• Thought I’d take a poll to see where people are.  If you feel you lean one way or the other then you can post that percentage, (like 20% A2 rules and 80% A3 rules)  This is for both FTF games and online play although battlemap might have standardized one ruleset, I am unsure.

  • We play with the A3 ruleset, but we don’t take AA guns as casualties still and have modified the Victory conditions to 7 in Europe and 4 in pacific

  • I think A+2 is the better of the two even though I only sat down to three A+3 games and 35+ A+2 games. It seems like it can be more any bodies game. The A+3 I did a sea lion and it did seem that London fell easier (twice).  But then again maybe it could have been the dice. Thats what I like about this game sometimes you get that hot streak and your Inf can attack planes and tanks and win and not need to be out numbering them, or subs that hit and dont get hit. I should have put a mark on that piece because it never got sunk and took lots of money and boats
    ALPHA+2 is the better set up    in my opinion
    Table top is how I play and next year I’m going to start a second group 2-3 newbies

  • poll is almost closed.

  • Sponsor


    poll is almost closed.

    For all the lashings Alpha+3 got when it came out (including from myself, regrettably), it seems as though Larry and the boys know a thing or two.

  • I just wanted to say that the ALPHA+3 was the 1st print not the 3.5  and last weekend the allies won
      I was Japan and doing very well but I think my axis partner was stuck with not having played Germ for a while and being a bit rusty
    The Italian Fleet being split differently I feel made them weaker and France with the AA gun made them look tougher. It was a good game and next weekend ( this one coming up ) It is going to be 1 on 1
      May the dice gods be with me , they were last weekend
    When I lived in Oklahoma the group banned chanting , these guys dont mind

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    When I lived in Oklahoma the group banned chanting , these guys dont mind

    LOL, whats next?  A Dice IDOL?

  • There was one dude who after rolling poorly would throw his dice, and then we told him he should get a hammer and smash them for doing what they did to him, after all his strat. was ok it was the dice that let him down.  Sure enough the next week he was smashing dice with his hammer.
    Needless to say we never asked him to join our group
    I say yes to the dice Idol  maybe fuzzy ones hanging on a rear view mirror or a huge gold colored one on a trophy stand    Interesting  I now wonder if people would worship it

  • Sponsor

    I used to throw my dice in anger all the time, but I guess people can change, because I havn’t done that in years.

  • Sorry If I offended any one. this would have been 1985 in Stillwater  Oklahoma  I dont think it was you Young Grasshopper

  • Sponsor


    Sorry If I offended any one. this would have been 1985 in Stillwater  Oklahoma  I dont think it was you Young Grasshopper

    I wasn’t suggesting that I was the guy you were talking about….lol, I have lived in Canada my whole life. There are lots of players out there that throw their dice in anger.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Someone tried and failed to knife me, over a game of Conquest of the Empire (We were playing outside and blame the sun).  That’s about as extreme as I’ve ever seen it get.

  • Sponsor


    Someone tried and failed to knife me, over a game of Conquest of the Empire (We were playing outside and blame the sun).  That’s about as extreme as I’ve ever seen it get.

    Years ago, I had a dream that I was playing a serial killer in an A&A game and the loser had to commit suicide. I won, but I think the victory had something to do with the metaphysical law about how you can’t die in a dream.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    but I think the victory had something to do with the metaphysical law about how you can’t die in a dream

    LOLOLOL  Could you imagine if you had lost?  He was a SK anyways… too busy thinking about killing instead of playing A&A.

    I would play someone the game - for their life. Haha!

    To go back ontopic Alpha 3+ is the only way to play, that’s the last LH approved ruleset!

  • I use the Alpha 3 setup with several minor differences (airbases on malta, extra fighter that was removed from France in London) and a few major ones aimed at making the game more historic. I play the mongolian rule as if Japan attacks ANY Soviet tt then Mongolia becomes Soviet and I have reduced the value of Timguska to 0IPC and increased Yakuts to 2IPC. I have also kept the rule that either side that gets attacked will get 12IPC to spend immediately. It helps balance the other unstable Soviet F.E. front.


    I would play someone the game - for their life. Haha!

    I believe that it says in some mythos that you can challange the Grim Reaper to a game of your choosing when he comes to take you and if beat him you get a reprieve. The amount of time it would take to play a full game of A&A1940 against death would take so long it would be like a reprieve in and of itself!  :lol:

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Hmm… The Angel of Death will come play “Your” game hey?

    I wonder how the dice would roll lololol… would you end up owing Lady Luck?  Can the GR read your mind?  He would probably move pieces around on the board without touching them.

    That’s kind of freaky man…  I would play as the allies, all the time, you would never lose.

  • Sponsor

    I also prefer playing the latest rules by the book, and I enjoy creating house rules as a hobby even if they never get played.

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