How Did Your Forum Name Came To Be?

  • downtrodden market?

  • Slavery and the like fer reparations. :roll:

  • Hmmm… I don’t remember anything like that in China. :-?

  • I think it’s called “communism”.

  • No, that kind of badly mismanged Stalinism is more like slavery without reperations. :-?

  • No, the slavery was from my Irish ancestory. :)

  • @TG:

    dude - you should be building your sister up in public.

    And where would the fun be in that? :-? But I’ll tone it down from now on. :wink:

    Yea Give TM a break :)

  • :lol:

  • @Xi:

    No, the slavery was from my Irish ancestory.

    Those English dogs. :wink:


    My forum name stems back to when I started doing the A&A PBEM thing. That year (2000-2001) was the inaugural season for the Minnesota Wild. I was a season ticket holder and very into hockey coming back to Minnesota. I had to give my tickets up due to the re-prioritizing of my life (I got married). Now I am only able to go to one or two games a year. However, I still follow the team and am hoping they make the playoffs in the next season or two.

    Looks like people sure like their hockey. :wink:


    Yea Give TM a break

    So what? So she can play more DoD and grow “hair on her chest.” :-?

  • naw so she can enjoy her Child hood while it still lasts and be free to develop her personality. but if she starts to change stop it cus shes realley funney and cute the way she is lol. and yes she can play more DoD and grow some Hair on her chest ;)

  • Not English Dogs … Amero-English Anglicans!
    :cry: Ah, yes! I remember my slavery days with great sorrow. :wink:

    DoD? What kinda game is Department of Defense?

    D_E_S, you and T_6 an “item?”
    This romance seems to
    span several strings?

    Just askin’.
    If you are
    I’m 8) wi’ it! - Xi :roll:

    Oh, if you decide
    to dump the slut
    I think you’re
    kinda cute! :wink:

  • @Xi:

    Not English Dogs … Amero-English Anglicans!

    Yep, those Americano Angelicans are terrible types – my sister happens to be one! :P

  • @Xi:

    D_E_S, you and T_6 an “item?”
    This romance seems to
    span several strings?

    Just askin’.
    If you are
    I’m wi’ it! - Xi

    Oh, if you decide
    to dump the slut
    I think you’re
    kinda cute!

    Wha – What the hell!


    naw so she can enjoy her Child hood while it still lasts and be free to develop her personality. but if she starts to change stop it cus shes realley funney and cute the way she is lol. and yes she can play more DoD and grow some Hair on her chest

    Yeah, don’t you just hate that? :-?

  • @Xi:

    Not English Dogs … Amero-English Anglicans!
    :cry: Ah, yes! I remember my slavery days with great sorrow. :wink:

    DoD? What kinda game is Department of Defense?

    D_E_S, you and T_6 an “item?”
    This romance seems to
    span several strings?

    Just askin’.
    If you are
    I’m 8) wi’ it! - Xi :roll:

    Oh, if you decide
    to dump the slut
    I think you’re
    kinda cute! :wink:

    WHAT?!?!?!?!?!? LOL

  • @GeZe:


    I’m a programmer. :D

    what languge? I want to learn Java.

    You name it. I’m partial to Microsoft technologies, however, I do dabble in MySQL and PHP.

    Java is slowly gaining momentum, but it’s still to slow.

  • It’s all about Sun - they do a good job for us. :wink: Unlike Microsoft… :-?

  • Sun…does a better job for you than Microsoft? The proof is in the success of the two companies.

  • Hmmm… could it be that Sun actually gives their stuff away for free (Java), unlike Mircosoft who copy the code, rewrote some of it, and tried to sell it for a fee? Hmmm… major lawsuit.

  • Hmm…could it be that Microsoft gives away it’s stuff for free too? (Internet Explorer, Outlook, .NET, Windows Media Player)

    Microsoft’s products are a lot more useful and productive than anything SUN makes…

  • doubtful.

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