I’m sorry.
Racial Profiling in airports
Btw, what do you guys think of the developments in Israel this last week. Israel is jailing Arafat in his compound, not allowing him any contact to the outside world, and asking him to DO something! What the hell is he gonna do?
Egypt pulling out of Israel, I can see other countries not hesitating to do so.
Ariel Sharon is the worst Prime Minister (from my point of view) In Israel for a long time. Hell, Israelies voted out their best hope for peace during a special election (Sorry, its late, I forget the guy’s name)
Now, Israel takes military action and screws over their chances for peace. If it continues, the UN would probably side with Palestine.
Now, I ask you, why does the US stay in Israel? They produce nothing of worth, have no oil, and we no longer need them as a presence there to fight against the Soviets! I think we should pull out, put our aid somewhere where its better spent, either on Humanitarian aid or US interests.
Put money into these (IMO)
(a) Somalia - We gave up 9 years ago
(b) Fight Against Aids - There is always a cure, we just need to fund it
© Other Middle Eastern Countries - Jorden needs it a hell of a lot more than Israel, Jorden doesnt even have enough water for it’s own people.
(d) Home - Domestic issues. Social Secuirity (which we need to get rid of entirely, the system is flawed), and Economic issues.
(e) Pay off our Debt! -
Oh, and 3,000 dead? You know how many people die from Cigarrettes Daily? 5,250 people die directly from Cigarrette linked diseases every day. Stuff like Black Lung.
You wanna save lives? Make Smoking illegal. Hell, go for the full effort, make Alchohol illegal. That will save lives, not spending billions fighting terrorists futally and kiling more innocents than Innocents died on 9/11.
I hope that you were being sarcastic about the information reading cigars and alcohol. Anyways, I agree on the other points. American funnels billons of dollars worth of money and equipment to Israel each year (but you have to understand American supports other countries to a lesser degree). I would love to see our nation debt paid off, though that will probably never happen. However, the truth about AIDs is that it can never be completely cured or eradicated. The main problem is that HIV is a very special virus that alters is form at an astronomical rate compared with other viruses. Simply put, a cure that worked 5 years ago wouldn’t work today.
Smallpox was eraticated. Smallpox killed more people than Aids. And it spread much more easily.
Well the genetic make up of HIV and smallpox is very different. Both are spread differently, have different symptons, among others.
And HIV is the prime concern of medical researchers. Also, medical science has come a long way since the 80s, when Aids was the prime concern of the world. Public awareness has grown, as has public funding. If we want it, we can get it.
I think that the prevention of AIDs through public funded awareness and safety regulations would do more to eradicating AIDs then finding a cure. As you know AIDs is a very hard virus to spread if you take the necessary safety precautions.
Yanny you are dead wrong. Israel is basically a rock, but a very well sstrategically placed rock. America spends 30 billion dollars in military spending in Asia (korea and japan.) 150 billion dollars protecting europe from the USSR (which is gone.) 1.8 billion dollars in military assistance to israel, whose army is worth 150 billion dollars of american spending a year…and yet we spend that much in europe, against what enemy? Israel is america’s stronghold in the middleeast, andwhen it comes to money, it’s a 97% off deal.
"Btw, what do you guys think of the developments in Israel this last week. Israel is jailing Arafat in his compound, not allowing him any contact to the outside world, and asking him to DO something! What the hell is he gonna do? "
Arafat makes Sharron look like he wants peace (and remember, sharron is popular from the early 1980s because of his brutality.) You see, the israelis are trying to insult arafat, which is stupid. That is the most they can do to him without touching him. The israeli attack has been succesful, because they have killed the men behind some attacks and suicide attacks against civilian populations have stopped. The palestinians leave israel no choice but to do a military occupation (and hey, if they were already “occupied”, what is this called?)
I’m pissed off at bush for not supporting israel…he is only brown-nosing arab states that do not support any attack on iraq.
Yanny, i think the guy before sharon was Barak…
Actually turkey is your key to the Middle East. Also this cycle of violence does no good for Israel. Before you had a select number of fanatics, but now you see a increasing number of the general population joining the ranks.
but still…where does the fault lie?
who is starting the violence? stop justifying it.
Israel kills more Palestinians than Israelis are killed.
If people are willing to kill themselves to kill Israelis then Israel cannot be completely innocent.
Turkey, Jorden, Egypt, all good countries. We need to work with them.
Anytime a country occupies another counrty, its call an invasion and the world stands against it. Why is this not the case with Israel? America is cover with Jews in power position. Sorry if this offends anyone.
Well both the Palestinians and Israelites are at fault. You think in the countless years of fighting, these people would learn, but I guess it isn’t the case. Kinda of reminds me of many old stories of two groups fighting each other that they forgot what actually it was that they fought about.
The israelis are condemnable but the terrorist refuse for their to be an existance of an israeli state.
"Israel kills more Palestinians than Israelis are killed.
If people are willing to kill themselves to kill Israelis then Israel cannot be completely innocent.
Turkey, Jorden, Egypt, all good countries. We need to work with them. "
I’m not sure how much you can rely on them…if america would to go after iraq, they would not help us… israel is also the best strategic ally for the suez canal (besides egypt itself, but that’s not going to happen.)
More palestinians die because they commit and protect ones who do violence. I admit that the second intifada started after sharon instigated a fight (by going on the temple mount, of muslim importance, i believe he actually entered a mosque), but how oes that justfy people going crazy killing people? How does that justiy Arafat not usng hs police to stop terror? The palestinains are the ones with something to gain, and their justiofiction of violence hurts ther cause.
Without Turkey as an Ally, I dont think we should even try going after Iraq. Turkey is a strong ally though, and we’re going in.
At first, the Palestinians (and all Arabs) were at fault. They had ties to the Soviets, the Israelis had ties to the Americans. It was just another part of the Cold war. The cold war is over. Israel won. Israel now decides to occupy 3 areas and declare them their own. They occupy the Gaza Strip, Golan Heights (which belong to Syria) and the West Bank.
Israel needs to forgive and forget. Few arestill alive and fighting who were involved in the 1948 wars. Since then, Israel has always been the aggresser. They attacked in 1967, and occupied the land which they now hold.
I agree that Turkey is one of America’s strongest allies. Do you see many American air bases in Israel compared with Turkey? Besides, Turkey has owed us a great debt of gratitude after WWII under the Marshall Plan to stop the spread of USSR communism.
Also I support the idea of an independent state for both sides. As for these terrorists, they don’t represent the majority of Palestinians. But if this fight continues? Who knows what’s bound to happen?
I’m not exactly sure that Israel has always been the aggressor since 1967. In 1973, Egypt launched a devestating attack against Israeli positions near the Suez Canal.
I like turkey as an ally, but one can’t count israel out of its strategic position (the suez canal remember.)
“Israel now decides to occupy 3 areas and declare them their own. They occupy the Gaza Strip, Golan Heights (which belong to Syria) and the West Bank.”
They didn’t NOW decide to do that…that occurred years ago after a war they won. to the victor go the spoils. Though i do support peace, and not support additional settlements, which have been created during the sharron era (around now), but the truth is that israel has been attacked, and is being attacked. the quicker the “palestinians” stop the violence, and make the peace, then the “israeli expansion” will stop. IMO, the settlements are another thing on the israeli bargaining table, just like the “right of return” for arabs. Israel has turned their backs on the settlements before (when they made peace with egypt.)
By the way Yanny, when did you start being interested in politics? do your parents influence you?
I would have to admit my upbringing gave me a lot of my opinions.
"I swear, it fell out the window! " -Yanny
“The only enemy more powerful than an invisible enemy is an invincible enemy”- me
According to some, I’m in the CIA or the Mossad, because I support Israel on Indymedia[ This Message was edited by: HortenFlyingWing on 2002-04-09 16:10 ]
well it’s not to say that Israel would be a strategic partner if USA were to go with war against Iraq, but Turkey deserves a lot of undue credit.
Palestinians. Also, I don’t think that many Middle Eastern countries were to go to war with Israel if they were to return their settlements aquired many years ago. They’re at least smart enough to know that the Israel are here to stay and it’s time to move on (something a lot of diehard fanatics won’t admit). Beside, Israel has the backing of the most powerful country in the world, there’s just no point to war.
I believe that the Palestinians are in similar situation to the American Revolution. Sure land and rights (taxes and representation in government) played a part in these current events, but I’m sure what the Palestinians want is freedom in their own independent state. Do you think if America were to make peace with Britain, everything would be settled (ie home rule)?
Now, you see, it is a possibility (surely not definate), that the point of peace is to shrink and weaken israel for war (remember the sudetan land?.) Now the control of the palestinain water is another iffy subject i need more research for. supposedly the peace proposal was denied for many reasons, one is that the israeli’s control palestinain water. to what extent, and to what truth i cannot tell you.
another thing is that the israelis were willing to trade the land of the settlements for strategically less important land…
when it comes down to it, the palestinians chose war…and not the people, the people in command, who bvenefit from the violence that makes them powerful.
Well no one profits in war except for manufacturers and people in a strong political situation that have something to gain for it. Also in the case of the Sudetenland you have a radically different situation compared with the Middle East. A major change is that today we have the United Nations and not the League of Nations which was no more than a laughing stock. Attributing to this was a combination of the Treaty of Versailles, worldwide economic depression, WWI disillusionment, and a lot more .