• The rules that I use to add Italy and China – don’t change anything to much either … like you said – just the IPC values and a few territory changes (i.e. add Mongolia for China and give Italian East Africa to Italy – stuff like that). Of course, there has to be some additional troops added here and there as well, but overall – not to many changes.

  • Here’s what I’ve come up with so far

    –- West USA —

    IPC Changes

    Western USA: +2 (12)
    Hawaii: +2 (3)
    Midway: +1 (1)

    Total Starting IPCs: 24 IPCs

    Unit Changes:

    Add one AA-gun
    Add one infantry
    Add one Bomber

    — Japan —

    IPC Changes

    Okinawa: +1 (2)
    Caroline Islands: +1 (1)
    Solomon Islands: +1 (1)
    Wake Island: +1 (1)
    Borneo: +1 (2)

    Total Starting IPCs: 30 IPCs

    Unit Changes

    East Indies Sz:

    Add 1 Sub
    Add 1 Inf


    Add 1 inf
    Add 1 AA-gun


    Add 1 inf

    — East USA —

    IPC Changes:

    Eastern USA: +6 (18 IPCs)
    Starting IPCs: 23 IPCs

    Unit Changes:

    Eastern USA

    Add 1 ftr

    – Germany —

    Unit Changes:


    Add 1 inf


    Add 1 inf

    There you have it :) Please respond for balancing issues or other comments. A rough patchwork, but looks reasonably balanced.

  • Looks good, but is it balanced? US (combined) went up from 36 to 47, while Japan’s went up only 5 and Germany none. Seems like Germany or Japan needs a little more economic strength. Have you play tested this? If so, does it come out evenly matched?

    Don’t get me wrong … I love the idea – I’m just wondering how it plays out.

  • You may think that going from 36 to 47 is a big difference… but in reality it is not. The main factor is that 36 IPCs is usually used to fight one-theater only (usually the Germany-first strategy). Any expert A&A will tell you its much better to stick on one front only rather than divide your resources. With 36, you can concentrate maximum force in one area (classic Blitzkreig doctrine). However, with a 24/23 split, the presence isn’t felt nearly much. However, to balance things out more, I’m willing to remove some starting units from US (maybe Hawaii shouldn’t be THAT powerful) or add more to the Axis.

  • 2007 AAR League

    What about Vichy France? I’ve heard people talk about it before, and even though they wouldn’t have much I still think it’s an interesting idea. What do you think?

  • France is possible… but what could you give them? I much rather have Italy as a second Axis than France… there’s just really not much they can do except guard against D-Day.

  • 2007 AAR League

    I agree. It was just something I thought I might mention. However, I do believe they would have some troops in Algeria, and you might give them French Equatorial Africa. Again, just a thought.

  • It could work, though you might rework to add Spain or Swtiz in the game too. However, I predict that France might have problems dealing with the Allied navy and airforce.

  • if you have 7 people isn’t it better to play diplomacy?

  • Not everybody knows how to play or wants to play. :)

  • TG Moses VI I would raise the East to match the West in that variant.

    By the way please tell us how that game went?

  • 2007 AAR League

    You might just have to give France some things that are not entirely historically accurate :lol: .

  • TG Moses VI I would raise the East to match the West in that variant.

    In most games, Japan can take China pretty quickly (within the first three turns), dropping W USA’s economy down to 20 (18 if they take Alaska along with it). However, E USA’s economy is relatively protected throughout the entire game.

  • @TG:

    It could work, though you might rework to add Spain or Swtiz in the game too. However, I predict that France might have problems dealing with the Allied navy and airforce.

    Spain could work, but since Spain would be economically and militarily weaker than the Allies I would add Portugal as a neutral territory on the Atlantic so that Spain is not invaded immediately. Give them Spanish Morocco and then they would have 2 territories from which to expand. The problem would be for Spain to find anywhere to expand to since Germany blitzes almost all of Africa immediately.

  • Spain was a weak country economically and man-power wise, so I wouldn’t consider it a axis power. However a Spain-France Nation might work (with the addition of Italy maybe)

  • @TG:

    Spain was a weak country economically and man-power wise, so I wouldn’t consider it a axis power. However a Spain-France Nation might work (with the addition of Italy maybe)

    yet Spain had the youngest general since Napoleoin, Franco, who was very competent.

  • Adding Canada is another possibility. Canada could become the principal supplier of forces to Britain while the United States could focus on fighting Japan in the pacific.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Interesting, however this might give the Allies and the U.S. to much of an advantage seeing as they would be able to divert much more of their resources to the Pacific. I’m curious to see what other people think.

  • Might work … being that Canada’s income would be so low and the fact that it would also take away from UK’s. Probably have to raise WCA’s income to 3 and ECA’s to 6 for being the capital (for a total of 9 IPC’s – UK’s would fall to 26).

    Also, you may have to add an infantry or 2 in Africa to help UK hold on to some IPC’s.

    Really, you could add any country or as many as you wanted to — just have to tweak the IPC values and starting units to keep some kind of balance.

  • yet Spain had the youngest general since Napoleoin, Franco, who was very competent.

    In this game you act as the general

    Canada could be an option, but I either see them as too weak or giving the Allies too much of an advantage. What does adding Canada as a country offer to game? It serves the same function as UK (and you don’t really want two powers doing the same thing). Of course you could add an element by forcing UK to act mainly on South East Asia.

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