Something I considered using in my variant.
US - Green
UK & NATO - Tan
France - Blue
USSR - Red
China - Orange
Then you use Brown, Light Green, and Black to represent Pro Communist, Neutral, and Pro-Western
BUT here is the twist. You put forces of all 3 colors in countries to represent their leanings.
So for instance, a country like Venezuela would have 4 brown infantry, 2 light green and 2 black
If you try to activate it as the US, the neutrals join the Pro Communists, but you get the 2 black infantry on to your side (represents friendly forces)
Major powers can spend money and buy forces around the world for their proxy wars.
Yep been working on something like this for a long time. Finding all the pieces and color matches has been expensive and somewhat difficult to get I just the way I like it. I love the idea of proxy warfare and superpowers shuffling armies round the globe.