• Customizer

    So when these new prints of Europe 1940 and Pacific 1940 come out, they will mainly be minor changes to the map and a re-writing of the rules to reflect the latest Alpha+3 setup, right? And perhaps the correct number of tac bombers for Japan and a correct battle strip in Pacific 1940.
    The rest of the games will basically be the same in regards to the pieces and other materials, right?  EG:  blue Soviet pieces for France and brown German pieces for Italy.
    You know, one thing that would be a big improvement is if they reprinted Pacific 1940 with the higher quality cardboard pieces, like control markers, factories, bases, of Europe 1940 rather than that thin flimsy stuff.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Playing Axis & Allies all weekend with your friends….  = $580

  • Sponsor


    Playing Axis & Allies all weekend with your friends….  = $580

    • Beer

  • @knp7765:

    So when these new prints of Europe 1940 and Pacific 1940 come out, they will mainly be minor changes to the map and a re-writing of the rules to reflect the latest Alpha+3 setup, right? And perhaps the correct number of tac bombers for Japan and a correct battle strip in Pacific 1940.
    The rest of the games will basically be the same in regards to the pieces and other materials, right?  EG:  blue Soviet pieces for France and brown German pieces for Italy.
    You know, one thing that would be a big improvement is if they reprinted Pacific 1940 with the higher quality cardboard pieces, like control markers, factories, bases, of Europe 1940 rather than that thin flimsy stuff.

    Flip the cardboard counters upside down and they become immensely easier to pick up with guy fingers.

  • What changes to the board are going to be done?  I haven’t seen anything on Larry Harris’s site to suggest a change.  Unless you are talking about make the seazones the same color, making the convoy and kamakazi zones readable.  Stuff like that.

  • Sponsor

    Photo shop the base icons directly on to the map file, print it and laminate it…. It’s way better because those little cardboard bases are hell. Get spring 41 and paint half the factories red or black for majors, you will also be giving yourself extra units, chips and dice when you buy this cheaper game.

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