• Hi,

    So when the French have the advantage of placing 4 of there infantry after France being Liberated, does the French player place all 4 men back into France at once as a foursome, or can it be spaced out throughout the rounds ( meaning maybe 1 man this round, 2 the next round and the final man in a future round ) ?
    I have had a heated discussion and I believe it states they are placed after liberation, all 4 must be placed, not spread out in rounds ( Pg 35 Europe book ).

    Answer is please??


  • Customizer

    Yes you are right. All 4 are placed in Paris (France) when it is liberated. This happens once during the game. So if Germany recaptures Paris and the Allies liberate it again, then France does not get any more free infantry.
    By the way, France actually gets 12 IPCs worth of units to place on France. So it doesn’t HAVE to be 4 infantry, but I think that is the most popular solution. It could be 4 infantry, 3 artillery, 3 mechanized infantry, 2 tanks or any combination like 2 mechs + 1 artillery, 2 infantry + 1 tank, etc.
    I think you could even choose 1 fighter, 1 tac bomber or 1 bomber, however in the case of the fighter and tac you would be losing 2 IPCs or 1 IPC respectively.
    Also, on the combinations, if you choose an odd amount (e.g. 2 infantry + 1 artillery = 10 IPCs) then you simply lose the remainder.

  • Official Q&A


    By the way, France actually gets 12 IPCs worth of units to place on France. So it doesn’t HAVE to be 4 infantry, but I think that is the most popular solution.

    That depends on which edition you’re playing.  In the 1st edition, it’s simply four infantry.

  • Customizer

    Oh yeah. I always answer based on 2nd edition. I forget some still play 1st edition or even one of the Alphas. Sorry about that.

  • Thanks Knp ( no troubs ),

    I was referring to the OOB rule of 4 units. So Krieg, it can be any four units like Knp described as an example? I had never thought of that using any land units.


  • Official Q&A

    Under the 1st edition rules, it must be four infantry.  Under the second edition rules, it can be any combination of land and/or units whose total IPC cost is 12 or less.

  • Gotcha, thanks all. Nice that help is always and continues around the corner!


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