the value of the teratory. But Endland would loose up to 50+ by stacking most of there fighters last I checked 20<50 for value correct?
England is the ultimate bitch nation in this game. I don’t care if they lose their capital, as long as they can stall Germany/Italy for any number of turns, then they’ve already done their job.
Also while yes America just sits at Gebralter that dosnt stop transports ferrying troops over and having part of the German Airforce covering France/Italy to counter any attack
How would an air force counter attack a navy West of Gibraltar? Its to far away. And if your Air force is in France, then Russia must be VERY happy right now.
All of France can fall in one Turn
'IT. CANT. FALL. TURN 1. unless Germany takes it. Or you get lucky, but luck is no substitute for a good strategy.
so I have no idea what this kid is talking about. And this is all round 1 threw 2 movements round 5 is to late to just have America
America can be West of Gibraltar turn 3. And who cares when they arrive? Italy will see it coming and realize ‘oh shit, i need to turtle’. And turtleling will NOT get Italy into Africa.
sit at Gebralter and think it’s doing anything.
It does.
The idea behind this is too flood Africa
Cant. America. Unless you want to lose Italy.
and push into Iraq ASAP.
Blows my mind how people are so short sited
Oh wow.
with just seeing things one way and just reply with America rushs
They do, its to good of an opportunity to pass up.
in lol
Anyways I’m done try it
… It’ll work and mouths will drop other wise no point arguing with inexperianced players
Uncrustable’s right. No point, arguing with people who clearly don’t know what their talking about.
Once again, If Italy is going to get France, then you must choose one of the following as the Axis: